Where were you when MS released MS-DOS source code under a liberal MIT license?

Attached: msdos-logo.png (600x600, 1K)

Other urls found in this thread:

ASM sourses is useless

>microsoft moving to open source
something is afoot, time to start creating closed source software

Attached: csgroupprojects.jpg (1163x810, 552K)


Didn't they do this a few years ago? Or are you just talking about them changing the license?

What they need to do is release the source code to MS-DOS 6.22.

Can't do fuck all with MS-DOS 2.5.

Let's vote for it Jow Forums

just give it 20 years

I can actually tell you why MS is doing linux/open source. It's because of containerisation. Half of MS's money comes from Azure and cloud services, and containerisation is fucking huge. Guess which OS they use in containerised systems. It ain't windows.

>Please dont send pull requests


Attached: stall.png (585x45, 2K)

Dumb newfag it has been at least 2 years

>big corps abandoning windows and moving onto loonix
>suddenly coc(k) and other socjus bullshit

where were you?

Even MSDOS 5.0 is perfectly fine.
All 486 era games were run with it.

Best thing about MS-DOS is that cool as hell logo

>I can't call people nigger and have to work with women
Truly the end times are here

> MOV DI,arena_signature
>MOV AX,[arena_head]
>CALL Check_Signature

what the hell is this gobbeldygook code?
i guess the poojeet developers weren't good enough to program MSDOS in java

Everyone, point and laugh at the brainlet!

It's calling the Check_Signature function with ax and di as arguments, you retard.

Big corporations largely abandoned Windows and Unix in the early-mid 2000s, they all went to Linux.

why doesnt Jow Forums backport vulkan and dx9 wrappers into msdos so we can update old dos games to look better

Then you also have to update the old games to use vulkan and dx9

as useless as windows 10 is, now