Fuck Chrome and fuck google people. What browser is the best alternative in the last days of 2018 BC?

Fuck Chrome and fuck google people. What browser is the best alternative in the last days of 2018 BC?

Attached: 1544641503600.png (412x371, 110K)

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>What browser is the best alternative in the last days of 2018 BC?
Lightning Web Browser

None. Firefox is just as fucked these days. Use whatever you like, it all sucks.

>Lightning Web Browser
That's a funny way to say Google Chrome reskin.

Attached: carl-holden-17-spacemarine.jpg (1400x1973, 511K)

What's wrong with Firefox?



Firefox and duckduckgo are still out best options my dude.

I heard something recently about Firefox selling data or doing some dodgy shit, but I can't remember what it was right now.

>That's a funny way to say Google Chrome reskin
Ah, you're just dumb. Ok, I got it.

wtf why is this pinned???

bait purposes

Falkon Browser
>never have to spend time separately ricing my browser to get it to match my main rice ever again
>it comes with all the extensions I'd otherwise manually install ootb
>anecdotally the least bloated option and speediest option that isn't something deprecated/non-graphical/l33t e-peen pandering bullshit

Attached: fd131d91.png (270x270, 34K)

Via for phone
Chromium for not phone


Surf best web browser .

use Icecat

From least to most bad
>gnu icecat
>pale moon (Dev is a furry though)
>Waterfox (Dev is a bro)
>"ungoogled" chromium (heh) or any other chromium based browser that claims to not track you

Brave. Imo the best built-in anti-tracking shield


You can use email to request pages and then use vi for best browsing experience with 0 tracking


I like qutebrowser.

Reading pure HTML from HTTP requests as a form of browsing when?

>"wrapper for the Chromium browser core"


Just telnet on port 80 and GET

waterfox for le epic addons


pale moon is very unstable

Kill yourself. Firefox is dogshit.

It ain't, and there might be no better alternatives other than Firefox forks.

What else do you suggest?

Attached: Screenshot_20181214-111051_Firefox.png (1080x1920, 67K)