Noobs hate this key because it fucks with there gayming...

Noobs hate this key because it fucks with there gayming. Yet you use it and it fucking opens your start menu to search whatever shit you want. You don't need a keyboard. You lock your screen with it (Win+L), you open Windows Explorer with it (Win + E), You press it alone (Win) opens up the start menu. Name a more comfy button, but is also noob repellant. You can't. It's the Win button. discuss.

Attached: file.png (1200x504, 896K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>You don't need a keyboard.
Not even to press the fucking key?

Attached: 1514609281235.jpg (792x792, 177K)


fuck I screwed up. You don't need a mouse haha

God damn it I'm drunk... Throw me a bone here.


i thought you could disable that happening in the registry

Why would you want to have that? the Win key is so useful

literally any key combination can do shit like that if you're not a wintard. And I don't use it for anything because it's harder to hit then alt, useless key

guess what. I don't need a start menu

I don't think I've ever accidentally hit mod4 while gaming, and I use ESDF in a lot of games which would likely make it easier to do.

It this it?
Is it finally time to leave g for the winiggers?
It's all so tiresome

Attached: jazz_music_stops.jpg (540x720, 61K)

That's called the Super key

No, it's always been called a Windows key. Hence why it has a Windows logo on it. It's kinda like your "mom" - it's not actually her name. She was "Anne" (or whatever) long before that, and it's only because you're a child that you think anything different.

I have a button on my keyboard to disable the start key :^)

no its called the super key, kid

Oh look, another freetard who doesn't know enough about Windows to know about it's extensive key remapping system, but passes negative judgement on it anyway.
>why do people dismiss me as a stupid faggot?

Kek. You're what's commonly called a retard.
The world doesn't revolve around your little hobby OS

Yes sir i agre. de windos key is very useful, i use it a lot wen i using my dextop. wat abut you sir.

That's why it has a Windows logo on it, because Windows is Super!

yeah its called the super key you putrid horrific incel

>i have no argument
>so talk like the retard i am
You may be vacuous and dishonest, but at least you do it in an easily-spotted, transparent way.

You really make a convincing argument

Attached: icanthearyou.jpg (385x385, 26K)

he's talking like an indian, the joke is that indians love windows
are you retarded?

Attached: 1288367321063.jpg (450x571, 49K)

>doesn't understand what was said
>calls the guy he didn't understand retarded

Attached: 1527700571910.jpg (500x500, 38K)

or you could just buy the corsair k70

this little button right here locks the windows button so if you accidentally press it, nothing happens.

exit game, unlock and you can use it again.

this keyboard makes your whole side of the argument redundant

Attached: corsair k70.png (702x341, 328K)


Attached: retard incel.png (886x171, 14K)

>talking like an indian
Indians actually talk like this

Imagine being this upset over such trivial shit
fukkin lmaoing at ur life

I'll give you 10/10 for effort on doubling down on your idiocy. This is the only remotely impressive part of your sad existence.

cmd is better. It doesn't do anything unless you know the keyboard shortcuts like a pro.

dude are you fucking braindead? he was obviously talking like a fucking indian person, do you really think its a coincidence that he spelled, "windos", "wen", "dextop", "wat", and "abut" the way that he did because he wanted to look dumb? they are keywords in how indians write/vocalize in english

holy shit this is on a new level of inceldom LOL

Attached: samefag incel.png (98x40, 933)

>unable to read
>unable to comprehend
>calls others braindead

Attached: 1544491413839.jpg (780x433, 223K)


Such transparent projection - you're the Linux shill.

How embarrassing
Use your thinkpad clit to mouse over the numbers. Might help you out if you knew what they each meant

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nothing wrong with linux
it means you're samefagging you kike

>he has to lock parts of his keyboard in order to use his OS correctly
Windows, everyone.

the superkey is a fucking logical keymap you retard.

the windows key debuted in 1994 and is a physical key on a keyboard. just because your OS makes the keyboard driver map it to super doesn't matter...

Fuck off back to r*ddit, newfag, you clearly have no idea what samefagging means

Yes he does, it means "I've lost an argument".

At least, that's the vibe I've always got from Jow Forums.

>he has to lock parts of his keyboard because he's a clumsy shit
Retards, everyone.

almost every modern keyboard has it, so it doesn't accidentally close your gaem

holy fuck Jow Forums has become so fucking autistically bad. i remember when if you posted that you used windows you would get like 10 (you)'s calling you a fucking retard. now fags like you from Jow Forums4chan or fucking greentext videos on youtube swam this place like flies to shit. g is fucking dead
i don't even know what you're trying to pull here LOL


To be fair, most of this is because you are a stupid piece of shit.

>Win key
I think you mean MOD4MASK


It's invaluable when you're playing an unstable older game. Sometime it will lock up the screen to where you can't get to anything but the start menu. Running CMD and then blindly typing in the taskkill command can save you a reboot.

Nah, I mean VK_LWIN (I very rarely use VK_RWIN).


But in your scenario, what does it do that Ctrl+Esc - or even Ctrl+Alt+Del and summoning Task Manager (your Task Manager window IS configured Always On Top, isn't it?) - doesn't?

An OS should be designed so that when you accidentally hit something incorrect it doesn't do anything severely bad, or that it's easily reversible.

>crashing some poorly-written game
>is severely bad
I understand the point you're trying to make here - but Jesus fucking Christ, do you ever need a better example.

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did I say I actually had the keyboard?

>look at the state of it, assuming and shit

On Razer keyboards you press fn and the g symbol and you have the windows key locked

>aka super key

apparently you need to read these

I used to hate that button, but then I learned about shit like win+L and win+E among other shortcuts and now I barely need mouse while also being more efficient while working

does the button do anything on loonix?

No, it's fucking Win key linuxgay

>not being able to change the shortcut

My MacBook Pro with Retina Display™ does not have this problem.

~ is patrician tier. Noobs use it for opening a console in games, but if only they knew the power of tilde

I never use windows key, just alt-tab

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