Can we have a thread for the only language that matters?

Can we have a thread for the only language that matters?

Attached: Erlang_logo.svg.png (2000x1753, 72K)

hello joeposter.

there’s already several c threads

and I'm sure there are several kindergartens in your area. Please return

how can i get good enough at this language to get a job

learn OTP

This guy has the right idea But you should also take the time to get your cisco certs as erlang is heavily used for networking / load balancing code

Yes, what do you wanna talk about?

Erlang and OTP in Action

I want to like erlang, but the syntax is gross. Why is it so gross, user?

highly distributed gentoo compilation with 100% uptime

maybe try Elixir? another BEAM language.

reee. If you think the syntax is ugly you have no understanding of what erlang is for. You can literally detect MIME headers and body with a single match statement.

Erlang/Elixir are great but they are not magic bullets. You have to know the OTP in general and fuck with BEAM settings constantly to actually achieve the mythical five 9's or whatever people circlejerk about.
That said it's a good language. I work in the telecom industry but we use it sparingly. Still you can actually find jobs, so it's not a total meme lang.

Attached: hello joe.jpg (480x360, 15K)

But why is it dynamically typed though?

hi joe

i fucking love erlang but I use elixir

it's really the god-tier language

something about more efficient/simpler message passing when you don't have to check types

but I don't like typing so this is nice for me.

>But why is it dynamically typed though?
Dynamically typed + immutable variables is hardly a problem though. A simple observation is often enough to determine the set of possible values a variable may have, Spec declaration also helps

> mfw its 2018 and all of the ((((mainstream)))) languages are still struggling with concurrency and fault tolerance

t. erlang dev

Attached: scowl.jpg (1920x1080, 224K)

>not being static typed

That video is pure gold. Other opensource projects could stand to learn a thing or two about marketing from Joe and Mike.