What calculator app does Jow Forums use? why?

what calculator app does Jow Forums use? why?
> inb4 brain

Attached: calculator.png (189x310, 45K)

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Droid48sx is the best looking and performing of all the HP emulator calcs

Attached: 1st hit on google images.jpg (425x258, 29K)


I just Google my math problems. Occasionally Google thinks I'm a bot and starts giving me captchas.

I'm not clicking that shit nigga

> his calculator doesn't have tabs

Attached: objective-calculator.png (640x1136, 63K)

Pirated Mathematica


Attached: mpv-shot0004.jpg (1920x1080, 345K)

Theres a ti83 emulator Ive been using for like 8 years

ewww, doesn't look like an app

>buying software

spotted the commie fag

I've just typed pacman -S calc

I use one called TechCalc. It can solve anything.

Attached: Screenshot_20181214-181333.png (720x1280, 89K)

My Brain. God bless Arthur Benjamin

>Hyper Calc Pro

Shit does everything I need in daily life

Attached: Screenshot_2018-12-14-22-17-53-124_cz.hipercalc.pro.png (1080x1920, 230K)

oh really? solve this
*unzips dick*


don't use an app. Keep a ti83 handy on your desk. You can't beat the speed once you get used to it, and the tactical feel of the buttons is great.

Attached: ti83.png (286x573, 244K)

the only right answer

Attached: IMG-20181214-WA0004.jpg (1242x1203, 111K)

fuck wrong image

Attached: Screenshot_2018-12-15-00-28-44.png (720x1280, 388K)

Graph 89 Free
It's an actual TI-89 on your phone. Truly the best.

it's a tutorial on how to find boobs on google.

The samsung faces are scarier

> DRG button
what a waste of space, why not just put all the buttons there since it's a fucking touch screen software?

Attached: IMG_9564.png (1136x640, 70K)

This but a Casio because my calculations aren't quite as scientific.

Attached: 71S0qsOVxWL._SY606_.jpg (326x606, 52K)


Attached: Screenshot_2018-12-15-00-38-02.png (1280x720, 332K)

I do it by hand when possible to keep sharp but when I really need something I either use Desmos, wolfram, or my TI

stock android calculator and nspire cx cas :))))

> hyp
waste of space

=() {
local IFS=''
local calc="${*//p/+}"
bc -l

Attached: calculator.png (722x452, 7K)


MATLAB 2016, if it counts.

>not using matlab + a cheap ass casio

Fucking plebs lmao "technology" board.


The default AOSP one on my phone, because I do actual calculations on my calculator or in Octave

based and matlab-pilled

cringe and bluepilled.

My calculator says that your dick is imaginary.

Attached: mpv-shot0006.jpg (1920x1080, 261K)

But there's the TI-89 emulator which runs pretty good and it´s free. I like it.

now that was cringe

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why, the calculator works fine so I didn't feel like replacing it

Based and redpilled.

Attached: 1543895956113.png (250x244, 88K)

google calculator

droid 48
>muh rpn

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 91K)

based satania poster


>A mobile app or mobile application is a computer program or software application designed to run on a mobile device such as a phone/tablet or watch.
>The term "app", short for "software application", has since become very popular; in 2010, it was listed as "Word of the Year" by the American Dialect Society.

> being a boomer
the day of the pillow can't come soon enough.

stock calculator

I use an interactive Ruby shell for all of my calculations. For some tasks, mainly those involving graphing or solving certain systems of equations, I use Wolfram Alpha.


What is an app? Or do you mean a computer program?


The one in my brain because I'm not an idiot.

a real ti-84 and the calc that pops up when you search calc in google

I have a 15C on my desk that I use.

R shell like based Luke Smith taught me.

objective calculator

oh no no no no no no

ganoo bc

I use my ti83 for basic math that I can't do in my head most of the time, I just like the placement of the buttons, multiple answers on the screen at once, history. It's a very functional machine

I'm not in elementary school so I don't need to do arithmetic.

An actual HP 12C. A few weeks ago my astronomy professor saw me using it and commented on how nice it was to see an old RPN Hewlett-Packard calculator still in use

>He needs a calculator to do arithmetic
I bet you use a password manager too

use your brain dipshit

For me, it's Wabbitemu

Attached: Screenshot_2018-12-15-01-41-05.png (1440x2560, 888K)

Panecal calculator

Attached: 0307BFBD-649D-45A4-AC44-62E76471005E.jpg (640x1136, 156K)


animu name?

Gabriel Dropout

Attached: mpv-shot0003.jpg (1920x1080, 202K)


Why would you use anything other than WolframAlpha?