HQ Trivia

Is speedball a technology?

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God I wish that were me


What does doing heroin feel like, bros?


did he install gentoo too many times?

good riddance, he looks like an asshole

just watch trainspotting

anyone who would overdose probably is, a high level or recklessness, naivety, or carelessness.

cozy, like being covered in a nice blanket, contentment, peace, good feelings, no worries, bliss.

bah trainspotting is about scotish loosers not H

nah its 100% fentanyl or carfentinil spiking. Opiates in general arent too dangerous.. injecting street drugs directly into your veins is.

Living to the MAX 100%

> co-founded the video application Vine

35 Yo old is weak in the current year

Don't be this weak if you don't want to go to (((newspapers))) buy some vidyagames or bidet. GN lads

I don't even know who that is

if youve ever taken a painkiller its that feeling but greatly intensified.

stop posting this on rule34

Pure heaven. First time may suck, it feels like headache and puking. Second or third time are awesome, pure heaven, pure bliss. After that, it sucks even more because you never get that heaven feeling due to tolerance, so you increase the dose to get that feeling.... Ad infinitum...

what the hell is hq trivia

It's a smartphone app for normies.

So it is good one time? Fucking hell you drug users are pathetic. Stop thinking the world revolves around you.

I think you got me wrong. It's good one time, but to get the same goodness the next time, you need to increase the dose. As long as you keep increasing the dose, you'll get that nice trip everytime. So you never know when you get that good trip and just slip into a respiratory arrest.

Bet he was heavy on the crypto and ODed to kill the pain.

>HQ Trivia

Like doing heroin.

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He made vine, sold to twitter. Hqtrivia collected some buzz/funding/fame/users because it's sort of a "new media" thing, a shared game show trivia in an app. I've never tried it. Not going to try most of drugs either.

Let us please stand up for 7 seconds of silence.

you'd think people would know by now that mixing the two is a bad idea