It's factually pronounced "jiff." End of story

It's factually pronounced "jiff." End of story.

Attached: haters gonna hate.gif (250x250, 1.24M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Also the dress is blue.

Just like garage is pronounced "jarage"

>It's factually pronounced "giff." End of story.

No, it's a lot closer to "giraffe," "gist," "giant," and "ginger."
Also, "giff" would be too close to the word "gift," leading to confusion. "I sent you a gift/giff." So the "jiff" pronunciation has utilitarian purpose as well.
Fuck you.

Factually correct.

Nearly brain-dead.

>It's factually pronounced "dot jee eye eff." End of story.
It's an abbreviation, not a word.

Uh excuse you, it is pronounced "yiff"

Get out.

Attached: gif.png (640x360, 203K)

Yeah but it sounds better with [g], otherwise its just a peanut butter brand or outdated slang. It's one instance of corruption that's preferable to being proper.

Attached: 1473728682765.jpg (612x816, 159K)

>y-yeah b-but it just, like, sounds better y'know?
seething giff fag

Attached: mask wojak.jpg (601x508, 94K)

I haven't met a single person who pronounces it "jiff" without also mentioning they regularly browse Reddit and have watched every single marvel movie. So, congrats.

Attached: 1544674494530.gif (32x32, 113K)

>jiraffe fix interchange format
Yeah, buddy.

Attached: it's pronounced gif.jpg (1536x1007, 166K)

kill yourself animal fucker

Q: why doesn't g just always make the hard sound and j always make the soft sound?
A: shakespeare invented proto-ebonics cementing english as the most retarded language to ever grace this earth, maybe second to chinese

Actually it's pronounced GEE EYE EFF thank you very much

You forget that .gif is not a word in any language, thus doesn't have to follow the laws of phonetics in any language. But if you're going to treat "gif" as a word, the words for which those letters stand for don't come into consideration. There are several reasons to say it as "jiff," and absolutely no reasons to pronounce it "giff."
Even the guy who created the format itself pronounces it "jiff."

It's "jiff."

gif is a name, not a word. It can be pronounced however you want, or however the person who assigned the name intended if there's an intention. Steve Wilhite intended gif to be pronounced jif, so it's jif.

same reason my mom named me Matheaiux but it's pronounced "Matthew"

>Wilhite's name comes up frequently in debate over the pronunciation of the GIF acronym.[4] “The Oxford English Dictionary accepts both pronunciations,” Wilhite said. “They are wrong. It is a soft ‘G,’ pronounced ‘jif.’ End of story.”[4] The intended pronunciation deliberately echoes the American peanut butter brand Jif.[5]
Alright, it's over. The JIFFS have it.

>le he said its jif and he made it XD
Also "eaiux" is pronounced like "ё" so your mom is a brainlet.

>'scuse me, I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this, but you're pronouncing your kid's name wrong.

Attached: really dumb wojak.jpg (645x729, 41K)

Retarded pronunciation for a retarded format, checks out.
It's still a hard g and only basedboys liken it to sugared peanuts the fuck is wrong with you.
Jiraffix ok "matheaux"

>pfrlrlllflfllfffffff im gonna call my son Matthew but spell it like they french peoples do but it still be pronunced matthew :^)

Attached: think not a an.png (590x529, 144K)

>"gif is a retarded format anyway," bellowed the buttblasted bitchboi

Attached: 1432326133814.jpg (413x395, 73K)

8 bit.
RLE, eventually shit compression instead
just because it became a meme doesn't make it good.

Again, the pronunciation of the words the letters stand for don't count, because you're treating 'gif' as its own word. A simple concept, but unsurprising that your tiny giff brain can't handle it.
Also you forgot the "i"

Attached: smug kitteh.jpg (500x375, 32K)

By that logic, AWOL should be pronounced "AH-wole." But we don't say it that way, because that would be retarded. The pronunciation changes as the letters next to them do.

> Ahbsent
Really selling your point there

How the fuck do you think awol is pronounced

ay-wall. Not aa-wole

flat ah, not "Ah" as in "saw"

If the creator of gif decided he wanted it to be pronounced like "jive" would you accept that?
What if he wanted it pronounced "jay peg"?

this guy pronounces jpeg as "juh-feg"

That's a different scenario because the pronunciation is not ambiguous. In no way could it possibly be pronounced as "jive" without some serious mental gymnastics.
gif could either be pronounced "jiff" or "giff," but as it's a nonsense word, there is no definitive pronunciation. Fortunately, its origin can be traced back to the exact person who created it, and that person intended for it to be pronounced "jiff" when he created it. And since "jiff" is a legitimate, eligible option for gif's pronunciation, it's "jiff."

However, a "word" with no etymology has no obligation to follow the phonetic laws of any language, and therefore can be pronounced however you want it to be pronounced. You could pronounce 'gif' as 'shibe' if you wanted to. It wouldn't make the slightest bit of sense, but you could do it.

Meh I'm gonna keep pronouncing it JIVE, since each letter can make those sounds.

>There are several reasons to say it as "jiff," and absolutely no reasons to pronounce it "giff."
In addition to English, name ONE language where "g" is pronounced "j" and not "g". That's right. English is a contrarian language, which is a good enough reason by itself.

>absolutely no reasons to pronounce it "giff."
Most words starting with g use the hard g sound. The g sound in the middle of words is typically the j sound. The fact that you point out here that another word that's spelled virtually the same way is pronounced differently and that you need to use another letter entirely to show your supposed "correct" pronunciation completely flies in the face of the point you're trying to make here. You defeated your own argument. Phonetic convention dictates that gif should be pronounced with a hard g, so I'm going to do that. English is already enough of a clusterfuck without people like you increasing the fuckening for kicks.

Meanwhile, I'm going to keep pronouncing "ghoti" as " "

>there are several reasons to say gif is jif
>there are no reasons to say gif as gif
This is some serious double-speak

Attached: 37000610748[1].jpg (300x300, 26K)

I pronounce nginx as "en-ginks" and nobody can stop me

Do you pronounce it "JRaphics Interchange Format" or "GRaphics Interchange Format"? It's a hard G. Jit over it.

English has a silent gh and a silent t in some words, where are you getting the silent o and silent i?

>Most words starting with g use the hard g sound. The g sound in the middle of words is typically the j sound.
Yes, but there are exceptions, as pointed out in . "Gesture" is another. There are lots of words that start with 'gi' as a soft g, and gif is one of them.
>The fact that you point out ... that another word that's spelled virtually the same way is pronounced differently and that you need to use another letter entirely to show your supposed "correct" pronunciation completely flies in the face of the point you're trying to make here.
OK, so your argument here is basically that a single letter added, subtracted, replaced or moved shouldn't make a difference in the pronunciation of the word at all? Because I strongly disagree with that. Add an 's' to the beginning of 'laughter' and the entire word is pronounced differently. That's not uncommon in the English language.
>English is already enough of a clusterfuck without people like you increasing the fuckening for kicks.
Newsflash: Complex languages are complex. Very few rules successfully apply with zero compromises or exceptions.

This point has been debunked over and over again in the thread already. As said, do you pronounce 'jpeg' as "juh-feg?" No, probably not. Because the context of where the letters are placed in relation to one another is important.

>silent O
>silent I

ghoti is factually pronounced, "fish." End of story.

Excellent. Just found this shit:

I'm never pronouncing anything again, except FQRY, so I guess Gif is now "F"

Wrong. Once again.

Attached: gif_proper.png (540x337, 82K)

Jas yourself

>too lazy to make an argument so you post a pic where somebody else makes the argument for you

>Since the g in gif means graphics,
Doesn't matter what it stands for because you're not treating 'gif' as an abbreviation (in which case it would be pronounced "jee eye eff" anyway), so that whole bit is rendered irrelevant.

I also don't pronounce it "Gee-iff". Your argument is retarded.

>there are exceptions
There are exceptions to every rule, obviously. That doesn't mean conventions are meaningless.

>a single letter added, subtracted, replaced or moved shouldn't make a difference in the pronunciation of the word at all? Because I strongly disagree with that
Pluralize a word by adding an s and compare its pronunciation to the singular form. They are not significantly different. That's because most of the time, letters appended to a word don't affect how the first few letters are pronounced. That's the situation we're talking about.

You argument sucks. It amounts to "the guy who made it said it should be a soft g." There's virtually no linguistic ground for you here.

>Very few rules successfully apply with zero compromises or exceptions.
So to be clear, you're arguing against conventions in language despite having said that
>You could pronounce 'gif' as 'shibe' if you wanted to. It wouldn't make the slightest bit of sense, but you could do it.
Really, man, you've made several arguments against your own point. You can't decide if conventions should be followed or not. And again, if your entire argument hinges on that conventions can be broken, that's not actually an argument for the soft g, it's an argument against any and all suggested pronunciations; it as much debunks the soft g as it does the hard g in gif.

>I also don't pronounce it "Gee-iff".
Neither do I. No idea where you got that from.

Attached: dumb chair wojak.gif (500x382, 125K)

Q in lacquer.
First R in February, first R in Sarsaparilla are silent.
The F in Halfpenny is silent in Britbong English because it's pronounced "haypenny."

>hey guys I made a new word that has never existed before
>"oh cool, how's it pronounced?"
>I pronounce it --
people who say "giff" are just contrarians.

can you stop wasting bandwidth with this stupid """discussion""" that has been going on for decades? it's like watching bunch of kids argue over their favourite colours

lol imagine trying to argue why a nonsense word should be pronounced the way you think it should be despite the fact that it's literally a nonsense word

you're that kid who thinks orange is the best color aren't you?

>hey guys, i made a new word, here it is: bruck
>>oh cool, pronounced like truck with a b
>no, i pronounce it broosk!
and then nobody listened to him again

Most words that start with "gi" start with a soft "g".
Gist, gibberish, giraffe, giant, gigantic, ginger, gif. It's only logical.

Genuinely could be pronounced broosk because, again, it's not a word. It has no roots. It has no meaning. It's a jumble of letters thrown together with little or no meaning.

"bruck" can follow the rules but doesn't have to. so broosk it is, then

yes because orange literally is the best color.

Attached: fight me.jpg (1280x720, 175K)

giddy, girdle, gigahertz, gilded, gibbon, gimp, gill, git, gig, gimmick, giggle

so yeah, not really

Words that start with "Gif" all use a hard G sound.
Giff (and other variants of the name Giff like Gifford)
Gift (and other gift related words like gifted, giftwrap, etc.)

Single syllable words that start with "gi":
Gi (hard g)
Gib (hard g)
Gig (hard g)
Gil (hard g)
Gild (hard g)
Gill (hard g)
Girl (hard g)
Girth (hard g)
Gist (soft g, hey there's one)
Git (hard g)

>Git (hard g)
Git is a soft g.

The G stands for "graphical", so it's not pronounced with the "j" sound no matter who says otherwise, even if the "creators" of it.


Says who? You?

Says common fucking god damn sense.

>hey guys i have a new word, here it is: hoboru
>>cool, is it pronounced like it's spelled?
>no, it's pronounced "dishwasher" because it does not need to follow any rules
And everyone pronounces "hoboru" as "hoboru"

pronounce this word for me
now pronounce GIF :^)

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 23K)

We've been through this.

No it's not

Yeah, it is. It's pronounced "jit."
Unless this is one of those tomato / tomato scenarios.


and so it is spoken


Why would I give any fucks about that? You've heard from *me* now, so the case is closed and this retard rodeo can pack up and go home.

It might be, although Google and Merriam-Webster both say hard G.



um, sweeties...
the g stands for GRaphical, so techanicklally, it's GRIFF

Attached: actually.png (200x200, 19K)

Pronounce this word that already exists that's basically the same as Gif.

Attached: giff.gif (163x93, 3K)

>this word that already exists

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-12-14 at 4.22.09 PM.png (945x317, 29K)

It's a name, short for Gifford.

If that was the case it would start with a G. I'm not going to look at a word and say it different because some retard autist can't spell

You can't say something is fact when it's literally encoded into the spec that it isn't. Make your own if you want it different

>working hard not smart

Typical jif fag

I used to spell it out each time as well. But if you say it fast, that's "jia-ef" and then a short jump to peanut butter, so basically I've fallen into that camp.

G-I-F -> JI-AI-EFF -> jiæf -> jif

How the fuck gives a shit? Why would you ever use .gif anyway? .mp4 is x5 better and .webm 10x better

who cares gif is a dead format

Attached: 1542361072011.jpg (773x576, 29K)

As long as you pronounced it properly when saying it's dead.

>Neither do I. No idea where you got that from
>do you pronounce 'jpeg' as "juh-feg?" No, probably not.
Confirmed for retard.

Install jentoo

If I were the president I would declare that gif must be pronounced with a hard G.

What gif the 'g' is silent?


I wouldnt be surprised considering how unconsisten english is with it's pronunciation

This is how I have always pronounced it.