Clone Docker project

>clone Docker project
>it doesn't work immediately

Why do people even use this shit? Are you telling me I still have to configure shit in [current year]?

Attached: docker_facebook_share.png (336x287, 4K)

Other urls found in this thread:

It's glorified static binaries for zoomers.
They are imbecile.

Because most hosting companies use docker containers.

a thousand times this

It's extremely useful. Imagine running your integration tests towards ten different databases. On any computer. On fucking windows.

With docker, that's possible.

lmao, just use mongodb for everything fucking n00b.

So you can automate your distributed deployment process with the push of a button, a quick google search, and a tool integrated in your IDE. You probably just fucked your Docker installation.

>why does everyone use it's just for dummies
>I tried one google article and it didn't solve all my problems; it's useless
Every time. Just as well. I don't need green novices with an ego trip horning in on my turf. Drives down employer confidence and hurts everyone.

Docker ain't industry standard though.

How about no.

Sounds arguable. I don't know any big company that doesn't use it (those that I know that don't, really want to in the future)

I assure you neither of these posters are employed as anything remotely related to the usecases that Docker serves.

>still relevant in the job market

pick one

Another retard.

Give me a quick rundown on docker.

"werks on my machine" solved

Literal brainlet
Docker + Kubernetes is literally Azure, AWS, and IBMs' entire business.

well put
have a gold

Prerequisity is to not being a brainlet. You've failed OP.

The only complaint I have about it is making it work around corp network/proxy settings. Kind of a headache, especially if you have your own internal registry for custom images.

I can see how one would think this way if they're a junior CS undergrad, they've never worked on a dev team or they are a dinosaur.

>Why use tooling when you can just do everything the simplest way and realize it's not testable later

pretty much this

it's not recommended for NEETs

A lot of people for some reason don't specify everything you need to install to build the image because they just assume you have things installed, which is fucking stupid.

This is something I hate about Linux stuff in particular.
Even with some package managers that'll source some prerequisites but not others, even though all of them are available through the manager.
Now, granted, with the nature of Linux almost every person has different packages installed so it's hard to tell people exactly what they need to get your shit working, but if anything that makes proper dependency lists even more important so you don't waste people's time when they try to install your software.

>thinks Docker protects you from shitty developers and projects
Maybe you should just skip to FaaS, it's like Docker for script kiddies

Attached: Girls.png (449x401, 490K)

But then again you'd probably just bitch about the code you copy and paste from SO not working

>Implying zoomers are even remotely tech savy with anything that isn't a touchscreen or voice activated.