Woman has a miscarriage and she's still shown ads about baby stuff. oof


Woman has a miscarriage and she's still shown ads about baby stuff. oof

I have to admit that's a pretty hidoi thing to happen. How do you even deal with something like that in your services? Do you get the person to send an email saying "I lost my baby stop showing me ads about it dear god please"? Do you prompt the user with confirmation dialogs to make sure the baby haven't died?

Attached: loss.png (1181x419, 442K)

This is how you know the botnet has truly taken over. Instead of dismantling it, we plead for its improvement.

>I have cabbage leaves on my breasts

Attached: confusedBlinking.gif (230x230, 1.54M)

aww boo fuckin hoo I used to have hair and now I’m a bald fuck, think I don’t get rogaine ads all the time? Think I don’t hate looking in the mirror? This roasties problems are solved with sex and mine are solved with suicide.

If you don't block ads you deserve it. If anything they should only show here coat hanger and plan B pills now. This should be a fucking wake up call.

>this ad offends me!
Fucking age of being offended and playing victim.
What is next? Hide all baby related ads in tv/radio/whole city if some woman has misscariage?

Why do women expect everything to just be perfect and tailored to them, and anything that takes even a tiny step outside of what they're comfortable with results in some ridiculous controversy starting with said woman writing some kind of soliloquy with responses along the lines of #yaaas #slayqueen?

Man, I can tell how traumatic it is for her, especially when she can write two pages about it.

>equating hair loss to the loss of a human life
Did your mother ever hug you when your were a kid?

i dont understand why miscarriage is made to be such a big deal, its not like you bonded with the baby, it wasn't even rational yet.

just make another one, it's not like your baby died, it just didn't come alive.

you install adblock

This is the sad reality.

Fuck you.

>If you don't block ads you deserve it.
On one hand, yes. On the other, you can't reasonably expect people to do that. We're all brainlets.

Fuck you. There's a difference between wide-scale advertising and targeted ads.

>anything that takes even a tiny step outside of what they're comfortable
Fuck you. A miscarriage is one of the worst things that can happen to *anyone*. That you can't comprehend this only goes to show how much of a brainlet you are.


>its not like you bonded with the baby, it wasn't even rational yet.
Fuck you. That's some remarkably potent vaccine-grade autism right there. Completely ignoring the fact that a woman literally bonds with the baby on a physical, biological level from its very inception.

No fucking wonder we live in such a toxic, heartless environment; this exact kind of autism is what it takes to turn an individual with real, tangible problems into nothing more than a statistic.

This is the future she chose, this wouldn't had happened with privacy respecting services that follow FSF a EFF guidelines

>A miscarriage is one of the worst things that can happen to *anyone*.
I wasn't referring to the miscarriage. I admit that it's a tough situation, but it's probably not one of the worst possible things that can happen. Anwyay, I was referring to the ads. Why can't she recognise that it's the work of algorithms and just ignore it?

>nothing more than a statistic
People seem to enjoy being a statistic, considering how little backlash there is against targeted advertising and data farming. Some even think it's cool that they get to be watched so that others may milk more money out of them.

>Why can't she recognise that it's the work of algorithms and just ignore it?

Pretty much, if a company tried to advertise to her about her now dead baby, she'd still write a two page article about how that is wrong

i literally cannot fathom this logic. you can get upset because you wont get to be a mother as soon as you hoped, but why get destroyed over a miscarriage? the "baby" isnt even full alive.

why do so many people support abortion then?

my cells are "alive" too but i dont get depressed from killing thousands of them by accidentally getting them burnt.

what the fuck
>you aren't tracking me well enough! the fuck are you doing? why aren't you a chip in my head yet?

>suicide prevention hotline
>places to donate baby clothes/items
>grief counseling

technically useful, but you'd probably just want the ads to steer completely clear of the subject

and a baby isn't fully developed either. no one is allowed to mourn until a kid is 18 years old. what the fuck they're whiny brats anyway

How do you decide when a baby is alive enough to feel compassion for it?

because like most things it isn't purely a logical thing. Emotions are a tool for human survival, and mothers are made to care dearly about their children. Even before it is born mothers develop instincts to protect them. The first thing a typical pregnant mother screams when in a minor or major accident is "my baby". Preservation of the child is strong in their DNA. Emotion in this case is an inseparable part of the truth.
Anyway, the more interesting and Jow Forums related argument here is

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Ads Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha

Jow Forums has been overtaken by roasties and cucks

Sucks but at some point you just have to deal with it. There is baby related shit that will remind her everywhere.

>not blocking ads

>I have to admit that's a pretty hidoi thing to happen.
You could start by not making fun of this situation.

But she has a reasonable point, possibly. The algorithm probably doesn't really mark "pregnant" on her, just that she's chugging a lot of baby related shit. It could have been a friend or relative instead. But, this is a fair point about targeted advertising. Situations can go from happy to traumatizing and suddenly you're being assaulted everywhere you turn.

So the solution to this seems to be fairly obvious. Install an adblocker.

Why use an adblocker like a normal person when you can get free dopamine from all the attention by complaining like a dumb whore?

>like a normal person
I see you are still living in a world of delusion.
Normal people don't use adblockers. I'm sorry to break this to you but it is true. You have to be the intervention.

So what kind ads she should get now?
"Better luck at next time? Try Tinder Plus!".

>til the cabbage leaves lifehack.

The ad algorithms are retarded anyway. If you happen to look for any item, like a vacuum cleaner, you'll keep seeing vacuum cleaner ads for like a month, as if you suddenly became a vacuum cleaner collector.

>Fuck you. That's some remarkably potent vaccine-grade autism right there. Completely ignoring the fact that a woman literally bonds with the baby on a physical, biological level from its very inception.
B-but that would mean abortion is murder. That can't possibly be.

>doesn't use NoScript and uBlock origin
How can ads hurt you when you don't see them?

>B-but that would mean abortion is murder. That can't possibly be.
Abortion *is* murder; however we (as a species) make an exception, because it's necessary for a life-saving medical procedure.

I can't comment on abortion that's only done because the couple didn't take precautions, or for financial reasons, however.

If abortion is murder then so is masturbation. If you murder a man, you're murdering his future children. Where do we draw the line? Looking for 'inception' we could go back to the start of the universe.

>Where do we draw the line?
At the unity of sperm and ovum.

Sure. I'd never abort my own child but I want others to have that ability. If they can live with themselves that's their issue, not mine. I never understood why religious people find it important that others follow their religious rules, rather than allowing people to live their lives how they want.


Attached: shadman3.webm (718x720, 973K)

Ring up your lawyer and sue for emotional damage.

Jesus fuck that's sad. I mean, she could just block all those ads easily, so she's definitely not the sharpest tool in the shed, but still... poor woman.

Fuck off and go blog about your worthless feelings, whiny bitches.

Then solve your problem already

>implying she isn't loving attention whoring about it

This. Women will gladly sacrifice their children just to get (male) attention.



>Sure. I'd never murder my own neighbour but I want others to have that ability. If they can live with themselves that's their issue, not mine. I never understood why religious people find it important that others follow their religious rules, rather than allowing people to live their lives how they want.

>I never understood why religious people find it important that others follow their religious rules
In the case of abortion, it's quite simple: they consider it murder. So in their eyes there's no difference between aborting a fetus because it's sick/inconvenient/I can't afford it and killing a child because it's sick/inconvenient/I can't afford it

delete your cookies?

I think he meant to type hideous but I'm not sure.

Back *clap* to *clap* reddit *clap* sweetie.

Miscarriages don't mean shit, it's just a clump of cells.

Also I used to have a dick. I've snipped it off since, but I still get ads for chastity cages, BOO HOO

Wife is currently 3 months pregnant. I'm sad just thinking about this.

Ho Lee fuck. Is this pasta?

>post specifically replying to a shitton of posts

>snapping your dick off
Trannies need to be gassed. Only cute traps WITH dicks are pure.


Serves her right, no surprise her kid died when she can't even install an adblocker, how would she be able to take care of a kid while being this stupid?

>Miscarriages don't mean shit, it's just a clump of cells.
Spoken like some one with a deep mental illness.
>Also I used to have a dick. I've snipped it off since, but I still get ads for chastity cages, BOO HOO
Oh wai...

I use finasteride and I don't get finasteride ads.

Then again, I use an adblocker so I don't see any ads at all.

There's a difference between killing a grown person and what's essentially a parasite inside of you.
>inb4 hurr durr parasite le fedora
The baby isn't 'hooked up' to the blood stream of the mother, because the mother's immune system would literally kill the foetus.

The irony with those religious conservatives in the US is that they want the child to be born, no matter what, but then they're against social security or any kind of government program that might make that child's life better. In Africa the Catholics encouraged people not to use condoms, and now there's millions of hungry Africans and AIDS runs rampant.

>Then again, I use an adblocker so I don't see any ads at all.
So there are people out there, right now who're willing to let companies spy on them and use their bandwidth to try to sell them shit they don't want or need?

Attached: krayola.jpg (1528x1528, 540K)

honestly this is such a finely crafted post

Facebook already gives you the option though?

Attached: Untitled.png (990x333, 14K)

If you actually unironically believe someone is going to "dismantle the botnet" you're plain retarded.
This on the other hand is based as fuck. They built this brave new world, and now they will accomodate everyone in it.
Almost any ad platform is absolutely capable of doing everything (she) described, especially when (she) posted every second of (her) life on the internet.
Now watch them burn trying to make everyone comfortable.

she has Jow Forums level autism if she thinks tech companies use every bit of information their have to tune their ads algorithms

Anyone who doesn't have adblock installed is a massive idiot. Honestly, I'd like to tell you to avoid people who don't have it installed in life as I believe it just shows a massive disregard if logic, but so few people in the actual world really think about this stuff that encountering a normal person who actually has it installed is pretty much impossible.

fucking know-nothing kys unironically

>I can't comment on abortion that's only done because the couple didn't take precautions
You know that even with perfect usage, no contraceptive is perfect, even sterilization (which actually has a lower Pearl index than an implant)?

>There's a difference between killing a grown person and what's essentially a parasite inside of you.
Based retard


>hidoi means cruel

hahaha roastie btfo

>If you don't block ads you deserve it.
Most people don't like ads, and the only reason we have to put up with them is because these people make it commercially viable to blast us all relentlessly with them.

If you're displaying ads then you're part of the problem, the botnet is there because of people just like you. If everyone adblocked or just didn't click ads we'd not have to suffer them. So very little sympathy for these people.

>If everyone adblocked or just didn't click ads we'd not have to suffer them
yeah we'd have much worse things because nobody would be making money from ads

This thread is so full of weapons-grade autism that the UN is going to put sanctions on it and the US is going to invade it for keeping weapons of mass destruction. Holy Christ.

>why do so many people support abortion then?
Holes want the freedom to fuck whoever they want more than they want to give birth. Note the keyword "freedom," as many """women""" who go through an abortion regret their decision, but still want other women to have the freedom to be self-destructive and regret their decisions too. Misery loves company.

>i want the botnet to be my emotional support

The day of the rope can't come soon enough.

So many edgy teenagers ITT, losing your baby is one of the most heartbreaking experiences a human can have. Fuck you all.

you think anyone here would even have a clue what that entails

Ads are a bad business model for consumers.

Company A runs an ad to increase business, and then company B, C, D all run ads to increase business, and now people are all buying the same amount of crap only it's more expensive as product prices have to be higher to pay for all the advertising.

The cost of living would go down dramatically if every business suddenly stopped advertising. Look at big budget things, say the latest call of duty game, they spend 50% of their budget on marketing, that's hundreds of millions of dollars. If our lives were much cheaper to maintain it wouldn't matter if we had to paywall our fave content, people already do that now.

99% of the shit on the net is completely redundant and could go today and we wouldn't even notice.

Absolutely. But that goes back to the not-a-health-danger point.

>Ads are a bad business model for consumers.

And yet, consumers are not aware of many things which we find obvious. How do we make them aware? Advertising.

t. too lazy to read the definition of "parasite"

a fetus is literally a parasite

Use an adblocker that also blocks trackers like UBlock origin or the brave browser

It's not hard to realize most people will just buy whichever is the cheapest that doesn't look like crap.
Actually, that's another good argument for eliminating ads, companies having to compete their hardest in the price/quality arena is also good for consumers.