Net Neutrality Repealed One Year Ago

What changes have you noticed?

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None because it was never implemented in the first place.


internet got faster

Apparently it's been active for 6 months.

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>11 icons
>only know four of those
Is this what being a boomer feels like

harder to find hookers on the internet

>Based on tests on Ookla's ubiquitous Speedtest tool taken during the second and third quarter of 2018, the United States is seeing a big uptick in Internet speed—in particular, download throughput—thanks to the expansion of Gigabit internet
Unless you can tie net neutrality repeal to the expansion of gigabit internet, the two are unrelated.

None because net neutrality has now been enacted at the state level.

>living in California
The other 49 States don't.

You mean the fearmongering was all for nothing?

my connection to certain sites gets throttled by about 50% depending on if it's at peak hours. while my speeds went up by about 40% my bill has doubled and I'm still only getting about 65mbps when I pay for 250mbps.

>cause massive outrage
>making changes the second it's enacted, further fueling the fire
>or wait a year or two and sneakly force it down your customers' throats like they always do

Latter sounds smarter.

Which ISP?

Of course it was

>netflix and google said it's bad that means it bad!
>google never do no evil
>Gronk hate ebul ISPs hurr

Comcast/Xfinity, they're the only option as I've tried to switch to AT&T, but when I scheduled appointments they would blow me off, this happened 3 times before I gave up.

The public outrage over Net Neutrality means companies are too shy and afraid to pull off blatant shit like .

Regardless, the non-pleb understanding of NN is that (in the short-term) it's mostly concerning business, not end users. The entire thing only ever kicked off because Comcast decided to demand extra cash from Netflix for being a "service deliverer" or somesuch legal shit, and Netflix said "nuh-uh we're paying for the connections to our server rooms that should be enough" and it escalated from there.

The entire goddamn sector has been in a stand-off for the past decade, and the bullshit over Type I or Type II was the stone-grindingly slow cutthroat intrigue bubbling up at the surface.
Then again, it's just a matter of time before someone blinks and the chips fall this way or that. When that happens, bullshit end-user throttling WILL start creeping in, which is why it's still better to have this theoretical protection than not.

(not that ANY of this matters because the latest fiasco happened early enough in Trump's government's history that idiots have taken the cause as their political tribe affiliation signaling campaign de jour. Opposition to NN is 95% idiots who got too invested in Trump's cult) started showing speeds about 20% faster than what I can actually prove with any other service.

this. it would be dumb to force it right away; better to lull people into a sense of security so they forget about it; and you get your way, then just pop it in later.

I'm so sorry.
>I've tried to switch to AT&T
user, I...

att finally gave me gigabit internet

I'm stuck in hell paying way too much for this shit.

Dumbasses like you said similar things about data caps, yet here they are.

Net Neutrality just makes it so Netflix doesn't have to pay for their excessive bandwidth. That cost will get passed on to consumers if the ISPs can't get Netflix to pay.

They keep telling me they're going to put lines down and that was three years ago.

>not being grandfathered in on the first unlimited data plan from AT&T
>not having a court uphold that unlimited means unlimited and can't be throttled
Make better life choices.

Nintendo charges for online use now. Fuck net neutrality

That was inevitable with the easy money Microsoft was making with Xbox Live. First Sony fell and now Nintendo. Just wait till Steam requires a monthly fee to use their service.

>being such a dumbass phoneposter that mobile datacaps actually impact you
But on the real, CEOs and all executives/board members of ISPs that put data caps on hardwired internet should be executed.


>thanks to the expansion of Gigabit internet
my area doesn't have gigabit

>Just wait till Steam requires a monthly fee to use their service.
This is why Epic introducing a store is a good thing. Competition.

posting from my datacapped home connection. kill those pigs

Aint gonna happen. Considering that on PC actual competition is possible and you are not locked into the manufacturers store

European here.

We have net neutrality, I think, but Vodafone still offers data packages that only work on specific services, like Facebook, WhatsApp or YouTube.

They're like "buy 1gb for 5€ or buy 1gb for 1€ but you can only use it on social media" and the fine print says which social media are supported.

I don't know if this is what net neutrality feels like.

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>But on the real, CEOs and all executives/board members of ISPs that put data caps on hardwired internet should be executed.
I could get behind this.

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How does epic's store create competition with internet service providers?

Net neutrality is a scam, sort of. The way it was originally described has nothing to do with mobile ISPs and nothing to do with consumer protection. It had everything to do with discrimination between B2B transactions.

Netflix was already paying for it's bandwidth , double charging it's way more Jewish than Netflix being a propaganda machine
Congratulations, you got too invested in the Trump cult

I hope this happens. Jow Forums was awesome when you had to ether be rich enough or devoted enough to afford a computer that would access the internet. Now that every retard with a phone comes here, this site has gone down hill. Make the internet a gentleman’s pursuit once more.

Uh... I think you misread that, user.

>Just wait till Steam (the video game store) requires a monthly fee to use their service.
>This is why Epic introducing a store (Epic's video game store, competitor to Steam) is a good thing. Competition.

not what that user mean, the net neutrality repeal is active, but the order that actually implemented net neutrality rules never went into effect, it was repealed before then

>double charging it's way more Jewish than Netflix being a propaganda machine
Well... is it really?

Legitimately asking. Is double charging Netflix actually worse than the propaganda Netflix barfs out to normies?

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Yes, since Netflix isn't the only one double charged, small competitors are double charged too

>decrying the greatest dissemination of information in human history since the invention of the printing press because you're assmad about people posting on your Tibetan hot sauce farming board
woah user what a gentleman

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>not locked into the manufacturers store
How many games do you own on Steam? Those are licensed to you, pay the fee or have them all locked.

Netflix pays for their end of their internet connection. Their ISP could raise their rates if they wanted to. None of this has anything to do with net neutrality. Net Neutrality is about preventing Comcast et al. from making decisions on what you can and can't do with your internet connection. If you're not just a shill then you're impossibly gullible.

The order is still tied down in legal battles, so until ISPs are completely sure they've won, they wont do anything drastic. Anymore negative means instant repeal of the order.

That's why it's an average. Other people are, so the average speed is increasing.

And then Epic will copy Steam like how Sony and Nintendo copied Microsoft.

Poor people ruin everything. That’s a fact.

Not when they have such a small market share - they would shoot themselves in the foot if they did that.

It's definitely possible for that to happen down the line though, like you said. The point is, competition will at least delay it.

>datacapped home connection
Is this really a thing?

>but the order that actually implemented net neutrality rules never went into effect, it was repealed before then
So we never got to experience what net neutrality would have been?

You're charged based on consumption. Small competitors would end up being charged less.

No? Though for most people at that time and even now there really aren't any true violations of what the rules would've been, at least from a home service perspective, maybe the rules would've caused some changes for mobile internet but the impact would've likely been completely unnoticeable for those who weren't heavy mobile internet users

>Their ISP could raise their rates if they wanted to.
You seem very misinformed. Net Neutrality isn't just the single issue you outlined.

No injunction has been issued, but you are right that they could be waiting until it's out of court.

The problem is when you get sick of YouTube banning all your favorite people and you go to a competitor website and it loads slow as shit because they can't afford to pay ISPs to prioritize its traffic like YouTube does.

Then you're no longer deciding which site to use by the quality of its service but by how deep their pockets are.
This benefits incumbents and maintains the status quo, it is an enemy of change, improvement and disruption.

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Your ISP will charge you to access steam, not themselves.

Yes, mostly in USA and Canada.

If anything it’s started towns to just build there own.

Net neutrality was a campaign by Google, Netflix, and other new media to avoid paying some of their newfound profits to old infrastructure companies. When will you folks realise that both sides were just corporate manipulation

There's legislation in Tennessee that prevents municipal service providers from further expansion. It was signed into law by legislators who recently received large campaign contributions from companies like Verizon, Comcast, and AT&T.

>Be 90% of bandwidth
>Get charged equivalent of being 0.000001%
How naive are you?

My rural shithole town finally got fibre optic

Netflix pays for their connection like anyone else. The only reason it's even a "problem" to companies like Comcast is because they took all the taxpayer money we gave them to build out fiber networks and pocketed it.

Not if they want to compete with the big boys, where do you think that extra bandwidth they pay for comes from? You think they just flip a switch and all those high-speed lines they didn't install magically appear?


maybe that's because 90% of the people are already using/paying for both their internet subscription and Netflix.

imagine being such a cuck that you pay your isp to use your time and effort to defend them on a Manchurian Toad Licking forum.

Why should they pay more for the same service because they profit?

The principle of net neutrality has nothing to do with how much an ISP charges for internet service. The American implementation of net neutrality that went through the FCC may have included some price regulations, I wouldn't know. It definitely didn't stop ISPs from offering different plans with different prices. Regardless of whether the FCC's rules affected pricing, your ISP is not going to lower your rates just because they can now get some extra money out of Netflix. The savings seldom get passed on to the consumer, and American ISPs are some of the most anti-consumer businesses out there.

internet got cheaper and better where I am

internet speed doubled
(but bandsplit is still a thing, so only modest increase in the other direction)

>How many games do you own on Steam?

Yeah and they did that because one city in Tennessee already started its own government-run ISP, which is better and less expensive than the private ISPs' services.

My high speed soft cap on my """unlimited""" cellular plan got automatically raised. Its also now a soft cap and not constant speed reduction if I go over which I usually don't. I don't know if that's related though.
Otherwise nothing happened like always when lefties fear monger, they are full of shit.

The end of the world of course.

This thread was a honeypot to find all the Jow Forums posters who only knows about ISPs through John Oliver videos. Your IPs have been catalogued

I forgot to add: if you want REAL news please watch infowars

ISPs raised nominal speeds for free, but none of that matters because NN allows them to throttle your shit whenever they want.

Exactly. Why should the ten percent pay less just because they’re not using the service? Isn’t the point of democracy that we fuck over those people?

Just as long as we recognize they’re intellectual equals

Because the alternative is paying for a service and not getting what you paid for.

My argument:
>If you pay for a service, you should actually get what you paid for.
Your argument:
>If you pay for a service and don't use it, you shouldn't pay for it.

It's easier now than ever.

Search Adult Work dot com.

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Yes, just as anyone with Downs Syndrome is to Einstein, equals.

But muh free market always does it better meme

I would kill for Comcast
But you're full of shit.
I had Comcast up until about 3 months ago, I moved and they don't offer service.
The only form of bullshit they ever did was datacaps.

It's not a could user. Anyone with any basic sense wouldn't do shit. That would just give ammo to your opponents and validate everything they've been saying.

Now if you wait until you've won and then roll it out slowly over the next 5-10 years, you'll get everything you've wanted. The only question for our future now is who will win the initial fight.

>I would kill for Comcast
You sad Stockholm Syndrome retard, I feel sorry for you existence and if given the opportunity I would assist in putting you out of your misery.

also see

Netflix was forcing ISPs to constantly upgrade their servers to handle their crazy throughout, and Netflix didn’t have to invest jack in improving compression. That’s not a sustainable system. You weren’t getting what you paid for, you were paying too much so that streaming companies didn’t have to cover their actual costs. Your argument is that ISPs might be shitty (which of course is why there are dozens of ISPs in every location, which can happily accept customers if other ISPs start censoring (which in itself would increase transfer time pretty significantly if implemented widely)), my argument is that big web companies can and have been shitty, and have no incentive not to

Google and Netflix were, of course, just looking out for their own interests. But in this case their interests happened to line up with what's good for consumers and society. It's retarded to sell your freedom just to spite some corporations you don't like.

>John Oliver is Einstein

Holy shit this is gold

god damn that would be a thing of beauty if they ever did something like that. the web would be so much better if it weren't filled with useless shit like fb twitter snapchat et al. we might actually end up with the utopian internet/web that seemed possible in the beginning, instead of this instagram twitter popularity contest filled shit carnival that we have now.

You guys will never not be butthurt over that piece Oliver did on Jones, will you

facebook twitter [something] instagram snapchat youtube netflix twitch uber tinder spotify.
really? you don't know any of those others?

Yeah, just like VoiP also forced ISPs to upgrade their shit while they tried to fight back innovation a decade ago. It's not Netflix's problem that ISPs can't deal with growing demand.

do you have sonic in your area? they're pretty good

Netflix wasn't forcing anyone to do shit. Netflix users were using the internet connections they paid for to access content online, and this meant the ISPs had to use a portion of the government money they were paid to build infrastructure to build a portion of the infrastructure they had already been paid to build. The only unsustainable part of this situation is the use of tax money to overpay shitty corporations for subpar results. is the only accurate test. all others take money from providers, so speeds are not true