
Will it revolutionize app development? How long until we have a flutter-based Jow Forums browser?

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No joke I thought about doing it this morning


Hit me up when you need beta testers.

just another hype



Yeah, but it's from Google.

Because Google haven't done anything of that sort before, right?

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but flutter uses skia
what is your point?

Apples and oranges.


>powered by DART

>Flutter apps are written in the Dart language

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but it's not.
it's a complete sdk for developing crossplatform applications (soon including mac, windows and linux and web)

Like we were able to do since forever?

with what? javascript? lmao

Even before JS.

Hopefully. I love it so far. I've never produced such good looking apps that fast, especially not those that work and feel right cross platform.

Oh hey, electron but with an even more useless language.

Uhm... Skia is something like Cairo or Direct2d. A library to draw and transform shapes on a screen. That's not enough to make GUIs.

One can only hope that Hiro permanently bans phoneposters someday.

>That's not enough to make GUIs
Is this nigga for real.

since when does electron create native code?

>I only draw shit, my application doesn't need shit like scrolling or click or keyboard handling or accessibility or state management...

Is this nigga for real? If showing a static screen you can't do anyrthing with is all your "app" does, you may as well distribute it as a .png.
What are you doing with your life?

Attached: nice color.png (192x192, 569)

How are video game GUIs made, then? Was direct2d not good enough?

This is like saying C is a GUI framework because you can write GUIs in C.

Dart is just a shitty Java clone though, with one or two cool features from Smalltalk (doesNotUnderstand and cascades), but outweighed by a syntax that is even shittier than Java's overall, with the same heavyweight distinction between expression and statements.

Direct2d only handles the drawing. Making it interactive is not Direct2d's job.
You either use platform specific features directly, like docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/learnwin32/mouse-clicks or something like SDL that handles it for you in a cross platform way, with painting included.
...Or you use something like Flutter, that also does it.

>already BTFO by react native

>Making it interactive is not Direct2d's job.
Just use DirectInput.

Here's a thourought comparison between Java, Dart, & Kotlin: medium.com/@wasyl/kotlin-developers-thoughts-on-dart-1f60c4ad21ad

Basically, Dart beats old Java, but it's utterly shit compared to modern languages without actually having a clear reason to be shit. Terrible design imho.

Even Microsoft recommends using the message loop instead.

>Thorough comparison
More like
>An assblasted Kotlin elitist is upset that dart is not Kotlin

didn't a lot change since then?

Dart is a 7 years old language.

sure, but nobody gave a shit about it before flutter

It was after Dart 2.

Dart 2.1 added what, some extra syntax sugar for mixins?


>> Flutter has twice as many stack overflow tags as Dart.

Seriously, this is even worse than the ruby vs ruby-on-rails tags.

how the FUCK do I know which meme to follow? first it's xamarin, then it's RN, then airbnb sunsets RN, now flutter + dart, WHAT THE FUCK SHOULD I CHOOSE WHY DOESNT EVERYONE DECIDE ALREADY IN 2018 THE YEAR OF OUR LORD JESUS FUCKING CHRISSSSSSTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT

but a possible choice is a good thing, not bad.
just pick one you like and code stuff.
all of them work and are fully capable to make a great app

but everyone keeps telling me that RN is useless unless you're in a massive team, that you need to know both native languages to work with it anyway
so I go ask in some other thread or forum and they tell me Xamarin is the biggest pile of shit in the world and that debugging is worse than getting a finger cut off,
so I go check flutter and everyone's screaming that it's yet another soon to be abandoned google failure, that it isn't and will never be near as good as native
I'm really getting sick of this shit

Just keep using QT, it's not perfect but it's been around for a long time and it will likely never get deprecated.

Either that, or just use the suggested options for the platform. I.e. C# for windows, Swift for IShit, Kotlin for Androidshit, GTK + Vala for loonix, your favourite Javashit framework for Webshit etc etc.

no. not unless an easily workable development tool comes along
t. not willing to memorize or look through flutter docs every time i want to add a text element to a screen

C with gtk

should I use QT with python or C++?

? vs code or android studio has everything you need.
what else do you fucking want?

C++ is the language QT is written in and the one where you can do the most, but there are bindings available from a long list of other languages if C++ is overkill for your project.

no. never.

but electron sucks

Electron produces gigabyte-sized executables. Flutter doesn't.

That was the point.

Electron needs Chrome to run apps, flutter doesn't (debug mode doesn't count) since it compiles to the native code.

>should I use QT with python or C++?
QT has 'QT Quick' for making mobile apps which uses a markup language called QML which is like JSX in React

webniggers need to fuck off from native app development
literally nothing wrong with swift + interface builder, kotlin + layout editor, c# + wpf
stop trying to force your infantile language, package management and practices on others

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Flutter is a 'reactive' framework which is superior to object oriented frameworks of highly nested classes. The UI in Flutter is a giant tree structure with parts that only get updated in isolation when needed

Flutter was designed by the guys who optimize the UI speed of the chrome browser, they are experts in OO, it didnt come from web

>infantile language
Swift is far worse.

Swift's syntax is much, much better than Dart's imho. Dart is about as verbose as Java.

Dart's semantics are generally better, except for the few annoying limitations due to originally being intended to compile to Javascript. I really like the way it handles reflection which is inspired by newspeak.

Model view controller pattern is what that sounds like to me, I think that's pretty common. My programming experience is limited but you're just describing how a simple dot net system.windows.forms application I made is. Main form and child controls with child controls like a tree that only updates the part that changes when something changes.
How is this different?

my programming experience is limited also, but from what I see the difference is that the UI tree is stateless and updates itself. Ive watched youtube talks on it and they say its faster because the communication in the tree only has to be a single pass rather than request/response

I don't understand how it could be stateless, how would it know if a check box is checked. Maybe I'm not understanding what they mean by stateless.

Im sure someone else could answer that better than I could

This. Once librem phones become super popular, this will be the best thing to write apps.

Flutter is a buggy alpha state piece of shit. I've sadly had to suffer it and it nearly made me kill myself. Buggy crap with cryptic as fuck error messages and unexpected behaviour everywhere.

there are stateless and stateful widgets


>literally nothing wrong with swift + interface builder, kotlin + layout editor, c# + wpf
None of them are cross-platform.