Unity vs Unreal

I need the advanced Jow Forums lowdown.

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One has good performance and generally just works. The other performs like shit but has a larger ecosystem and you can essentially copy and paste to build an entire game.

Which is which

Kys chink.

Unreal Engine is the one that has good performance, Unity is the other.

I'm an app developer looking into moving into mobile 2D game development. I need easy access to admob and IAP plugins. Language isn't an issue. Any recommendations?


Make your own game engine you absolute plebeian. It's fucking 2018, you have the whole internet to easily teach you how to make even the simplest barebones shit.

What's the point?

>Everyone can make Unreal! An engine that has had 20 years of development!

There is no point, unless you specifically want to learn how to implement some mechanics.
is retarded and doesn't understand the value of using something which has already had hundreds of millions of hours and funding poured into it.

If you're working alone, Unreal is fine. If you're working in a group you'd best make sure everyone is using pure c++ and none of the retardation that are blueprints. Unity is great for source control since game objects are saved as text files and can be merged painlessly. Unreal on the other hand includes a """"" merge tool """"" that's actually just a diff tool and requires you to manually merge blueprint changes.

build your own engine you filthy casuals!

>unreal engine
>good performance
what is pubg, what is squad, what is sandstorm?

>IAP plugins
do you even google? first search result of IAP plugin answers your question.

>Is unaware of how much tech has advanced to the point that yes even user can make the next unreal engine if he wasn't a lazy faglord who spent all day writing inance drivel instead of being productive
It's not going to be optimized for your personal use. For example, making a 2d side scroller. If you use normie generic game engine #3432, your going to be getting a lot of bloat going along with it. Sure, you can do it if you want. Just be prepared for whatever crap you shit out to be met with >unreal or >unity.

Neither is necessarily more performant than the other. Unity has a lower "average" performance based on metrics obtained from games developed with it. Why? Because Unity is marketed towards fucking retards and they eat it up.

Unity is more programmer-friendly, it offers much more useful APIs and there's a lot of control you get, especially with newer versions.

Unreal gives you the source code for free without needing a license. Which is good because holy shit Unreal's C++ API is fucking garbage, and blueprint is mostly a marketing ploy that gets messy very fast (but it's decent for non-programmers).

Both engines are perfectly capable of making performant games, you just need to evaluate what features you need. If you're a programmer first, everything else second, you'll probably enjoy Unity more. If you're more of an artistic type, Unreal may be friendlier for you (in Unity's case you would need a plethora of plugins to obtain features such as visual scripting).

Badly implemented shit. Just get one of those UE demos with the photorealistic shit. Looms like IRL , runs 60+ fps

"bloat" is not a practical reason to make your own engine. Are you also the kind of idiot to recommend Gentoo as a primary operating system?

>"bloat" is not a practical reason to make your own engine

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Yep, that's a relevant image. You're definitely not an employed developer because developers make tradeoffs, recognise the value of existing tools, and don't do ridiculous shit to avoid "bloat".
Go and compile Gentoo for the 100th time. the rest of us will be getting shit done in the real world.

None. Use Godot.

future of gaming.

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Fucking roasted. Good job user.

open source, which is nice for debugging things
build system is pretty fucking bad
c++ is macro heavy, you will crash the entire editor if you ever fuck up
very heavy renderer but much nicer lighting than unity
collision and physics much more sane than unity
visual shader networks let you quickly bang out shaders without writing glsl
very lightweight but will quickly become bogged down by complex scenes
physics system runs at a fixed timestep which can be infuriating when trying to write custom physics and collision
some very useful callbacks such as OnWillRenderObject let you do interesting things like planar reflections
editor runs much better on linux than UE4
licensing is a nightmare compared to UE4
asset pipeline is annoying as fuck, import assets must be kept in the project folder
debugging much better than UE4 since null references don't crash the editor and produce useful output

both have their pros and cons. if you're small, it won't matter. if you're working for a company, you're using what they're using.

>in Unity's case you would need a plethora of plugins to obtain features such as visual scripting
no, you only need one which is PlayMaker which is pretty good, there are a few books and video course out on PlayMaker

I prefer to write code over connecting nodes, so I'll take your word for it. I stand corrected on that point.

How many Shin Megami Tensei games have been in Unity?

what’s that?

You forgot:
>such a mess that no C# obfuscation tool will be able to obfuscate your binaries
>the game you make essentially becomes open source

>implying this is an actual issue
>being such a faggot that you obfuscate your binaries
You can't even argue about multiplayer game cheating because obfuscation isn't going to do a damn thing to prevent that.

I personally like it a lot, particularly because Unity games are so easy to mod, but not mentioning this when comparing Unity to Unreal is unfair.

Mentioning it sure, but as a negative?

I did not say it is a negative, that was your interpretation.

Smaller studios seems to be the ones struggling to get UE up and running while AAA studios with direct correspondence with epic fares better.

Yeah what the fuck is with Unreal's compile times

Consider that it has a poorly designed API filled with macro abuse, coupled with many of its users (and developers) being wholly uneducated in the ways of C/C++, and I'm sure you can see why.

The most critical difference is about licensing.
With inity you may keep significantly more profits to yourself IN CERTAIN situations.

Spending a couple of thousand hours to reinvent the wheel is literally retarded. You know literally nothing about the real world, people need to *actually* do things and get results. That's why you BUY tools and not make them yourself.

>user can make the next unreal engine if he wasn't a lazy faglord who spent all day writing inance drivel instead of being productive
If anyone wants to spend tens of thousands of hours to create it, maybe. Surely in 20 years he has reached feature parity to what UE can do now.

>your going to be getting a lot of bloat going along with it.
Who cares? It's literally irrelevant, NOBODY cares about a 200MB more download size and 5 FPS less if the cost is a couple of million dollars and years of development.

What were they thinking with all those macros? Is that a holdover from UE3 or 2 for inlining?
Just a simple 'in' keyword would have done for editor usage for example.

unity is a meme engine for 5 iq plebs

Unnecessary holdovers from earlier engine versions, I presume. That's one of the main reasons I said it was "poorly designed". It's supposed to be a modern engine but it's filled with cruft from decades ago.

The Documentation for Unity is unreal though.
Whereas Unreal's documentation and tutorials space is unreal at how bad it is.

Surely it can't all be a holdover. I'll peek into the sourcecode and see what it's doing. Results to come.

its an old engine

I look forward to your observations.

You can make that exact same argument about Unity. Unity demos run wonderfully. The Valve VR demos in Unity also run wonderfully. But Unity is easy to use so shit developers make shitty unoptimized games with it.

Reverse engineer my game. I dare you.

Could someone explain to me why UE4 and Unity dropped JS when recently JS is fucking faster than for example C# by a mile?

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>JS is fucking faster than for example C# by a mile?
It isn't, and they're both compiling to the same shit with Unity anyway so they're the same speed

Obvious bait, but either way: Unity did not support JavaScript. It used a JavaScript offshoot called UnityScript which was compiled down to the same bytecode that C# is compiled to: IL.

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I'm working with unreal right now, and I was working with unity for a good part of last year.
Unity is way easier to break into because of the OOPsie c# API which is super well documented. Unreal's c++ is honestly a pile of "experimental" dogshit full of unintuitive preprocessor hacks and half of it has no documentation or "todo's" on them.
But actually unreal was my first of the two, and unreal gets much simpler when you keep yourself within the editor and use the blueprint scripts. I feel ashamed using them but I actually get stuff done as opposed to figuring out why the VC++ compiler won't link my headers.
Unity was really good for its out of the box 2d physics and easy to import assets.
In my experience I do 2d games in unity or from scratch, and 3d games in unreal, but only touching c++ sources of I absolutely have to, which has so far only been to delete the example stubs.

>UE4 open source
False, you can see the source, but it isn't actually open source as there are still usage
and distribution restrictions.

You're a dumbass if you think either of those perform poorly because of the engine.

T.b.h people also think Unity makes a game automatically perform bad

The one true engine.

Its so fucking garbage for 3D its actually amazing how bad it is. and for 2D Unity is still better

You do zero work in Unreal's C++?

>I don't know how to use it therefore it's bad

Release it.

Not even the people who made ue4 can get it to work correctly in their billion dollar fortnite game without massive bugs and constant freezing and crashes. Also it runs like dogshit and stutters even though the graphics are shitty ps2 style cartoons and you are running it on a 9900k

Unreal takes 5% of your profits
Unity is free as long as you don't mind Unity logo appearing before your game

What a critical "difference" jesus christ

i didnt say otherwise. I was just saying those three games have bad optimisation

More like, Unity is free as long as your game isn't a huge success.

the people who "think" that don't really "think" though. you shouldn't put too much thought into what an npc says

Do they take share of the profits?
I thought all you need is to buy professional license and you're good to go

>t. sons of single moms

Unreal's code looks to be full of virtuals and new calls wherever.

all games are

Actually, I was semi-wrong there, I guess. There isn't any stuff with you needing to share any revenue, just gotta own one of the licenses, yes.

Doesn't il2cpp resolve this issue? It is now available for all platforms Unity supports, or at least the most relevant ones. Not to mention, there are a couple obfuscars available on the asset store that resolve the Unity specific issues if you don't want to use il2cpp.

I wish Unreal had better documentation and examples for how to work with C++. It feels like blueprints get way more focus, especially in the community discussions. For simple things I find blueprints convenient, but anything with flow control and loops quickly becomes a nightmare.

Is that why everything runs like shit

memory allocation can cause hiccups but virtuals, no, virtuals being 'expensive' is a meme