Is MacOS as good as everyone says?

Is MacOS as good as everyone says?

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Just go to an Apple Store and try to do all the things you will want to do and see if you like the OS. They're not gonna stop you. I did the same with the MS store and ended up switching to Windows.

Reminder to report the street shitting OP.

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nobody says so.


Yeah nah, everyone complains about the close window button, the keyboard shortcuts and shit like copying and pasting files. It's a decent OS but for people who have been working with something else for many years, it takes time to adapt.

Yes, it's garbage.

>ended up switching to Windows
Switching from what? Is there any other OS? You shouldn't lying on the internet.

I was Linux-only for quite awhile.


It's just a kernel, not an OS.

Don't give a fuck, I refer to GNU/Linux as Linux. Although technically you could say that since my phone runs Android Linux, I was Linux-only as a whole.

It’s comfy unix and easily the greatest desktop OS

Yes. The design consistency is a breath of fresh air coming from Windows, it supports and ton of Linux tools and everything is very easy to use. There's surprisingly lots of free software that works great that doesn't really have alternatives on Windows, like Spectacle, Alfred and AppCleaner.

Reminder that OP is a mentally unstable manchild and the most painful thing you can do to him is ignore him.

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Both GNU/Linux and unix are fully posix compliant, software compatibility is the whole point of the posix standard.

It’s the best desktop OS hands down.

>What Are the Symptoms of Histrionic Personality Disorder?

In many cases, people with histrionic personality disorder have good social skills; however, they tend to use these skills to manipulate others so that they can be the center of attention.

A person with this disorder might also:

Be uncomfortable unless he or she is the center of attention
Dress provocatively and/or exhibit inappropriately seductive or flirtatious behavior
Shift emotions rapidly
Act very dramatically, as though performing before an audience, with exaggerated emotions and expressions, yet appears to lack sincerity
Be overly concerned with physical appearance
Constantly seek reassurance or approval
Be gullible and easily influenced by others
Be excessively sensitive to criticism or disapproval
Have a low tolerance for frustration and be easily bored by routine, often beginning projects without finishing them or skipping from one event to another
Not think before acting
Make rash decisions
Be self-centered and rarely show concern for others
Have difficulty maintaining relationships, often seeming fake or shallow in their dealings with others
Threaten or attempt suicide to get attention

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It’s literally Comfy: The OS


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Linux us the name of the OS and its kernel.
GNU/Linux is not and never was a thing.

We literally had this exact same thread 2 days ago. Stop falling for this. It's not a sincere question, it's advertisement.

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>discussing technology on a technology board

Cry more u homogay

No it's better

>close window button, the keyboard shortcuts and shit like copying and pasting files
Mac user here, can someone explain this?

Do you literally believe someone can get paid for posting on 4channel dot com slash g?
If so, can you point me to where I can sign up for it? Thanks

why do I see the same thread over and over again and with iphone filenames every single time

It’s great. It’s comfy unix and quite literally the greatest desktop OS.

>Close window button

has been standardized to ending the program if there are no other windows open, in pretty much every OS but Mac. The Mac behavior of leaving the program invisibly running is unintuitive.

>Keyboard shortcuts
No idea. The lack of a delete button bothers me though.

>Copying and pasting files.
For years now, sane file managers and windows have had merge folder functionality. This means when pasting or moving a directory that contains matching directories to the destination, the computer will add files not common to both folders to the destination directory and ask about conflicted files. Finder just overwrites the destination folder. There is no way to change this behavior that i know of.

It looks good. But it stops there. If you work with many files. Finder is absolute dog Shit compared to explorer.

Alltough ms is doing a great job destroying the windows eco system so in a few years windows will be worse.

tbhwy, I would have trouble using it without some third party apps. And even then, I can get frustrated by some basic functionalities missing from OS X that still haven't been added.
But what I really like about it is how you can do almost everything via keyboard shortcuts, how all options are searchable, bash terminal, Time Machine backups, self contained applications, and other stuff.

>task bar with no visual indication of open windows
Yeah no, it's complete and utter ass on even the most basic levels.

Copying is a three button command in OSX if I remember correctly, two buttons in Windows. It uses the Apple key instead of ctrl which most people are used to. The close/maximize/minimize buttons are in the opposite corner and AFAIK the close button doesn't actually shut down the application but instead minimizes it.

I tried OSX a few years back but was annoyed (or rather not used to) these type of things and returned the MBP for a ThinkPad.

The trackpad and gestures are amazing though.

>Both GNU/Linux and unix are fully posix compliant, software compatibility is the whole point of the posix standard.
POSIX compliance also means that usability is objectively shit.

It turns computing into an arcane art where you need to get a full wizard diploma before you can fully grasp it.

t. Use it for work and realized it's a piece of shit

>has been standardized to ending the program if there are no other windows open, in pretty much every OS but Mac. The Mac behavior of leaving the program invisibly running is unintuitive.
So does Mac tombstone stuff?
Win8 did the same thing, and it makes sense from a certain perspective - why not keep a closed program in RAM until that portion of memory is actually needed, to speed up the process of re-opening it?
Mind you, Win8 actually had a way to close an app fully instead - drag down to tombstone, drag down and hold until icon changes to kill.

>No idea. The lack of a delete button bothers me though.
I remember using a Mac for a few moments and being at a complete loss as to how to even do basic keyboard stuff like writing an @-symbol or saving an open file.

>For years now, sane file managers and windows have had merge folder functionality. This means when pasting or moving a directory that contains matching directories to the destination, the computer will add files not common to both folders to the destination directory and ask about conflicted files. Finder just overwrites the destination folder. There is no way to change this behavior that i know of.
Is that seriously a thing?

>GNU/Linux is not and never was a thing.
Somewhere, Stallman is autistically screeching.

>Close window button
I get that. For me it's the opposite. For example let's say I have a single chrome tab open. If I close it in OS X, I can immediately open a new one with cmd+N (or File -> New Window). Whenever I use Windows I constantly find myself hitting ctrl-w, ctrl-n only to realise I can no longer open a new chrome window because chrome has quit by my closing the last window. On OS X, If I want to quit the application I hit cmd+Q.

>The lack of a delete button bothers me though.

>Folder merging with copy
Yeah, you're right, that does suck
I think it does ask you whether you want to skip duplicate files, but only when you drag and drop, not if you copy and paste them.

copying and pasting is cmd+c and cmd+v
yeah, the close button only closes the window not the app
maximize button has always sucked, I use third party apps to maximize via keyboard shortcuts/gestures

meant to be fn+backspace

>using finder over ls


MacOS is literally the best desktop OS

Absolutely based

>PC fags constantly bring up the close button "issue"
>it gives more control to the user on what to keep in memory or to do background tasks
>meanwhile they say macOS gives the user less control over their system than their own OS of choice which closes the program instantly and doesn't allow background tasks without at least one huge window open

Winjeets are retards, more at 11

It's better than windows 10.

its good only on very expensive apple hardware
download vbox and crack image and try it out
its basically user prison with kind of beautiful shinny GUI

>has been standardized
No it has not been a "standard" most OSes do it this way because they want the Windows audience. See It's also useful to open a new document after closing the last one in the same program, on Windows this is a clusterfuck of a window shuffle since you first have to prompt a new document and then go back to the previous one to close it, or they adopt an inconsistent behavior of your last document closing as you open a different one.

>lack of a delete button bothers me though
What do you specifically need a delete button for? Deleting files? Use cmd + backspace, a dedicated delete button is too dangerous for such a destructive action, and it's just a simple keystroke. Do you need to erase a character forwards? Do ctrl + d or fn + backspace. I don't often remove characters this way since I use option + backspace and such more often allowing me to delete whole portions of words. ctrl + d is actually pretty much a standard to forwards delete text in most shells.

>merge folder functionality
Rarely use it myself, even in Windows. However it does exist on macOS, drag the folder to the location of the other folder you want to merge and drop it while holding option (which is alt). It'll prompt to merge the folder.

>an @-symbol
This has been the easiest OS to write an @ symbol on. If you write on AZERTY keyboards the @ symbol on non-Macs is hidden under an alt-gr option. On Mac keyboards it gets a dedicated key together with hash.

>or saving an open file
Just save it either in File > Save or with cmd+s, sometimes there's even a dedicated save button, and a lot of apps have auto-save. macOS actually allows files to be open in a program while you change the name or location of it elsewhere in the OS.

It’s much better than winblows

>t. too stupid for unix

This is a good post I actually didn’t realise MacOS had some of these functions and just believed the memes. Thank you b

os is unimpressive and you're not getting anything decent hardwarewise for under a thousand large but if you really want it or just wanna have a go at it yourself before investing in it, use homebrew

that's not hard to do
motherfuckers disabled legacy smb by default, but also by default no other sharing option is enabled so you waste hours of frustration until you need to on every single machine you want connected, manually enable nfs

not everyone uses GNU though, to varying extents, you can replace
glibc with musl
gcc with llvm
bash with some other shell, ex: ksh, tcsh, zsh

If you really wanted to be accurate, you'd have to include a whole lot more than just GNU in there

Yeah macOS has a lot of functionality that is up to par if not better to the alternatives, the only "problem" with it is that it is not as straightforward when you cone from most other operating systems because Apple doesn't care about how other OSes do things, to then do it similarly, they do it their own way in a method that they think is best. This can lead to two kinds of people using macOS: users who like the simplicity and live in ignorance and also users who get to learn the ins and outs to do pretty much everything seamless and quickly. Personally I know almost all useful keyboard shortcuts for each app that I use and ones that didn't have the functionality that I wanted, I just easily scripted the functionality in (using built-in GUI scripting tools like Automator and AppleScript) with a keyboard shortcut.

That’s really cool. MacOS sounds pretty versatile. I think I might get myself a Mac mini, have been considering it for a while.

You can. I'd recommend looking up a lot of things in a search engine if you stumble into something you don't understand. Also, use the Help menu a ton, it has a search field which will show you where in the Menu Bar the item is located. If you don't feel like spending money, try it in a VM or on a Hackintosh, but you might run into performance/stability issues there.

I hate to use it. But at least thé terminal is OK

Also, go through each System Preferences setting at some point at least once to see what little useful features the OS has.

Yeah its the best os for programming

Thanks will do

It’s comfy unix and GOAT desktop os

I had to use MacOS for work recently, and I compiled a list of things I hate about it.
When I boot up and type in my password, sometimes it erases what I've typed
When I run out of memory the system becomes slow and unusable even after exiting the offending processes
There are not enough ports. Goddamn dongleverse.
Can't get a tiling WM
Macports has to compile from source, so it's slow.
It sometimes takes like 5 minutes to go to sleep after I close the lid
There's no control key on the right side. This is my biggest complaint.

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You made that post already you fucking shill, just like you do in every thread
Looks like your script isn't working well

macOS is very good, it's only downfall is that it's not very easy to get up and running on non-garbage hardware.
Actually, I'm in the process of trying to set hackintosh up on my laptop.

That’s my first post

Two of these are not macOS issues, but rather nu-Apple hardware issues.

It's discount GNU/Linux for NPCs with fancy bling held together by hotglue.

>Macports has to compile from source, so it's slow.
they started building packages 5 or so years ago

Yeah sure, but if OP buys a Mac she'll have the same issues.
Well I was using it literally a month ago and it was compiling so idk what you're talking about.

And excellent third party support

How well does photoshop work on your system?

It’s unix. You know, that OS your OS tried to copy?

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Good fucking luck. With the proper hardware (pretty common) it's a breeze to setup a desktop hackintosh, and AFAIK it's almost always a huge pain in the ass to setup a functionnal laptop hackintosh.

Its shit

10 cents have been deposited into your account

MacOS is a good desktop / laptop OS, the only one really usable out here because I cannot consider Windows as a serious alternative, and regarding Linux, well, maybe at some point they will do something to release a non-meme tier DE, until then, macOS is the way to go.

This desu

Problems arise when you have files with the same name in each folder. Mac OS X will offer one option to help you manage this — a “Keep Newer” button that overwrites the older versions of the all files with the same name with the newer ones. There’s no way to skip these conflicts or keep the older files, and there’s no helpful tool that will let you compare sizes and other information. It’s all-or-nothing.

The “Keep Newer” option only appears if the folder you’re moving contains the newer files. If the folder you’re moving contains the older files, then the Merge option won’t appear — even if you hold the Option button.

Folder merging in Macs is broken retarded shit. I have no idea why they can't implement such basic functionality correctly.

It doesn’t get into your way, is still nowhere near the shitshow that windows 10 and has a consistent UI.

Works on my machine

He's too busy OD'ing on fingernail dust

they let you look at porn in an apple store?

Unless you coded your own file system, then it "werks" exactly as i described. That's quoted straight from a macfag blog.
The functionality described is inadequate compared to every other alternative.

You will also have to replace all of the GNU coreutils with something like BusyBox

maybe stable, but MacOS lacks of flexibility and universality
playing games or just being productive feels impossible and yes since there's literally no non-meme tier DE for linux, maybe the best is to use win 7 or 10 AmE, but no one knows that the last one is really safe or not (implying you are not paraniod)

It used to be

its best but angry streetshitters dont like it cause you know why

Reminder to report angry selfhating streetshitters

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I literally merged two huge folders two days ago and the result was perfect and as expected. I even checked afterwards with git since it was inside one of my git repositories.

Few minutes won't help in realizing why it's better

And a few minutes playing with a Mac won't help you discover the things it does that don't exist on Windows.
Like Spring-Loaded Folders, for instance.

>everyone complains about the close window button, the keyboard shortcuts and shit like copying and pasting file

some idiots on Jow Forums running laughable anime-linux desktops aren't everyone


There's an option in Finder to merge, and it merges.

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I work as a Data Scientist and we are a Windows shop. Every day when I come home and use my Mac I instantly realise why I like it so much.

Poorly, and only if you do it in an arcane way.

If you're advertising an os that just werks, this is an example of it not just werking.

Perfect, I use both Windows and Linux.

>you tried to copy

Based and redpilled.

Cringe and banpilled.

tha hell is a spring loaded folder. it better not be some open on mouseover bullshit or Imma punch your digital throat

Except it does. Its a little dot near the icon

It's 2018, both OS's have been designed and refined to be pretty much idiot proof. If you can't figure out either one intuitively, you're a moron.

MacOS is like a middle ground between windows and GNU/Linux. And for the most part the only reason you would ever use is is either because you're a shill, or hackintoshing your PC to use things like Photoshop.

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