Just installed this fagware

Just installed this fagware.
How can I ---REMOVE--- shitty adblocker??? And Brave (((Rewards))) whatever the fuck that is??? Am I supposed to dump Chromium over this autism spawnbox?

Attached: jews.png (600x600, 63K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Brave rewards are only active if you turn them on. By default, they're off. Adblocker can't be "---REMOVE---"d, but you can disable it easily through the shields menu. Brave has adblocking and other privacy protections built into it, as every browser should at this point.

are you 12?

fuck you. i'm uninstalling it right the fuck now!

why do you think Brave is a company not a non-profit organization?

well that was rude. Enjoy your botnet

Attached: R.png (1588x825, 1.09M)

use iridium browser or ungoogled chromium
firefox is for nigs


Why does this stupid browser get so much discussion on this board? It has literally nothing worth using or discussing.

>Google default search
>not botnet
At this point, ungoogled chromium is the least botnet browser (apart from IceCat but that's just pure autism).

Attached: ugc_logo.png (128x128, 6K)

> use iridium browser

>he didn't buy BAT at ICO and sell in January.

Never going to make it.


>If you want to edit this article, or contribute your own article(s), email me at [email protected]. All contributions must be liscenced under the CC0 liscence to be accepted.


>AAAthats3as is a loosely-organized paramilitary militia specializing in autism and being gay. Over the years thousands have joined, few have stayed. Care to try your luck, traveller? The Date Rape Appreciation Station is the only channel that really matters, so make sure you join that one. Perplexed? See How to Connect below and see how deep the rabbit hole goes.

>not recognizing
Hello new friend.

Brave has most of the ungoogled-chromium patches applied, and they intend to apply them all: github.com/brave/brave-browser/issues/1431
Now fuck off, retard.

> apply ungoogled patches but carry its own telemetry
what's the point?

>he fell for the brave meme

>use chromium
>read about ungoogled chromium
oh wow that sounds like a good browser.jpg
>AUR that bad boy
>running 17.7k tests
FUCK this is what I get for listening to Jow Forums

Attached: Screenshot_20181218_020144.png (1151x647, 176K)

Which telemetry are you talking about?

The rewarded one

Brave Rewards doesn't have anything to do with telemetry

how about qutebrowser?


Only /v/ermins and Jow Forumstards recommend that shitty botnet browser, you fell for a meme.
Use ungoogled chromium or gnu icecat

just uninstall retard lmao

Because you literal fags crap out shartware and expect others to use it because you put sooo much hard work into it (read: haphazardly copied some pajeet code and call it a day).

>he fell for the firefox or chrome meme
At least he's not as retarded as you.

>not using /etc/hosts to block ads

I can't wait for Firefox to finally die. The same thing will happen to FF now that happened to it back at its roots, where very few sites bother making it work. Then even more people will abandon ship and it will die.

they release compiled binaries on their github

Use ungoogled chromium and unlock origin
Brave is as botnet as chrome

until they remove the hardcoded adblock plus and https everywhere + the blockchain/bat cancer, brave will continue to be a part of the cancer that's killing the internet.

If that's you're measuring stick, the internet will always be dying, but never actually dead. You might as well complain that protonmail and tutanota have a model that involves them turning a profit.

i think it's totally fair that you put up a paywall and demand that people purchase your services/products.

but i'm 100% against the ad revenue model and ponzi redistribution schemes. if you can't make people pay, take the hint and quit instead of adding yet another bad service/content to the internet.

give me a browser that focuses on enhancing privacy/integrity and that asks people to pay for it, i'd glady do so.

I would agree, but Iridium support is kinda shit. They didn't have updates for months, more than half a year I think. With no comments, the project seemed abandoned.

But I just checked and there is a new version out, so who knows?


Name a single remotely popular browser behind a paywall.

>give me a browser that focuses on enhancing privacy/integrity and that asks people to pay for it, i'd glady do so.

What if there was one, but the money you pay will be spent on diversity and social justice programs?

>Name a single remotely popular browser behind a paywall.
that's my whole point. i'm still flabbergasted that no one has tried to offer this yet as that idea has so much potential.

people are willing to pay for games, music, movies and all kinds of software, but for some reason paying for a better browser is taboo.

>people are willing to pay for games, music, movies and all kinds of software

not really though

There used to be a bunch of paid web browsers. Right now, there's only one for desktop: iCab.

So it isn't that it hasn't been tried. It's that it isn't economically feasible.

I guess its okay but I cant seem to find any option to hide this ugly Rewards button and the adblocker only functions out of the box for English speaking sites

two scenarios:
>subscription fee:
then you stop paying for it to mark your disapproval. it's your money and your choice.

>single license:
people stop purchasing licenses and look for other alternatives.

then how come there's netflix, spotify itunes store, steam, battle.net, office365, adobe... everybody pirates, right?

and how good was that browser? if you want people to pay, you have to offer them something their money's worth. something icab failed to do...

>and how good was that browser? if you want people to pay, you have to offer them something their money's worth. something icab failed to do...

If iCab failed to do it, why is it still trucking along?

You can't sadly. That's why I don't use brave right now.

why the fuck are you still on the beta? stable is already using chromium. Are you some kind of stupid faggot or something?

>remove https everywhere

this is why no one with half a brain takes Jow Forums seriously.

Because then he's L33T H@CK0RZ and gets all the features early.

I like how you mouth breathing faggots get up in arms about BAT being integrated into the browser, but always ignore the fact that's it's fucking opt in.

You don't have to opt in at all you dumb faggot.

I just do not like Chromium base browsers. So much wasted UI space you can not change


it is, but how big of a market share does it have? obviously there are people willing to pay for and that is apparently enough to keep 'em on trucking. i wouldn't pay for it personally though.

i want a browser with it's own web engine, built from scratch (free from google & mozilla) and that is privacy/integrity focused. plus a development that takes the user community into account.
and i'd use following financial model
>level 1: 5$ /month
paying users. can use the browser freely and receive updates

>level 2: 10$/month
fanboys. same as level 1 + access to user forums where you can do bug reporting, contribute ideas/wishes & communicate directly with the developers

>level 3: 20$/month
premium users. all the fanboy benefits + their feedback and wishes gets priority. also they get access to beta & alpha builds.

>level 4: 50$/month
vip. all the vip benefits + their name attached to the browser. the option to become a forum mod. + access to a vip forum section.

>I like how you mouth breathing faggots get up in arms about BAT being integrated into the browser, but always ignore the fact that's it's fucking opt in.
>You don't have to opt in at all you dumb faggot.

>You need to pay double in order to report bugs

Seriously, though, if you think it's marketable, go for it. Fill the hole in the market and get rich.


Because you can't hide an icon? Are you fucking serious? And what other choices are there when Ungoogled chromium, Inox or Iridium need months to be updated along with not even compiling half of the time?

>he's not using snap

I would unironically use this browser if it had bookmark sync.

Well, it does and it's better to just import bookmarks and keep a backup of it.

i would, if i was a programmer instead of an tech enthusiast. regular users don't bug report, they just want to pay for something that works and don't give a shit about the rest.

or one could do the entire thing in foss, making code and acess open to everybody.

>or one could do the entire thing in foss, making code and acess open to everybody.
That's a wonderful way to attract SJWs that will kill your browser over time.

Brave is trash. Use Firefox ESR.

Why? So you can still be stuck with quantum, but manage to hang on to shit that's already been cut for a little while longer?

Fuck Mozilla. I'm not saying to go with Brave, but fuck Mozilla.

not everyone needs hitler-tier de-jewed security browser to watch cp

There's literally nothing better.

At this point, there's literally nothing worse. I would use IE6 before I'd use FF again.

Brave is made by literal pajeets street shitters.

What the fuck were you even thinking installing it in the first place?

Attached: _85319913_poop_protest.jpg (624x351, 43K)

t. Jow Forumstard

Nope, not at all. About as far from them as you can get. But this is a developer that actively pisses off their active userbase in the attempt to garner new users. I don't reward that behavior.

Other than built-in tracking, what did they do wrong? I don't see quantum as a bad thing.

>I don't see quantum as a bad thing.
Then you're wrong. But on top of that, you're staring down even more cuts in the future. The RSS feed is an obvious example.

This is what is called "moving the goal posts." You didn't ask for proof that FF pisses off their userbase regularly, because that is self-evident, and it is obviously in the pursuit of new users (as why else would they do this). Even if you don't mind quantum, it is clearly a bad thing, because the majority of their userbase did not want it, and they did it anyways.

what should I use instead of Chrome? I'm tired of being a botnet boi, but Vivaldi, Firefox and Brave were all kind of ass the last time I tried them.

Brave just updated in a big way. Try them again.

>users didn't want quantum
It's faster and more secure than XUL. I still don't see a single argument against it.

Brave is WORSE now. It's been trash since the beginning.

Fingerprint protection doesn't work at all. Your Canvas, screen size, plugins (as of Chromium), time zone, WebGL fingerprint (as of Chromium), OS/Platform are revealed and the user agent isn't spoofed.

Tor tabs lack any additional anti-fingerprint methods, making them completely useless as your privacy is trivial to breach. You can be effortlessly uniquely identified and tracked.

The Brave adblocker is trash compared to uBlock Origin. The performance is difference is massive if you enable any additional block lists in Brave's blocker. Which you have to because Brave's adblocker is not only inefficient, but also lacks a ton of filters by default and a lot of ads will still be displayed. uBlock Origin blocks domains instead of just hiding ads, plus it has a script blocker and an element picker.

(((PIA))) partnership.
Has proprietary addons.
Google is the default search engine.

Chromium build has a terrible UI (especially settings UI) and is missing gestures like long press on new tab to choose to open a private/tor tab.

Attached: brave.png (1900x1322, 91K)

no one cares faggot

brave works nicely on android
wouldn't use in desktop tho, maybe on laptop

Stop shilling brave you retard. It's shit on android too, stop repeating this garbage in every single fucking thread.

>no one cares
If you don't care then you'd use Chrome, Edge or Firefox.

>Fingerprint protection doesn't work at all. Your Canvas, screen size, plugins (as of Chromium), time zone, WebGL fingerprint (as of Chromium), OS/Platform are revealed and the user agent isn't spoofed
>The Brave adblocker is trash compared to uBlock Origin. The performance is difference is massive if you enable any additional block lists in Brave's blocker. Which you have to because Brave's adblocker is not only inefficient, but also lacks a ton of filters by default and a lot of ads will still be displayed. uBlock Origin blocks domains instead of just hiding ads, plus it has a script blocker and an element picker.
Good thing all extensions are supported then and you can turn off inbuilt protection methods off, right?
Yeah, great source man.
>Has proprietary addons
Which ones?
>Google is the default search engine
Who cares when you can change it and all other alternative search engines are already pre-installed?

>stop shilling
but user, I like my brave
Works like new with over 200 tabs on "background" and 10 live, only bad thing is that number of tabs is replaced by :D when they hit 100
45min saved by not loading ads, well, it might be true but I'm guessing its still over 25min

What difference does it make if you use it on a desktop or a laptop? You're still using the desktop version.

OP here, and here fuck this gay JEWISH AND NIGGER ((((browser)))).

Yes, but I feel like only real desktop can handle my tabhoarding habit, and laptop could use that extra swiftness as mobile network is not always good.
maybe its just me, maybe its maybeline

Non-argument, the defaults are flawed and the browser advertises itself for being good for privacy when it absolutely isn't
>great source
American hosted
>Which ones?
There was at least 1 password manager which was proprietary/cloud based.
>Who cares when you can change it
The defaults are garbage

At this point there's no reason to use Brave when chromium exists.


This. Chrome browsers are absolute shit
>settings look like utter trash and the UI of it actively fights against users who want to use settings
>when you download anything a big-ass panel pops up taking 10% of the screen
Whoever designed this shit was a complete idiot.

People are fucking retarded

90 posts and still no answer.
Jow Forums 2019

Why stop there when you have Yandex Browser

Yeah, keep using something you don't like even though there's an alternative. Makes a lot of sense.
>American hosted
What the fuck are you talking about? You posted a ((())) meme.
>There was at least 1 password manager which was proprietary/cloud based.
Where? And I'm sure there's more than one proprietary password manager, but what does this have to do with Brave?
>The defaults are garbage
Yeah, and you'll complain and keep using what you don't like even though there's an alternative for that as well. Makes a lot of sense too.
>At this point there's no reason to use Brave when chromium exists
The same Chromium which inserted questionable blobs and for which full sets of patches to "de-google" it exist. While on the other hand Brave is on its way to having all of them applied.

>what does this have to do with Brave?
Brave shipped with it in Muon. Don't know if it still has addons by default.

you need to follow these steps:
1) install vivaldi

>months to be updated
>newest Chrome/Chromium stable:71.0.3578.98
>current Ungoogled Chromium: 71.0.3578.98
wtf are you even talking about nigger.


>Chromium 71, was first released on 1 September 2018
>Chromium for 64-bit Windows - Ungoogled - Thursday, 13 December 2018
>Iridium: current version 2018.11.70-1
(based on Chromium 70.0.3538.77)
Not to mention that neither compile on Linux.

Ungoogled chromium is a superset of Iridium and superior in every way

Attached: 1545089819351.png (600x600, 59K)

You are such a stupid idiot it's funny.