You have 10 seconds to explain why you aren't using vertical tabs

You have 10 seconds to explain why you aren't using vertical tabs.

Attached: 1531596041874_0.png (1442x1079, 1.71M)

Other urls found in this thread:

It just doesn't feel right.

Because I'm not dumb attention whoring anime pedo scum.
You won't get any (You) from me, fag.

I'm not autistic.

>not tree style tabs

god i wish that were me

I use multiple rows of horizontal tabs instead


pic doesn't look very pedo

I use multiple applications side to side, horizontal space is precious to me.

what's wrong with her ears

the title says she's an elf

Fucking cuck

why does an elf go to school

to learn stuff, I assume

I don't have more than 6 tabs open at once.

Because Tree Style Tabs are superior.

Attached: browser tabs.png (3440x1440, 234K)

How to ?
Also how to tree style?

Because the screen I'm using is widescreen horizontally. It's perfect for vertical screen or 4:3 screens

Attached: faget.jpg (755x781, 24K)

cuz u r gay lol

Takes too much space somehow. I know, better take space on horizontally than vertically.

What? It's the reverse.

I like my screen to be filled with content rather than tab names

I never have more than 10 tabs open at the same time. It would be a waste of space.

Damn what do they feed the kids over there?

I like vivaldi's vertical tabs over tree style tabs. Still main ff though.

That's satisfying as fuck. It's like I'm really browsing Jow Forums circa 2006.

You have 10 seconds to explain why you made this thread again.

Stop watching porn

Why do people use tabs at all?
It takes space and no one besides normies actually use their mouse to click on them. I usually have tons of tabs I forget to close and end up with too many tabs that serve no purpose. Also I very rarely type out an entire url so the address bar takes up space for nothing.
You shouldn't have more tabs open than what you can simultaneously care about.


There is no other reason to use sadpanda. Pedo shit is the only thing omitted from the base site

I don't need more than 10 tabs at a time.

Attached: 1540782796803.jpg (640x645, 51K)

So how do you do it user?

Alt-Tab and Alt-[0-9]

How else are they going to capture shotas to fuck?

Anything with a paedo tag or beast tag gets removed. But anything triggers it, even one panel of a 2000 page manga will get it sent to sadpanda if it hits one of the triggers.

So you regularly use tabs but limit yourself to ten?

What about things that you'd normally put in tabs and forget, do you bookmark them and forget? If you do, it must be a huge number of bookmark. Does it help you be more focused? What do you do when you'd like to open a tab but reached your limit?
I'm really interested in your wokflow.

hey, NPC14234235, your coding is off, you forgot to call him an incel


BTW (not spamming I swear), for me it's Ctrl+Tab and Alt + [0-9]. Pro tip: Ctrl + Maj + Tab goes in reverse.

>There is no other reason to use sadpanda.
The black background constrasts better with the manga pages than the tan one

No fuck that, tree-style indentation shit is why I hate reddit's posting format

2018 using tabs! Pleb

I meant Ctrl-Tab too, not Alt-Tab.
I also reorganize tabs with Ctrl-Shift-PageUp/Down, but for some reason this shortcut only works on laptops, not desktops.

I reorganize the tabs I use the most to the left with the above shortcut, and cycle with Ctrl-(Shift)-Tab if I ever need to read something on the right. I would end up with less unused tabs if I could hide them since it'd force me to memorize more or be more productive with less.

Nice, thanks user.

How is he going to make it up to her?

I... don't.. know... This is clearly much better. What browser is this?

Firefox. But don't use those, use tree style tabs instead.

Cuz I ain't a greasy cuck hentai reader.

I don't enjoy sucking on penises.

not using slowfox

Real chads read hentai.
3DPD cuck porn is for cucks.

post css

I don't browse sites that don't use its sides space.
I'm not a faggot which reads a page centralized.

>reading long ass lines
No thanks. The ideal line length for comfortable reading is around 80 characters.
Vertical space is much more important.

im not a pedophile, i just fap to crossdressing shota yaoi

Outside of photoshopped fake screenshots, there is no such thing as vertical tabs.

What the fuck.

Attached: 1540288932984.jpg (620x640, 33K)

>faps to shota

because I only open 80 tabs at once when I'm sifting through wallpapers or porn, and I don't need to know that I'm looking at 1531596041874_0.png vs. looking at 123550960.png in those cases.

I identify as the shota when fapping to that.

I have no need for keeping such tabs as this kind of material is stored on my HDD. Looks pretty cool though.
(you) from me newfriend

why on earth would you need to masturbate that much

>why on earth would you need to masturbate that much

>I imagine turning crossing the line and becoming pedophiles after I tempted them
Truly despicable.

What do you use to browse through? I use PandaViewer:

i just use feh. Proper library management would really be good, whats it like?

I don't think so

Has like 4 pages of loli. I like the art but he lacks variety

It's ugly. Look at all those empty white space on the left with an assfull of text.

I'm pretty sure this guy has ball cancer

I didn’t know this was a thing


Tree Tabs > Tree style tabs.

It has tab groups and lets you automatically have domains sent to those groups.

>not using LANraragi

god i wish that were me

There are other content that gets removed from the base site as well. Content that has nothing to do with lolicon, beastiality or gore

>My Girlfriend is a High School Elf Older Sister
who comes up with this shit

lard enough mass that the thumbnail looks like shes kneeling

You have 10 seconds to explain why you're looking at hentai.

I'm not a porn addict with self induced attention disorders and do not need more than 10 taps open

Never really thought about it. But I will try it now because I cannot even read wtf is on my 30+ tabs and it's just stupid.

>There is no other reason to use sadpanda.
Except that it still has the best ui and largest archive.


don't be racist, it's nips

that takes up more space.

All things with copyright get moved to sadpanda.

I am racist though

well, don't be

I fucking hate weeaboos so god damn much


This npc "meme" is the most cringeworthy thing I've seen in a while and I'm a retarded memer faggot.

don't be racist, it's kike

You have 10 seconds to explain why I should


vertical tabs already looked interesting but this is next level
although there should probably be a seperate category for recent tabs

I tried to, but regular tabs remain when you use vertical tabs. I know it's something to do with CSS but I haven't done it yet.