I'd like to remind you all that there will come a time where you will grow old and not be able to enjoy anime anymore...

I'd like to remind you all that there will come a time where you will grow old and not be able to enjoy anime anymore, nor be able to enjoy the latest gadgets or video games anymore
You will become bitter and set in your ways wishing for the younger times to be there and they won't be.
Your heartfelt enthusiasm for all things tech will wither and croak.
Please tell me you have a second and more substantial hobby

Attached: mop.jpg (800x509, 161K)

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Sadly, I won't be able to fap either.

guess i'll die

maybe we should kill ourselves so we can capture
whatever youth still inside of us

Nigger, tech isn't even a top 5 hobby for me. I look forward to the day I stop giving a shit.

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>I'd like to remind you all that there will come a time where you will grow old and not be able to enjoy anime anymore, nor be able to enjoy the latest gadgets or video games anymore
>You will become bitter and set in your ways wishing for the younger times to be there and they won't be.
>Your heartfelt enthusiasm for all things tech will wither and croak.
>Please tell me you have a second and more substantial hobby
Nibba I paid 250€ for a six core xeon 16 gig of ram and a rx470 anyone who spends more than a new console shouldn't be allowed to buy a gaining rig. Pc gaming is about cheap performance and pirated games. Paying more than a comfy holiday is literally wasted worthy memories with frens, gud advice tho. Different story when you do pc related stuff for work for sure still.

Already happened to me. I can no longer enjoy anime set in high school (80% of anime) and new tech bores me. Nowadays I'm more into metal working, wood working, home DIY, more concrete things. I'm 28 btw.

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I'm 28 and this hasn't happened yet, so I don't think it's going to happen ever.

Does it make you mad OP knowing I'll never grow up?

>younger times
Younger times IS anime and video games for us. We're gonna hate the NEW things and play cringy old command and conquer generals instead of VR fortnite

I hate anime though

28 is still young, man. I think OP is talking more about like 40 years old

I'm in my 40's and computing continues to offer so many possibilities that I sometimes still get overwhelmed and have difficulty focusing on one particular thing. There's always new distractions and interesting things. The only thing I find boring are people like you who think in absolutes.


>28 is still young
t. boomer

explain why it isn't young then? According to most age related studies and articles, 35 is when the cutoff of being considered a young person happens.

at that point if all according to plan i'll have enough money to literally not have to work for the rest of my life, hopefully married and looking forward to rise my kids better than my parents did.

i'll had enough time to look up a new hobby during that time. My second main hobby is drawing so i think i;ll be good.

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my dad still watches and reads sci fi
i'm not at risk of losing interest in my hobbies

I'm clearly memeing, I'm 29 myself.
But jokes aside it's hard for me to call the age where a lot of people already have steady families, jobs and mortgages as "young".
Even though I strongly believe it's up to the person to remain young. I've met both people much older than me who I could easily connect with, and people much younger than me who felt like actual 60 year old boomers. If you remain healthy, fit, sharp and don't give in to the mundane nature of life you'll be and feel young until your body will start falling apart.

>Please tell me you have a second and more substantial hobby

Attached: 1__smp5Q_QVnZU-ZcsZBjJDw.jpg (709x765, 63K)

im 22 and already wishing for the times that were several decade before i was born and unable to enjoy anything

I grew out of anime when I was 18 years old and I wasn't ever into it that much in the first place.
I'm already bitter as fuck and nothing brings me joy anymore except racing sims, but it also reminds me I'll never be wealthy enough to afford racing IRL. I used to like flight sims too but my mom convinced me not to join the air force and now I can't do it because I'm too old, so I don't play flight sims anymore because it reminds me of that.
I'm an OK programmer but I don't like it that much, I see it as too much of an irrelevant nerds thing and I also hate the disgusting soiboy culture around it.
So I guess the answer is no, I don't have any substantial hobby.

>Please tell me you have a second and more substantial hobby
I like guns

>you will grow out of anime
Yeah, it’s called puberty.

Nigga I'm 47 and I'm still building PC's, playing the latest video games, and watching anime and cartoons. You get old because you allow yourself to get old.

>still calling people nigga