in Chrome Version 71, they removed the feature to use the Old Design.
i'm currently using Internet Explorer just because it's easier to look at than the mess of a web browser layout that is New Chrome.
Chrome shat itself
Amy particular reason you aren't using ungoogled chromium?
because i'm a lazy faggot who isn't in the mood for downloading more things.
Firefox, Edge and Opera are all better than crusty old IE.
Stop being a baby, it's not even that bad. I prefer the old UI too, but it's not worth switching browsers lmao.
Jow Forums would change its OS based on it's looks, even if it can be themed
>implying ungoogled will go out of their way to support the old design
I really hope you're not OP otherwise, you have transcended the pinnacle of a lazy neckbeard.
> easier to look at
> can't even render css 3
I switched to Netscape the other day. Tired of the new web and has more support than ie and edge combined
> mu Jow Forums hive-mind mentality.
We're not all autistic here. I know you wish to be among your kind. Look through the catalog. I'm sure you can find a programming socks thread.
say what you want about its SJW devs, but at least Firefox is (mostly) sane.
Firefox also removed features I used since I left it for Chrome, and their HTML5 handling is shit.
What real options are left? Are there any browsers that keep decent feature sets without adding crap and removing things people use?
Not really, unless you count Edge. But MS just killed it in favor of a Chrome reskin.
In two years every browser will be underperforming chromeshit requiring a hexacore with 16 GB RAM and 4GB VRAM to display a plain page.
You should get used to this. Google's been removing Chrome flags that allow users to revert their changes for a while now. They did the same with the bookmarks and others. Material design is the future goy, get used to it.
chromium you nigger
Just use firefox and fuck off.
Chrome is a mess just look at the video player they fucked this over and over, use firefox and stfu
Firefox doesn't have this problem.
Firecum shills have arrived
Still better than the shitfest that snowflakefox has become.
botnet, use IceCat.
Delete your current chrome
Install the previous version (70)
Do not open after installing
Ctrl+R "msconfig"
Disable "Google Update Service (gupdate)" and "Google Update Service (gupdatem)"
Restart computer
turn on chrome
put "chrome://flags/#top-chrome-md" in adress bar
Go to "UI Layout for the browser's top chrome"
Set to Normal
There, now it's back and chrome can no longer update. And google searching told me how to do it.
>using the botnet against the botnet
You have been convicted of thinking,
your reeducation has been scheduled.
Are you people seriously throwing a tantrum over round vs sharp tab edges? That's literally the only significant difference in the new design.
Actually my issue is they take up too much space by comparison and is clearly meant for mobile.
looks fine on my machine its only a matter of getting used to it.
i think it looks perfectly fine, do not act so emotionally about this :)
i hope you find the browser that makes you happy tho :)
Chrome's UI became unusable 4 years ago and it only became worse since then, how do people keep tolerating it is beyond me. FF is not any better.
Is there any fucking reason why you wouldn't be using Firefox this whole time?
The new design is way better
Sjwfox is dying and getting shittier every update
It looks better the more tabs you use. With 1 tab it looks REALLY bad. In general, I think my main criticism of it would be that it's mobile design. Traditional browser UIs matched the interface of the Windows/OS UI, this matches the UI of mobile or mobile-influenced OSes. So I guess if you use Windows 10 with unaltered Metro UI it might fit. But that gets into the same issue: forcing mobile UIs on everyone. Its especially egregious because this is probably not even a technical issue for them, they could keep the old flags in, they just decide to force everyone to use their new shit because they have some egotistic attachment to it.
Some sites/applications require Chrome. Not many, but it is a thing.
>sites that only work on a single web browser
You can't even call those sites "sites" if they don't adder to the standards.
Regardless, stop using those sites, or if you really need them, use Chrome just for them.
it also looks snowflaky
>FF is not any better.
it most certainly is