>using a password instead of a passphrase

Attached: jonah.jpg (801x534, 25K)

>using password instead of biometrics
Get with the times boomer

Attached: 3lj6s5l.gif (652x562, 392K)

>Freely giving up your eye, voice, fingerprints, and typing style to CIA niggers

>Ussing a password instead of a passage

>securing your files

it's not like you need those

>falling for the passphrase jew

Attached: DotDotBang _ DotDotBang Store _ Squishy, Stationery and Accessories Online Shop(1).jpg (104x103, 15K)

>not using 2FA
you fucking trying?

My password is "l"

Roger that.

>what is a dictionary attack

>not purposefuly spelling the words wrong

if you've ever used a smartphone, or a touchscreen of any kind the government have your fingerprints on file.
If you ever spoken near a laptop they have your voice on file too
you can't resist. the best you can be when they come for you is a sissy to be fucked in their underground sex dungeons in Mt. Weather when the time comes

>calls your service provider pretending to be you
>get access

Unironically this

>if you've ever used a smartphone, or a touchscreen of any kind the government have your fingerprints on file.
you think touchscreens have the resoultion to scan fingerprints?

Useless on any decently long phrase.

Try passsentence


>using an anonymous forum


You ever go to the DMV? Passport? Birth Certificate? Government has your voice, handwriting, face, name, location, job, family, DNA probably, etc.

Ι use keepassxc and I literally need to remember 1 (one) passphrase to have every password of mine as secure as inhumanly possible

2018: not using passwordless key based auth.

WOW you don’t say that mandatory government ids provide the government information about you

>trusting some software with passwords

It's open source and has been audited more than once
So it's either a point of trusting encryption, or not
And I trust encryption
Not to mention it's completely offline

I know keepassX but I woukdnt trust a piece of software which is on a usb drive (which fail) or a hard drive (which occasionally do too) with my passwords

That's why I've got 2 backups of the database which get updated daily
If all 3 drives fail at once, so fucking be it