If I buy an iPhone SE how long can I use it?

if I buy an iPhone SE how long can I use it?
It's already more than 2 years old
Why I want to buy it is because I hate my 5'5 phone, it's to big to hold and I can't reach half of the screen without one handed mode.
4 inch would be perfect for me, but there are no Android phones with good camera and ok hardware in that size.
I want to use it for facebook messenger, shitposting, and taking photos

>inb4 satania
recommend me an other phone

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wait for xperia xz4c

>last more than a year past its release

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also I don't want to spend a fucking fortune on the phone. I can get used 32gig SE for 200$

that isn't a 4" phone you stupid nigger

Kill yourself, handlet.

Fuck off, I am a woman

Who let you out of the kitchen?

I use an SE at work to test our app. It works fine, but it's running an older version of iOS. I deliberately don't update anything so it stays fast.

Having said that, I HATE HATE HATE how small the keyboard is. I don't know how I ever used an iPhone 4.

This is the age of smart phones and WiFi sweety :^)

It’ll last you another five years with ease. i5S is still getting updates and iOS 12 gave it new life. Android shills will tell you otherwise because they can’t stand the fact that anyone would think different than them. 11/10 you won’t be dissatisfied.

my sister said I can have her 6S for Christmas, should I get that or buy a used SE?
to be honest I never cared about iPhones

I updated my SE to 12.1.1 and it is so fast then ever.

iShit is trash.
If you update, you lose 50% speed every 6 months.
If you don't update, your apps stop working because apple won't allow new app versions to support old ios.
You'd have to be a brain dead troglodyte to buy iShit.

Just get 6s, difference between SE and 6s is non existent.

just replace the battery
what are you, poverty people?

>If you update, you lose 50% speed every 6 months.
My IOS 12.1.1 SE is working great
>If you don't update, your apps stop working because apple won't allow new app versions to support old ios.
It works on my iphone 12.1.1 se
>You'd have to be a brain dead troglodyte to buy iShit.
t. android NPC

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>just pay more money for defective out of the box fruit trash
iToddlers are subhuman mongs.

>Android shills will tell you otherwise because they can’t stand the fact that anyone would think different than them.
No, it's not that. But if you buy a locked down Android device, you're at the mercy of the OEM.
>11/10 you won’t be dissatisfied.
>4" display
>not even 720p
>no micro SD card slot
>subpar battery life
Yeah, no one could or should want anything more out of a smartphone in this day and age.

You say like andorid devices don't loose half of their battery in 2 year

" display
>>not even 720p
This is everything I want
>>no micro SD card slot
Don't care, now I have a 32GB phone, and I use 5 of it

Source on Android devices doing so? Also, your iOS will randomly shutdown your device when Apple decides your battery should be replaced or you'd have to face battery throttling. Enjoy!

>it don't matter man, who wants that HD definition shiet
>everyone has the same use case as I do
No wonder why you're an Apple user really.

>it's an itoddler manchild thinks Jow Forums is his personal fruit shit shopping guide
Fuck off.

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>Source on Android devices doing so?
our battery technology haven't improved in 20 year. Now we even have fast charge to make it worse

>>it don't matter man, who wants that HD definition shiet
on a fucking 4" phone? Nobody
>>everyone has the same use case as I do
So I should buy a phone you want to buy, because I should do with it what you want to do with yours?
iPhone SE/6S satisfies MY needs

Still using a 5s that's guaranteed updates through 2019--over half a decade since release. Timmy C. might be a sodomite but he takes care of his twinkbois.

street shit harder pajeet

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>2018 januar
Any updated since?

About as long as a 6s, I'd wager. So the 5s gets kicked in 2019, the 6 in 2020, and the 6s in 2021 or 2022 (big increase in specs from the 6s, so it's possible).

I went from an SE (which I was very happy with) to a Sony Xperia Xz1c with Lineage, I really recommended the xz1c, the form factor is great.

Looks nice but costs 600$ where I live

OP can't inb4 faggot

6s has 3d touch, better front camera and bigger (still not too big) display

If you're gonna go for that, may as well go for the 7 or 8. Thanks to wireless charging, its feasible to never need another lightning cable other than the one that comes with the 8, which is a value in and of itself.

Won't recommend, even though it'll get software updates, the performance will get really bad, with each update, and unlike android many apps don't support older versions of iOS. Only get an iPhone if you can get the 8, 10, or 10X or S or something. Don't buy old iPhone's, they're really bad.

If you buy it you'll probably use it with good speeds for a year, and sorta bad and slow speeds for a year, after which it'll become and evolve into a progressive shithole. So yeah 2 years max in usable condition. If you don't mind lag go for it.

I’m using a 4S.

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and the 6S would be free

Buy it online retard, I got mine for €200

>200 is less than 0
is this the power of Android?

>paying more gets you a better phone
Wow, who would've thought?

Both of them would be a downgrade from the phone I have now. Don't really care about it

Why did you make this shitty thread then?

just bought a refurbished SE off of amazon for $180, do it before its too late

to make a decision whether or not get an iPhone
Since the only con is that a bunch of autists would think I am gay I am convinced that I should get one, especially since I can get it for free(which news I received during this thread

>4 inch would be perfect for me
Just buy a dumbphone at this point.

The SE is patently worse than the XZ1c you idiot

>i already made up my mind but I'm going to post a thread asking for free purchasing advice anyway
Fuck off back to r*ddit you dumb whore

I did not made up my mind when I made this thread.
But since I am a men, I can make quick decisions based on facts and logic. Never over or underthink a decision. If you reached a conclusion stick with that, if you start to doubt yourself you will get worse results costing more time.

>Fuck off, I am a woman
>But since I am a men
Mentally ill detected

And an Opel Astra is slower than a Mustang, but I don't need the speed of a mustang.
It is pointless to get faster one just out of spite, because at the end of the day, you will still buy a new phone after 2 years

>anonymous image board
>anonymous image
nigger, someone else posted that

>I want to use it for facebook messenger, shitposting, and taking photos
get a cheap shitty android instead so you won't need to have apple filenames when you're shitposting and have more control over the camera for better photos.
if you don't care about this, then just go ahead and buy it, you don't need acknowledgement from Jow Forums when buying toys.

I have looked for days for cheap android phones with good or at least ok camera, sub 5 screen and ok hardware, but I have found nothing.

>sub 5 screen
There's your problem.

yeah, and it is my main criteria
I need a small phone

well you're not going to get a good phone camera for at least 20 more years.
if you have more control you get to ignore the shitty smartphone post processing and do better low light.

good as in good considering it's a phone

then android is the better option because it allows you to have way more control over your camera.
VSCO is worth looking at though with an iphone and isn't that much worse than what android offers, or if you only use it to snap shit just get an iphone and use the default software instead of bothering with using your phone as an actual camera.

>yeah, and it is my main criteria
>I need a small phone
What for? For it to be less intuitive for you to type on?

not him but I own a 5.9 phone, I miss my tiny nexus 5
big phones suck

SE last me for 3 years an still going

get it for the iMEssage bruh, every bih on it

That's what I and majority of people does when takes a photo.
Our main objective are:
>see honey what a dumb shit I saw today
>see world what we did, next to a hundred other people, we are so random and unique
I don't want to change the world and create Pulitzer prize photos

and then ios 12 was specifically put out as a response to this, and drastically speeds up older models

When I look at my hands they have different "posture", because I hold the phone with my pinky. It also hurts to hold.
And that gay ring thing woman use is gay and not available for my phone

do not listen to the android autists

the SE is legitimately the best phone currently available (and it won't be available for much longer)

after the federal inquiry, iOS 12 gave it new life, it'll last you three more years at the least and you can get one for ~$200 right now

I bought my iPhone 7 on release and can't complain

No U.
My gf has a Sony, and holy shit, that thing is crap. Most ironic part is that it has news camera hardware than the iPhone ( which afaik uses a Sony sensor) but consistently makes worse images. Way worse images.
Also, it runs android, so it’s poo by definition.

What about the 6s? I want muh headphone port and no fucking notch. I got a job and all my coworkers use imessage

Cheap androids are good for for anything but taking photos

>Buying an obsolete phone

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not even the real sataniaposter
"obsolete" phones are better because they let you spend less money on toys and besides what do you really use your phone for?
I can only think of normalfaggots who use their phone as their main machine.

iPhones last 2 years tops, after that the performance falls behind way too much.

>My gf has a Sony
Which one?
>Way worse images
Not than an SE

Loving every laugh

kek iToddlers fear the sataniaposter

>muh overpriced chinese paperweight is better than your overpriced chinese paperweight
They sound the same really.

buy new phone every 2-3 years.
pay repair service every 2-3 years.
removable battery, pay price of new battery every 2-3 years.

600-3000$ during 10 years.
450$ during 10 years (might not get service after more than 3-5 years or at all)
150$ during 10 years.

Something, something Xperia compact. Their naming scheme is as retarded as apples new scheme, can’t be arsed to remember it.

But isn’t the definition of the NPC that they’re the dumb, unimportant majority?
And aren’t you droidheads always claiming that you have a way higher market share as Apple has?
I know, it’s difficult maths, but believe me, this calculation results in
>androipajeets BTFO

there we have them
the retards arguing about who's toys are better

There we have him.
The virging poor fag who has to justify not having money for apple.

It has 3 more iOS updates left in it, so it’ll be officially supported by Apple for 2 years and 8 months. It’ll still be ok to use for a year after updates, so unless you plan on having it for more than 3 years, just get it

Coming from a 5’7” Jow Forumseek virgin who watches anime. Thanks for the lol

not any more


most apps today are 9+ and that's 3 versions behind so I'm gonna give it actually about 5 or so years


IPhone SE is the god of all iPhones, the peak of them all and the last good iPhone ever

Using a honor, the screen is 5 inch, sd card, headphone jack, screen is not amazing but oh well

I bought one recently (~170$ for a 64GB used one in Hungary), it's great, especially in terms of desing and durability. Even servicing the phone is really easy, especially compared to Sonys glue madness.
The phone itself looks bretty fucking good, and feels really really great in hand. The size and the form is perfect, its like a glove. The screen size can be a problem tho, but only on really shitty webpages. The camera is really great, and the headphone output sound good too.
On the other hand, iOS is illogical, dumb and too NPC-compatible, and looks really weird sometimes. At least its pretty fast, and i think it will be okay for messenger and shit for several years.

>lagOS updates

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glad there are so many sane people on Jow Forums
SE a best

now show 12

Just picked up a 6s with IOS 11, should I jump to 12?

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When my iPhone 5s stops getting updates in a year or two I'll go to an SE (probably secondhand). Buying a new phone is like buying a new car, you get the worst of the depreciation and not much benefit.

> my 5'5 phone, it's to big to hold and I can't reach half of the screen without one handed mode.

manlet detected

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Samefag here. Forgot I made this reply till I saw the thread just now and saw all the fags getting extremely buttmad over who uses what. Once again, for the price the iSE is an outstanding phone. You can get it for almost nothing just about anywhere now. Only arguments I’ve seen even worth a shit are the screen size, but I don’t think they understand why people are buying the thing in the first place... Battery life can easily last you all day and then some. I was getting stupid on-time when I owned one, and with iOS 12 and proper setting you can BTFO just about anyone. The claims of slowing down are in the past and Apple has done a fair job making up for it with the $30 battery replacements, and the update to iOS 12. I understand the confusion from Android users when they don’t get any updates to begin with.
Overall OP, stop looking to 4channel losers who are only going to shill because they believe their device defines who they are and do your own research.

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