28 years old

> 28 years old
> live with my wife in my parents' basement
> work in data entry
> have literally tried to learn to program every six months since I graduated from college
> college professors told me I was too stupid to program and should consider art
> have a good grasp on if, for, conditionals, breaks, switch, else, boolean, etc
> every time we get to arrays or structs I just don't get it
> no matter how much extra help I get I can't wrap my head around arrays and structs
> have failed CS101 eight times so far
> trying again in 2019 because why not

Wish me luck bois.

Attached: 1504841854554.jpg (600x906, 102K)

A body pillow doesn't count as a wife.


>Not using dictionaries, lists or collections

>make same mistakes over and over again but fail to learn from them
You really are stupid, aren't you? You're not cut out for cs. Be a man, suck it up, and go to a trade school so you can support a family. Companies don't want to hire a 30 year old that has failed 101 8 times. Become a welder, a barber, a carpenter, a librarian...

how can you be this retarded
oh wait, you can't
shit bait

Honestly, I'm physically disabled and make around $35k. Programming feels like the only way out. I can't be a carpenter or welder if I have to sit in a chair all day, and library assistants and barbers tend to make around $14 an hour so it would be a step back.

Not OP but you can't make the big bucks in fields like these.

Fuck programming, do you want to make shit tier money and get replaced by pajeet who works for 12c a week?

Look into system admin, networking or cyber security. REAL careers in these fields. Hell, look at IT and project management, basically 6 figures if you can do it.

Sounds just like me, except I'm in a wheelchair. I can pick up a spoken language in 2 months, but I can't grasp anything more complicated than middle school math.

saw your post in the other thread

why make your own thread? are you looking for validation or something

Not OP but what kind of stuff should I start learning if I wanna be a sys admin?
Is building a home server a good way to start?

>have failed CS101 eight times so far

Attached: download (1).gif (332x215, 1.99M)

These numbers prove that you are on the right board though

That would be a good start, also get familiar with Linux, servers, Windows, VMs, databases, networking, etc.

Look at system admin jobs in your area and see what they're looking for. Also, if possible, ask the system admins at your job what they do and what they learned. Hell, see if you can get a job as an intern with them or even promoted to work with them.

not american here,
what is CS101?

Don't bother. As programming is becoming more and more common wages/salaries are coming down. If you're not good at it now, you'll never nail an interview and even if you do, by then you'd earn more money stacking shelves at the local supermarket.

>> every time we get to arrays or structs I just don't get it

Dude you might be dumb. Seriously.
An array is just a set of numbers with an index.
A struct is just a variable with multiple variables in it, that you could make an array of.
If you have taken a programming class and don't understand what this does give up.

// C program for implementation of Bubble sort

void swap(int *xp, int *yp)
int temp = *xp;
*xp = *yp;
*yp = temp;

// A function to implement bubble sort
void bubbleSort(int arr[], int n)
int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < n-1; i++)

// Last i elements are already in place
for (j = 0; j < n-i-1; j++)
if (arr[j] > arr[j+1])
swap(&arr[j], &arr[j+1]);

/* Function to print an array */
void printArray(int arr[], int size)
int i;
for (i=0; i < size; i++)
printf("%d ", arr[i]);

// Driver program to test above functions
int main()
int arr[] = {64, 34, 25, 12, 22, 11, 90};
int n = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
bubbleSort(arr, n);
printf("Sorted array: \n");
printArray(arr, n);
return 0;

your iq may be below 90
sorry user. not much you can do in tech

CS stands for computer science and any 101 class is the first class of the first year of a topic.

Isn't CS101 a general ed class? How the fuck do you fail that 8 times, or really any class 8 fucking times?

For everyone who doesn't believe the guy failing 8 times straight; in real analysis (1st year uni class for science degrees) there was a fat chick who was doing the class for her FIFTH. TIME. When midterms rolled around and you get your 3 chances or you're out she didn't even show to the first, fucked up the second, and while I didn't have to go to the third instance and see this myself, she took out her notebook (who knows what she wrote in there beforehand) and put it on her lap when the exam was very explicitly closed-book, according to all the people sitting above her in the amphitheatre. Had she gotten caught it would have meant expulsion. She didn't get caught, the one professor's aide supervising 200 dumb first years can't keep an eye on everyone and they don't want to be there anyways. However, even though they quite literally cheated, they still failed and flunked out of the class halfway through it. Next year I was told she was still going back to the class.

Some people are just stubborn, I guess.

Have you looked at being a system administrator? Companies have to have their servers babysat even if they are all virtual nowadays.


Some intro classes are also shit. At my college our intro class was taught by a professor who bragged about failing students and would not give a fuck about them.

The class was later turned into 2 classes and taught by competent teachers

I am seeing lots of threads like this, where a guy can not pass computer science, or a guy can not get a job as a pizza delivery driver after computer science. Why are there so many tragic fairy tale stories involving computer science?

How the fuck do you fail an intro to programming class though? It's literally arrays, functions, and input/out. I'm sorry but if you can't pass CS101 you're a fucking retard and have no business majoring in anything STEM.

Because Computer Science is a very vague degree, and people assume that if they shitpost on Jow Forums 6 hours a day they will get a CS job.


Attached: 1500723700364.jpg (777x1000, 226K)

OP here. I’m not sure what I could do other than tech, that’s why I’m being stubborn. I think my IQ is average. I got straight A’s all through school, went to college for liberal arts and was kicking absolute ass, then my gf at the time said only losers do liberal arts and I looked at the salaries for being an artist or librarian and you can’t really live on them, so I tried switching to CS. The professors told me I wasn’t cut out for it but I figured if I try hard enough I can do anything. I can write programs when they pertain to art or organizing existing data, and I’m pretty good at programming microcontrollers, but as long as I don’t have a visual I can’t wrap my head around it.

I ended up taking a ton of CS electives, some GIS courses, business courses, library courses, and graduated with an interdisciplinary tech degree.

I’ve tried to do CS every year, sometimes more than once, for the past six years. Sometimes I have a huge breakthrough and then I lose it again. I just feel like there’s nothing else I’d be good at. I can barely walk so it’s not like I can be a welder or electrician or some other trade. Being the best at everything you try until you’re 21 and suddenly you’re the worst is such a weird blow to the ego and I know I just have to get over it but part of me believes I just have to try harder and study more and something will hit me like the montage from karate kid where it’ll all be clear.

Some people just aren’t good at math.

Become a translator then, dipshit.

Intro to Programming has almost no mathematics.

be honest with yourself. basic programming isnt the hardest a cs major, let alone a career gets
if you struggle just to learn syntactic mechanics youve no business programming

did you mean
>physically and mentally disabled

If he can't even pass a 101 class I sure as hell wouldn't trust him with a data-center. I wonder if OP has to remember to breathe.

So that in another 10 years when google translate becomes good enough to substitute me I can learn something else? No thank you, I'm already almost obsolete at the current translation gig I do today, because I could literally copy+paste a translation from google translate with some minor grammar corrections. Hell if I'm on a time crunch that's exactly what I've been doing the last couple months, but without a fucking degree (that costs more than becoming a programmer) I get one fifth of a translator's salary and not much work, because they only "outsource" jobs to me they can't fit into their schedule and I'm paid per character. That means I earn wildly different amounts each month, between nothing at all, and only a portion of the minimum wage.

Your professors are 100% right. You should switch majors especially if you can't even pass a fucking intro class. How do you expect to pass data structures, compliers, or assembly? The difficulty gets amped up big time as you progress.

the same ais that will obsolete human translators will obsolete human coders at about the same time user

think about how you would implement C in ASM.
then how you would implement C++ in C.
then how you would implement Java in C++
and so on.
just work your way up through the abstractions. don't think of an array as something up there in the platonic universe. everything is ultimately implemented as a sequence of bits with rules dictating how to move them around

Nah dude, I did real well in school until I tried to switch to CS.

I highly doubt that. Two years ago I would've told you with absolute confidence that I could retire translating, and I'm only in my thirties. Today I'm panicking how much time I exactly have to learn something that I can do sitting but doesn't entail learning fucking math. The texts I translate are pretty hardcore (english is not involved in either direction by the way, they are two different languages) yet google translate gets the sentence structure almost always right, fucks up the terminology once or twice, and that's pretty much it as far as automated translation errors go.

I haven’t been in college for more than six years now, but I just kinda figured what else am I going to major in if all the professions in the US involve programming.

Become a male nurse. You'll make over a 100k a year as you are a minority in the field and there's no programming. Plus, you can start working in the industry with only an associates.

That's an interesting thing to consider. If natural language translation reaches that point, I suppose you could claim you can use that technology to translate individual instructions given in a natural language into machine code.

literally anything else, you are not cut out for CS

>failing cs101 8 times
>the unit that is deliberately dumbed down
Your professors are right.

I took MATLAB once in uni and didn't get it. Am I a brainlet at CS user?

Matlab isn't meant for CS majors. Matlab is programming for engineers and physics majors


Maybe you should try something else? If you don't have the intellect to grasp something you're not going to grasp it after a dozen attempts.
Just pick up some kind of art like woodworking or metalworking, you baka.

matlab is gay as fuck. simulink is pretty dank though

Medical transcription is another field that is dying quickly due to advances in voice recognition and translation of voice and writing. As A.I. advances further it will probably be a dead field in 5 years. We disabled people who have to work from home are pretty fucked.

>Did real well in school
>Can't into arrays and structs
Literally what the fuck. Arrays are just the same variable type over and over again in a continuous block of memory. A struct is just a bundled collection of variables. How the hell did you pass your shapes and colors exam in kindergarten being this mentally defective?

he probably majors in some bullshit like English, where you can smoke weed the whole time and still get a 4.0 GPA

You haven't got to pointers yet, OP.

Who said that I am CS student? I tried to major in civil engineering and too brainlet for that too.