Wait... People actually use Linux?

I'm confused. Why even bother using a buggy OS that has almost negligible software support, and dominated by screeching 'free' software zealots.

Attached: download.jpg (207x244, 6K)

Other urls found in this thread:


It's because people get confused and insecure about using Windows.
They're like "normies use Windows but I'm a professional, so there must be a different platform that only pros use."
So they switch to Linux to show how pro they are, even though it's objectively worse. They can't admit that though, otherwise all the other 'pros' might think they're less pro than they are.
So yeah basically it's insecurity.

This exactly.
And then they screech nonstop about how the 'year of the linux desktop' is coming even though linux desktop use is steadily declining

i don't really care for the "free as in freedom" shit, but i live a frugal lifestyle so a lot of my laptops are sub $100 and Linux gives me incredible performance compared to Win10. I mainly do music and there are very capable DAWs for it (the good ones are non-free though but I'm not screeching about it) and non-native ones like FL run fine in WINE. I also really like Pure Data. my shit boots faster, performs faster, does everything I need without getting in my way. that's why i bother using Linux

Gotta be honest, you sound really insecure.

>Linux has good DAWs

He's poor, of course he's insecure

>using kernel
are you mentally retarded?

I'm lazy to pirate and it loonix does enough for normie shit on my PC (i dont game though).

I used Linux for a year straight. Downloaded windows 10 again tonight and I'm never using Linux again. Hate it so much.

>good DAWs
lm@o, good luck running VSTs
>but u can run VSTs with wine bridge!!!! :^)
yeah, gotta love that latency bro

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX. Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called “Linux”, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project. There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine’s resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called “Linux” distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.

I don't consider myself a free software zelot but I do use GNU/Linux on my home computer. I have a PC at work and I absolutely hate it, can't stand windows at all. To each their own.

>it's ganuu plos linocks!!
no shit moron, we know it's technically "gnu+linux" but only retard free software zealots call it that. Sane people call it "Linux" because it sounds better. Did that answer your question or should i use smaller words?

Thinkpad has good support, everything just worked, even my Intuos3 (from 2006?) was just plug and play. I left because of botnet on windows (used LTSB for a year, and a hackintosh for 2 years before then) since I am using my browser most of the time it doesn't really change anything except I get different software.

>classic shell=KDE

When you google a linux problem you find a solution.
When you google a windows problem you find a pajeet with no clue what they are doing trying to explain a solution to a boomer.

Stop calling Linux without GNU.

Attached: vargman.png (282x295, 197K)

sorry but that meme stops being funny when some low IQ virgin posts it on literally every linux related thread of Jow Forums

ok retard
>fl studio in wine
ok retard
>doesn't program his own synth plugins tailor made to his own specifications
ok retard

>low IQ virgin posts it on literally every linux related thread
isn't that the point of meme?
is this your first day on 4channel?

Dunno, it does it for me. I don't care about photoshop, audio workstation, video editing... I mostly use my computer to write code, read historical articles, load stuff in my kindle, listen to music, watch movies, just general web browsing, like Jow Forums, blogs, youtube, banking, etc. I used to keep a Windows partition to play videogames but nowadays I mostly play in my PS4, and Linux runs Civ5 and CS:GO which are the only PC games I play regularly anymore.

Spotify runs great, and Netflix works in Linux since 2015 or so, Sublime Text works. Linux has great programs too, like Libreoffice (I never liked the Ribbon UI in Office, LibreOffice is more like Office 2003 which was what I learned back in the day), mpv is great, deadbeef is great, transmission is great, Calibre is great, Firefox is great, etc.

I got a new laptop (Lenovo T480) and the time I got it with Windows almost made me regret buying it, but at the end I bit the bullet and installed Debian with KDE on it, I got it working great and made me fall in loce with the thing. I just have been using Linux for so long Windows feels foreign to me, kinda like life-long Windows user feel like using Linux.

In short, in Linux I can do everything I care about and it doesn't get in my way.

Attached: be9b44b6809300210df2e446ef050893.jpg (556x801, 445K)

Deadbeef is shit compared to foobar2k.

this is the dumbest shit i've ever heard. are all linux users this retarded?

when you google a windows problem, you typically fix it by clicking on a few graphical interfaces. on linux, you need to be command line proficient in order to get anything meaningful done.

>I don't care about photoshop, audio workstation, video editing
Even if you did, Linux can do all of those things anyway.

How so?
>click in files
>they play

What more do you need? If you want library management you can use Clementine.

None of my dev tools work on Windows and WSL is a joke.

Wow. what a fluffed up and elaborate way of basically saying "I can't afford a Windows 10 license"

I has to reinstall it multiple times due to not having any good answers. I've never had problems with Windows .

>buying Windows

Why would anyone pay for a botnet when can have freedom for free?

Computers come with a windows 10 license you retard. He doesn't use it because windows 10 is absolute trash.

I know. I had to do a video for work once and Kdenlive worked fine for me. I'm not like these kids who think they need Sony Vegas for their 2.5k subscriber YouTube channel.

Yeah sure, I can get a license for free from my academic DreamSpark account. I just don't use it because I don't care about Windows much.

It's mainly used for the bash terminal and the tools that it allows to use. If you're not working in computer science/IT you probably don't need to bother with gnu/linux. Bash scripting is somewhat of an expected skill in the field.

Because some people don't want to use the command line and just work. I know it's baffling, not everyone has time to use the command line to watch a YouTube video. lol

Only pedophiles care about online privacy. Even if you theoretically weren't one, Windows 10 telemetry can be easily disabled.

Linux distros will never get rid of the over-reliance on terminals because if they do then they can't feel like a hacker.

God said wine should replace windows, plain and simple. If you deny this fact, then you glow in the dark.

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>Only pedophiles care about online privacy

Go jump in traffic you massive faggot.

Wrong, it's because the terminal is more useful in some cases, esp in the workplace. Using ssh to connect to a server and work on it is quite common.

What another retarded thing to say. Only windows 10 PCs come with a windows 10 license, you fucking mongoloid. If you get a system76 pc or mac, you need to pay for a license

Why is this penguin looks ripped?

Pedophiles like you should be shot and killed.

Attached: Screenshot from 2018-12-17 22-16-31.png (358x264, 20K)

>t. pedophile
I don't even disagree with you but can you really blame people when half the linux desktops posted on Jow Forums have lolishit wallpapers.


Found a pedophile

Well, I have the exact opposite problem, when I have a gnu+linux problem I usually just need to read the error log and understand what's happening and sometimes search online the best way to fix it.
On the other hand when windows has a problem it just says "error" and no log and nothing at all, event viewer only confuses everything even more and that is IF windows even boots at all, because on windows there isn't even a way to chroot into it.
I don't have to use the command line to watch a youtube video, but command line is indeed the fastest and most efficient way to do so.

I know I get why people use it but the normal person doesn't use it and that's why year of the Linux desktop will never come.
Basically generalizing but very bad at how I went about it.

>you glow in the dark

I made that comparison he responded to, but the playlists don't have history so if I make a mistake, its fucked. Affects me for sure. I don't use a library, I have all the plugins I need as well including visual ones. There's probably a lot of pajeets in this thread like:
All are no effort, no knowledge posts pajeets shilling a shit OS.

Attached: 1543928380474.png (720x1280, 582K)

you're acting like both windows and linux are prone to OS issues when in reality windows has almost no OS issues whereas when i used linux for a while i had to reinstall my OS literally every month. what an absolute nightmare that was.

>no effort, no knowledge pajeets shilling a shit OS
>uses linux

>I don't have to use the command line to watch a youtube video, but command line is indeed the fastest and most efficient way to do so.
So you know every single youtube url from memory? This is why people don't like linux users, they're all LARPing faggots and every time people point out a problem with its usability or other shit they have to pretend that it's actually quite simple and that they code a bunch of applications to make their workflow a lot simpler but no, you can't have it.

>I made that comparison he responded to, but the playlists don't have history so if I make a mistake, its fucked. Affects me for sure. I don't use a library, I have all the plugins I need as well including visual ones. There's probably a lot of pajeets in this thread like:
>All are no effort, no knowledge posts pajeets shilling a shit OS.
What is the point in arguing about this. Use what you want to use, doesn't mean some don't like Linux, Jesus the more I use the internet the less I want to argue anymore.

that's android

Sounds like you're a brainlet who can't invest 15 minutes learning to properly use a tool. You can always do it using the GUI too, some stuff is just more efficient/faster with command lines.

>On the other hand when windows has a problem it just says "error" and no log
Windows logs errors, though. That includes usually non-descriptive BSoDs.

Windows 10 auto-updating caused me to switch to Fedora. Now I'm on OpenBSD because I agree with it philosophically.

android is just another example of what a piece of shit linux is

>Windows logs errors, though. That includes usually non-descriptive BSoDs.
In a binary format that needs special software to read

>agree with it philosophically.
The philosophy where you eschew support to be able to create proprietary binaries?

it is literally the opposite of efficient.

Funny because when I used windows I had to reinstall windows almost every month, and I've never ever HAD to reinstall a Gnu/Linux system, even that time hardware malfunction corrupted apt's package database.
Also Linux doesn't have OS issues, every malfunction I've had was either due to hardware or my own fault.
You do realize chromium, furryfox, or whatever meme browser you use run on Gnu/Linux right? RIGHT?
Yeah, windows logs errors, now I just need to become an official microshaft technician to learn to read them

>if you get a system76 PC or a mac
Nearly every other company in the world ships their computers with windows licenses you pedantic autist. Nobody buys their home computer from system76, whatever that is.

Time for the third daily 'my baby duck syndrome can't be this crippling' thread. I see we've already passed the nothing to hide fallacy.

Attached: 7aff4ea6486b9fc3d4a5b247426cb11d.jpg (407x960, 231K)

ok, you go search manually in all your files instead of using grep and a regex, good luck buddy

>doesn't know about system76
>posts on a technology board

ntfs is trash and the way windows handles resources is trash; the audio stack is fucking horrible, too.

I don't pay attention to hardware manufactures. I use old thinkpads off ebay.

I use GNU/Linux because of Tiling WMs and development resources, if you are a regular fuccboi gaymer it's perfectly fine to use Windows.

it gains more market share than wangblows phone

>another winjeet shill thread
getting pretty old

Linux is the most popular kernel in the world. Android Linux is the most popular computer operating system in the world.

Format support

there's several methods of using youtube using only a terminal, such as;
- an RSS reader
- youtube-viewer
- mps-yt (designed more for music)
- tui web browsers

Imagine unironically using Windows.

Information cannot be "property."

>Why do people like something I don't like?
Kill yourself

Your posts say a lot about you. More than you know, I think.

Some people feel so insecure about their choice of OS that they need to project onto others and post these shitty threads every day.

Which ones? Did you install the codecs first? The aac decoder is proprietary so it might not play in a stock install. mp3, flac, m4a, should play ootb

that can't possibly be more computationally efficient than watching youtube in a browser made for that sort of thing

>the command line is bad
why? because it's not immediately obvious what is possible with it? it's rare for a gui to expose all of it's options at once, and quite often more technical options aren't present from a gui, because there's limited space for it, or the gui is intended only for inexperienced users
because it's old/predates guis/etc? there are of course some things which make more sense to do from a gui, but that doesn't make guis a replacement for the command line. the command line is still better for many tasks

be honest with yourself, besides the few tools where a gui actually enhances the application, like WYSIWYG editors and graphics applications, the primary advantage to a gui is to allow people who are unfamiliar with computers to do basic tasks on them, through the use of familiar visual cues, rather than needing the user to read and learn anything

if there's anything that can't be argued about text tools vs. browser for watching youtube, it's computational resource efficiency, you can browse and play yt videos using less resources that a typical graphical browser today uses with a blank tab open

It's much more efficient to watch video in an external player instead of using the browser to play it actually. You get better control as well.

Lying and being anti-christian, how shocking for a linux user.

Not him, not even a Linux user, but the only one who sounds insecure here is you desu.
The guy uses Linux for justified reasons. Idk how that would be anything even remotely close to being insecure.

Why would you think searching files manually is the only other way unless you're making stuff up because you don't actually know anything or that's how it works on linux.
File search including contents/attributes/etc. is built into explorer/start search/command line tools on windows, that's not new.

Your multiplayer games run on Linux moron. It's most stable OS when you know what you're doing

Gotta be honest dude, you really are insecure LMAO

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Dsd based, also cue sheets are bad on it compared to f2k.

Jow Forums in the year of our lord 2018

I use whatever the fuck I want. Fuck you

This, honestly. My grandpa's getting a computer for Christmas to replace his dinosaur, and it fell to me to pick one because none of his children know anything.

For the casual office work, facebook machine and the like, most of the boomers and their tech-illiterate children could switch to some friendly Linux distro and be none the worse for it. The compatibility issues don't mean anything to most of them, and much the home users work is entirely OS/Office Suit agnostic. I'd install Linux on his machine if I had my way because I feel like it'd be fewer problems in the long run, but I can already hear the cries of "FIXITFIXITFIXIT" and I'll just cause more problems than I solve.

Unsurprisingly, people are lazy and they don't want to learn anything new, even if it'd make their life easier. That's really the core of the issue. Linux might be absolutely perfect for a given use case but it doesn't mean a damn thing if nobody's going to even try.

P sure the mac version of Ableton live runs in wine some way, either way it runs better than on Windows

>he thinks Ardour is a bad DAW
Are you retarded


What the fuck are you retards talking about?

Only one screeching here is you my friend.

What's amazing is that Linux users continue to subsidize Microsoft by paying for the preinstalled Windows OS that comes on many of our PCs.

But I only buy secondhand laptops and build my desktops from parts.

>install windows for casual games
>works for few months of causal use
>boot it and get a gray or black screen
>try security mode
>gray screen on security mode too
>try to chroot
>oh, right no chroot on windows
>ok going to just check what's on /var/logs/... oh right...

outdated since like 2010
>negligible software support
dumb, it's not different OS, so the software is different, simple
>dominated by free software zealots
Wrong, most of it is nowadays mix up of open soros + Proprietary crap, only couple distros are Free Software