in Chrome Version 71, they removed the feature to use the Old Design.
i'm currently using Internet Explorer just because it's easier to look at than the mess of a web browser layout that is New Chrome.
Chrome shat itself
Amy particular reason you aren't using ungoogled chromium?
because i'm a lazy faggot who isn't in the mood for downloading more things.
Firefox, Edge and Opera are all better than crusty old IE.
Stop being a baby, it's not even that bad. I prefer the old UI too, but it's not worth switching browsers lmao.
Jow Forums would change its OS based on it's looks, even if it can be themed
>implying ungoogled will go out of their way to support the old design
I really hope you're not OP otherwise, you have transcended the pinnacle of a lazy neckbeard.
> easier to look at
> can't even render css 3
I switched to Netscape the other day. Tired of the new web and has more support than ie and edge combined
> mu Jow Forums hive-mind mentality.
We're not all autistic here. I know you wish to be among your kind. Look through the catalog. I'm sure you can find a programming socks thread.