Best app to control my internet addiction? I want to stop being a lazy NEET and shitposting all day

Best app to control my internet addiction? I want to stop being a lazy NEET and shitposting all day

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I suggest a strong will

gotta get a job
nothing makes you appreciate free time like a good soul crushing 9-5 job

Go outside and get /fit it's the only thing which has kept me off here today for a while

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sounds like I'd just waste my 2 hours of free time

you would still waste it but you would enjoy wasting it vs feeling like you should be doing something else

Unplug your computer and go do something else.

daym can't argue with those trips
I was thinking about using this though

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Leechblock and similar


Maybe when you grow up little boy

i'm 29

I'm 22 but I don't see it happening bruh

Read Notes From Underground, hell read all of Dostoyevsky. Then read right, knockout punch with left.

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how the fuck is internet addiction real, nigga just walk away from the screen

Set up LeechBlock NG. You may want to check if you have ADHD. Read the book Driven to Distraction if you suspect you do. This is the adult screener:

I don't know, sounds like a bullshit diagnosis to me. I can go for hours doing mentally demanding stuff if I'm motivated to do it, but if it's boring and there's no immediate benefit to it I can't stand it.
But I'm not even complaining about that, heck I unironically can't even take a shit without taking my phone with my and checking Jow Forums. I don't think that's ADD, just a plain old internet addiction.

One word: dopamine.

Strong will or getting responsibility. Like caring for GF, or children

What the hell would you even do if the electricity went out? Not mocking you, just asking.

will power is a thing

maybe this could help:

Make some thing every day by 45 minutes.
Write down
then increment every few months until get 6 hours work

I use this:

+ I block time-wasting sites in /etc/hosts

It takes a few seconds to unblock them but that's enough to stop me from opening them automatically without thinking and ultimately saves me so much time. Those are tricks you can use, good luck.

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