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Other urls found in this thread:


>all VPN's keep logs
True, this is why you combine them with Tor.

based and redpilled

What's the point?


that specific configuration would simply obfuscate your Tor use from your ISP

Tor -> VPN
Or maybe even Tor -> VPN -> ssh to VPS -> Tor
You can also chain VPN's forever, but honestly the main risk pretty quickly moves from having a naked IP logged (which is stopped with just the first option) to correlation attacks, which is something Tor itself struggles to *fully* defend against. I would read into them more if you're interested, as there are mitigations that exist.

why not HOME->VPN->TOR->VPN->OUT for the most based config

None of you faggots do this

If I had reason to I would. Currently I'm just interested in blocking ad trackers.

we're having fun discussing theoretical implications thougb


Attached: tor.jpg (1200x1194, 319K)

I've never actually seen islamic terrorists on tor, have you?

I'm a communist so I don't see any problem with this


Would be better but using TOR before VPN should make sure the VPN logs don't matter
I don't, VPN alone is enough for me but using TOR also could be a way to make sure VPN logs don't matter

I guess using a VPN before would just insulate you one layer away from your ISP noticing your Tor traffic,

How having VPN at the end is safe if you still use VPN they know it's you because you paid for it

>How having VPN at the end is safe if you still use VPN they know it's you because you paid for it
you answered your own question

pay with bitcoins, either tumbled or bought irl with cash.

Do any decent providers still accept bitcoins?

mullvad comes to mind

That's an another problem. The initial issue was that they have logs, so they can follow the VPN ip to the VPN provider and with logs they can follow that to your real ip and then to you. Now the VPN provider's logs shouldn't matter since you only get to the TOR part.

What's the issue with just using a free VPN and cutting out the bitcoin part if you're connecting to it with Tor anyway? Isn't the only reason paid VPN's are better is because the supposedly don't log?

>connect to TOR
>then VPN through TOR
>end IP is VPN IP
How this obfuscates anything from VPN? How they don't know where I'm going if I'm literally connecting to websites with VPN IP?
I don't know much about tor, except that NSA has exit nodes and FBI honeypots
TOR only hides my IP from VPN, but this doesn't mean VPN doesn't know it's me.
Therefore I don't think it's another problem.

Well... You know that free VPNs definitely logs
And free VPNs are blocked mostly if someone wants to use it to post something, somewhere

>>end IP is VPN IP
>How this obfuscates anything from VPN? How they don't know where I'm going if I'm literally connecting to websites with VPN IP?
>I don't know much about tor, except that NSA has exit nodes and FBI honeypots
>TOR only hides my IP from VPN, but this doesn't mean VPN doesn't know it's me.
>Therefore I don't think it's another problem.
the purpose of VPN after Tor is to hide your Tor exit node from the thing you're connecting to, not to hide the website from the VPN provider.

or you can just use your neighbours wifi or whatever, they are after all, legally responsible for the shit you do with it

Original post implied that you use tor to evade logs, I said, it's no use if VPN provider knows it's you

>tor or vpn
... why not both?


>Original post implied that you use tor to evade logs, I said, it's no use if VPN provider knows it's you
how do they know it's you? were you stupid enough to pay money and not use tor? lol

Haha... Yeah...
Just checking if here are stupid people

it's cool man they pay me by the post

Hm... Does TOR hide my identity when I enter my full name when buying VPN with my bank card?

>Hm... Does TOR hide my identity when I enter my full name when buying VPN with my bank card?

Attached: we just don't know.gif (250x251, 999K)

>How they don't know where I'm going
That's not what you're trying to achieve
>TOR only hides my IP from VPN
Yes, that's the point. You hide where you're coming from from the VPN. Website only sees VPN. VPN only sees TOR.
>this doesn't mean VPN doesn't know it's me.
How do they know that? Certainly not from your own ip, which you've hidden from the VPN. The whole point was to hide your actual ip from VPN so their logs pointing to you are useless. If it's a paid service, then you also of course need to not leave a money trail pointing at you, which would make the TOR step useless.

>I enter my full name when buying VPN with my bank card
mate no what are you doing

>If it's a paid service, then you also of course need to not leave a money trail pointing at you, which would make the TOR step useless.

Attached: woah what gabe.gif (308x233, 2.4M)

Well some retard was wondering how you can save yourself from the logs and saying the TOR step is useless since they're entering their name an credit card info. Which is just... wow. Kinda like saying that acting all covert is useless because they're going to turn themselves in anyway.

yeah I agree, that person was sure being silly

How else would you get VPN?
I only know private internet access and tunnel bear


Is it OK to use my Android wallet?


Privacy is so inconvenient

One day I'll try this and start the N-word hashtag on Twitter

>One day I'll try this and start the N-word hashtag on Twitter
you'll be ignored unless you have a lot of followers

>the N-word

Attached: pepe devil 1.jpg (1024x1276, 164K)

Yea we'll smash the right wing nazis fellow goyim!

Sure is

I'll tag CIA

tag the jannies too

Attached: pia1-torrentfreak.png (661x554, 50K)

surprising how incompetent they are
but in the end the FBI is not who you have to worry about

What do you mean? What else FBI could have done? PIA had nothing to show

What I mean is that if you are into something serious, they do something called parallel construction and basically they're not pursuing PIA for your IP address lol

That's illegal
No such thing
It's only in movies
Shut up goym
I wonder (((who))) behind this post

based and redpilled

Are you fucking retarded?

Attached: download.jpg (263x192, 7K)

You also don't see a problem with communism, so that's not a great sign.

Then all the vpns that keep logs will just keep the log of your tor. This approach is akin to setting off a flare so you can put on your second cloak as you're about to sneak into the village

>Then all the vpns that keep logs will just keep the log of your tor
are you mentally retarded?

Your use of tor not your traffic, stop being intentionally retarded.

user... Read thread, we already established that for protects your identity.
VPN only sees your, you dummy

so what?

You're sticking out in the sea of traffic like a dickhead because you're donning your helm of double invisibility. Tor exit nodes are vulnerable and vpns obviously keep logs. Any time-correlation attack with rip your shit apart. What are you gaining by exposing yourself this much? Is traffic being encrypted/decrypted 7 times really helping? When you fuck a girl do you put on 7 condoms?

In theory the purpose would be to obfuscate your Tor usage (from ISP) and then conceal your exit node address from whatever website/service you're connecting to. What "sticks out" about that? That phrase makes absolutely no sense in this context. I'm not sure about the time correlation attack—can you elaborate?

So since TOR isn't perfect you're suggesting just giving your real ip straight away? it'd be like fucking without condom because condoms sometimes fail. Better to take the level of protection it gives than dismiss it because it's not perfect.

I'm not sure what he means about the traffic "sticking out" but I do think he might have a point with his time correlation attack comment, wish he'd elaborate

>How having VPN at the end is safe if you still use VPN they know it's you because you paid for it
mullvad, send an envelope every year with 70 dollars to pay for subscription

any reason not to simply use your own server for like 1/10th the cost? lol

But then they'll know my name and address...

I really can't see how using TOR would be worse than straight up giving the VPN provider your ip. If they can find out your real ip through that time correlation attack, then isn't the end result the same but you've just made it harder for them to get in by using TOR?

>I really can't see how using TOR would be worse than straight up giving the VPN provider your ip. If they can find out your real ip through that time correlation attack, then isn't the end result the same but you've just made it harder for them to get in by using TOR?
he's obviously suggesting that the VPN(s) are an added problem, I agree with you for a single VPN maybe, but for double VPNs I can see how time correlation becomes a bigger problem

>But then they'll know my name and address...
You don't have to have a return address, just your account number.
Because you have ONE server with ONE IP, how are you going to shitpost online if they ban your IP?

but yeah in my view you're simply layering extra protection or at least they serve a specific purpose. In the case of the first VPN you'd be concealing the fact that you're using Tor from your local network and ISP, and in the case of the second VPN you'd be concealing your Tor traffic from whatever website or service you're using, and in the middle you just have your exit node

>Because you have ONE server with ONE IP, how are you going to shitpost online if they ban your IP?
get a new one for literally 1/10 the cost again? plus how retarded do you have to be to get banned 10 times in a row, especially when you care about privacy? what are you smoking? kek

>feds sit on exit node and read the unencrypted vpn ip
>go to vpn and subpoena logs
>which logs
>the tor users
>Heres a much smaller list to look through than our entire client base
You're not concealing your tor use you're trading who knows about your tor use. Sure, you're controlling the odds of discovery, but I would much rather do my dirty on a public network with a vpn and throwaway hardware where my traffic is a needle in a sea of needles.

If every user who used vpn also used tor then I would agree with everyone. As of right now you're losing more than you're gaining.

>>feds sit on exit node and read the unencrypted vpn ip
explain how this works. if they can "read the unencrypted VPN IP" then they can read your fucking ISP IP just the same

this shit makes no sense whatsoever

>What is SSL

>missing the point entirely

If you hop a fed owned exit node you're exposing your traffic. At least that's my understanding. I could be wrong here. As you keep hopping these nodes there is going to be a pattern developing because as you exit to a website your ip is logged on that website. With enough hops they can piece together the ip with time correlation and then go to the vpn and request all the vpn users who use tor.
My point is I don't like playing Russian roulette when a safer way exists.

>If you hop a fed owned exit node you're exposing your traffic. At least that's my understanding
your whole argument falls apart when you compare it to just using tor normally

>they see your VPN and get the logs from the provider!
so what? if you weren't using the VPN then they just got your fucking IP address directly, so what is your point?

the only valid point I see that you or someone (was it you?) made above was the time correlation thing because I can see some kind of powerful third party interrupting your connection chain and piecing it together

>I would much rather do my dirty on a public network with a vpn and throwaway hardware where my traffic is a needle in a sea of needles.
Sure, but combining TOR and VPN is much more practical than going to a public place with throwaway hardware every time you want to conceal something you do online.

I really don't understand your point about the traffic sticking out. Using a VPN at either end doesn't make that happen more likely. At most what it does is increase your attack surface marginally and maybe make you more error prone but that's it.

Life was so much easier when you could just climb a phone pole at 3am with a lineman's handset and put your alligator clips on a random copper pair.

are we back?
this site is run by literal niggers now
fucking diversity brigade operating Jow Forums
good job affirmative action gook moot you stupid fuck
yeah let's get some more reddit mods in here
long live 4channel

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gotta love that bit about nearby APs

Those are some fine trips, lad.

What kind of stuff are you guys doing that requires this level of privacy though?
Are you selling hard drugs? Arranging terror cells? Trafficking kids?

Christmas shopping for my mum who works at NSA

Make your own vpn. It's not that hard.

>Not behind 7 proxies
>Never going to make it

>duurrr just use *meme-coin for anonymity
>still connecting to their servers with your home IP address
Good job, retard.

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I suggest that you learn to read, you stupid fucking nigger

If you mean the OP I would love to if the picture and text were properly sized but I wasn't replying to him and I was clearly mentioning other posters in this thread along with the general attitudes of other people wanting to use VPNs, you fucking mongoloid