Since you guys worship C. What have you built with C? What do you plan to build next with C?

Since you guys worship C. What have you built with C? What do you plan to build next with C?

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Other urls found in this thread: /linus

C sucks. I'm building an OS kernel in C++!

I don't worship C. My language of choice is Java.

we like Rust

apart from embedded shit, nothing.
kys commie

Why do you claim that C sucks? What have you previously built with C++ or/and any other language?

apart from Rust we also like the taste of our own smegma in the morning, not sure if that matters

>My language of choice is Java.
Why? What have you built with it?

Who the fuck would spend time drawing that

OP is speaking to us

>apart from embedded shit, nothing.
What exactly is that?

mad wymyn respecter spotted

Hello Bjarne Stroodlesoup, how many production level C++ projects have you implemented in C++?.

Attached: chinkpuke.jpg (640x795, 27K)

What have you done with Rust?


once again, ANSI C is BTFO everything else

I do a lot of unix system programming in it

>What have you built with C?
This, among other things:

You smell of reddit
You are also likely one of those virgins who who haven't realised they are basically an incel

I get it, user. You respect wymyn all the time and you have sex all the time. I secretly wish I was you.

you don't know what an embedded system is?

embedded stuff.
i made a silly game.
it's not really a game, there's no objective yet, you just move a dude around on a screen shooting jews.

I don't worship C, but I have been using it for some projects, mostly small little command-line tools:
Next, I'll probably have some more tools to add to those first two projects.

>Since you guys worship C.
I don't but it does the job nicely
>What have you built with C?
Http/websocket server with luajit for a company
>What do you plan to build next with C?
Nothing, building an android app for another company

>What have you built with C?
I've solved a few dozen Project Euler puzzles in C. Mostly for practice. I've come to realize being expected to write every bit of code yourself gets annoying quick and can see why modern programmers have switched to importing everything they need.

you don't though, there are lots of libraries for C. You shouldn't ignore them, just because they are not standard
Probably not as comfy as using c++ with boost and doing everything with one liners

I realized what a pain things where when I wanted to use a hashtable data structure in one of my programs. I looked up how to do that in C and found the GLib library has this data structure built into it

That was so much more difficult to use than the ones built into most other modern languages and just felt like using C for that project was more work than it was worth.

>I wanted to use a hashtable data structure
Not the guy you're responding to, but I'd argue that STL is reason enough to use C++ over C alone.

The lack of common data structures and containers in the C standard library is just awful.

>Nothing, building an android app for another company
Why use C and not Java?

STL is bad, though. Anything more complicated than a vector is suboptimal, and the APIs are frequently poor. Not to mention they implicitly drag many sepples-isms into your code, like ctors/dtors/exception handling and some OOP.

no we don't

>STL is bad, though.
It really isn't.

>inb4 microbenchmarks showing allocator overhead

No one builds anything here man, we just make people insecure about all their tech-related choices here.

I've been using C mostly for embedded arduino and PIC projects (avoiding the pajeet-tier IDEs and reading the datasheets like a real man(tm)).

I've recently started using GLib for the Advent of Code. It's actually pure bliss after being stuck writing my own stuff for way too long. Though I'd agree it's less fun to use than, say, Python, it's a good compromise.

I've yet to learn C++ or something like D for "ease of writing" or whatever, but I'm honestly rather comfortable with Python for pretty much everything and C when I want speed/work on a lower level.

My preferred language is Ada. What pithy stereotype do you have for that?

But why?

Even Linus wouldn't use C++ for osdev. /linus

Compile time evaluation features and metaprogramming are useful anywhere. Linus is criticising C++03 which only has these in crippled useless states.

You know that that rant is 20 years old, right? Which also means that Linus' concerns (besides "I simply don't like people who program sepples lol") is equally dated.

You also know that the rant is about version control systems, and not OS development?

>libnvm can be linked with CUDA programs, enabling high-performance storage access directly from your CUDA kernels. This is achieved by placing IO queues and data buffers directly in GPU memory, eliminating the need to involve the CPU in the IO path entirely.
That's pretty neat, yo.

While I have great respect for Torvalds and his accomplishments, his criticism of C++ is rather poor and uninformed, not to mention that C++11 and beyond has gotten significantly better than the older standard he was criticizing.
The language itself offers many useful features, like namespaces, templates, stricter type system and casts, more compile time evaluation, classes if you need them, type inference, and so on. Notice how all these features are built into the language itself and require no runtime support at all, not even the standard library. They are therefore perfectly fine to be used for an operating system.

Little known fact: apart from using a few GNU extensions (therefore effectively not being standard C), the Linux kernel does make use of object-oriented design and methodologies:

I tried that myself. It was frustrating as shit, since C++ and its compilers both make a lot of assumptions about the underlying system (for example, g++ gets pissy on freestanding builds because it wants to see certain system calls like sbrk in the ABI). C turned out to be a lot more ergonomic, at least for an embedded RTOS. I wish you luck, though.

Currently, I'm designing a lisp that compiles to HTML, JS, and CSS. The goal is a simple, sane, bullshit-free way to make simple websites. The "compiler" (I'm not really sure if you can call it that) will be written in C. I'm an embedded developer, not a webdev, so this should be a fun learning experience.

I find that libraries are super easy to work with if you're only targeting POSIX-friendly platforms. The moment you want to support Windows, you're praying that MSYS2 has the packages you need. GCC also behaves a bit differently in it vs. Linux, e.g. you don't have to tell it to import lpthread.

I'm currently writing a strictly POSIX-compliant SCCS implementation in C.
Because it has to be strictly POSIX-compliant.

Attached: pathetic.png (953x1282, 495K)

>network code in C
This should be illegal

The irony is that the current object model in the kernel wasn't introduced until literally a decade after that specific rant, and changing pointer parameters to const (which is frequently mocked by brainlets on Jow Forums who doesn't understand the value of God's work) is also relatively new. This all indicates that the kernel became vastly better after Linus' role was reduced to simply dealing with merge requests from the different branches.

>and changing pointer parameters to const (which is frequently mocked by brainlets on Jow Forums who doesn't understand the value of God's work)
This, const parameters are an excellent feature that is often overlooked, to the point that Carmack said
>I wish variables in C++ (and C) were const by default
I can only agree with that. They prevent stupid errors such as inappropriate assignments, and help the compiler optimize your code even further.


Actually pretty comfy

We don't like trany lang

Might as well pick up a rifle and kill innocent civilians yourself.

Just talking out of my ass, seems like a pretty based language that allows you to work on interesting software as well.

>Currently, I'm designing a lisp that compiles to HTML, JS, and CSS.
based as fuck
Do you have anything to show yet?

Wrote a password generator program in C. It generates truly random passwords that are resistant even to quantum attacks. Your move.

>jerking off animation V1
>the best thing i ve ever wiritten

Making emulators and fozzbuZers

I like c, but I don't use it for my projects,usually I use python go or bash for my stuff, with C I fix dumb shit made by dumb idiots

OpenGL applications, database gestion, file and music player, games, even servers. You can do anything with C.

>usually I use python go or bash for my stuff, with C I fix dumb shit made by dumb idiots
Can you tell us about them?

First week learning C. Coming from 6 months of python. No bully pls.


void swap(int *px, int *py)
int temp = *px;

*px = *py;
*py = temp;

int bubbleSort(int arr[], int size)
int i, j;

for (i=0; i

Yes, but what have YOU made using C?

always use curly braces
swap parameters must use __restrict__
loop variables can be create inside the for loop... for(int i = 0...) instead for (i=0) and variable outside.

anyway... it's ok.

check bubble sort online, it is actually more efficient then yours

What do you think TCP/IP is written in?
What do you think the entire network stack is written in?


>we just make people insecure about all their tech-related choices here
Well, who would fall for that, except OP.

>CSP solver based on extending my BSc thesis
>shitty GL 4.5 AZDO renderer with 2.5D camera
>couple servers for seL4, mainly I/O
>core for thread-modular analysis plugin for FRAMA-C for verifying basic lockless structures

a simple tool to detec vsync issues and animation stuttering and also reading into xerver to see why this fucks are not abble to get vsync right after 20+ years

Where can I get this? This sounds fucking amazing.

i know this is a rhetorical question but its for instagram attention and likes, dont know if the guy makes a living out of it but id be surprised if he didnt, username in the bottom left.

He's not wrong though

Don't listen to him user, bubble has a slow as fuck runtime

do the needful sir

not him but I have a toy program where I read /dev/urandom into a buffer, then modulo each member by 94 and add '!'