/aocg/ - Advent of Code 2018 General #36

Cellular automaton eclectic boogaloo edition

Previous Thread adventofcode.com/
>Advent of Code is a series of small programming puzzles for a variety of skill levels. They are self-contained and are just as appropriate for an expert who wants to stay sharp as they are for a beginner who is just learning to code. Each puzzle calls upon different skills and has two parts that build on a theme.
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Attached: day18.gif (250x250, 94K)

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>Go back to my day 17 solution to see if I can optimize it from the current 30s it takes
>Actually find some more edge cases and now it takes 70 seconds
Fucking hell

can someone test out my input for part 1?
I get "free, tree, yard" for each elapsed minute
1298 750 452
1076 1005 419
884 1171 445
736 1285 479
648 1325 527
603 1318 579
640 1226 634
713 1091 696
885 954 661
1084 803 613

Post your biggest brainlet moments this year.

>spend a long time on day 9 part 2 trying to find some perfect marble state because I didn't think there was anything wrong with constantly resizing multi-megabyte arrays in Python
>completely skipping over minecart movement rules and also somehow forgetting that you can hit carts which already moved on a tick
>absolutely shitting myself on day 17, as in like a fully workday and then some (I thought it was harder than 15 in terms of grasping what you needed to do), in part because I got into trying to do a "pure" solution that couldn't handle certain cases

1321 736 443
1101 984 415
918 1144 438
781 1257 462
696 1303 501
660 1293 547
692 1207 601
761 1083 656
913 957 630
1110 825 565

Day 13, my carts kept on overwriting the tracks with their direction characters because I didn't understand python references until a few days later.
Ended up writing the same algorithm in C++ that day and finished at around 4hours instead of 15minutes.

On day 8, where you get a recursive definition of a tree, how do I actually parse it into a tree? The solution I've seen just don't bother making a tree, which is fine. But I don't like being too dumb to make a simple recursive function.

aaahhh fuck
my surronding check is wrapping around the other side of the array

Recursive simply means calling yourself to perform the same function again.

>tfw someone else made the same visualization already

Attached: outr.gif (406x400, 517K)

>tfw you're a lazy faggot

Attached: file.png (210x21, 1K)

day17, ignored the minY statement, spent 2h debugging non existing bug.

Cellular automaton!

Attached: firefox_2018-12-18_16-38-18.png (1034x1023, 81K)

Okay this is epic. I'm at day 18 part 2. How do I smartly voodoo it into going faster?

Attached: Screenshot_2018-12-18_16-48-35.png (606x123, 96K)

It's only 21 hours user, you can wait.

I've just copied it to my VPS which can solve it in 6 hours. Checkmate, atheists.

Attached: out.gif (500x500, 2.03M)


>12949 frames/s
Try swapping between 2 buffers.
Make sure to break out of your check early if it succeeds.
It's probably faster to check all 9 squares than to special case the test square. You only have to modify your lumbermill test and require 2 instead of 1
If you surround the active area with '.', you don't have to check for grid edges

Or you can figure out how to not literally iterate a billion times

Attached: 1521829829515.gif (244x156, 1.02M)

Seven more days.
Seven more days and I can go back to sleeping 40 minutes longer and then using the other 30 minutes to fap in bed.

That number was taken on a 1.60GHz CPU. I don't have much better available at this moment.

>Try swapping between 2 buffers.
memcpy is done once per loop and takes a tiny-ass fraction of the time (memcpy is really fast, and the buffer is pitiably small). You'll have to make sure both buffers match at the end of each iteration anyway.

>Make sure to break out of your check early if it succeeds.
The time it takes to compare the tallies while looping is more than simply letting it run out the loop of 8 iterations [spoiler]also the compiler can unroll it[/spoiler].

>If you surround the active area with '.', you don't have to check for grid edges
Same with this, I really doubt that'll be noticeably faster. Maybe it'll save me 10 mins in the "grand scheme of things" but that doesn't mean much for 21 hours.

>It's probably faster to check all 9 squares than to special case the test square. You only have to modify your lumbermill test and require 2 instead of 1
This is probably what'd save the most but I have no clue how I'd do that...

I'll probably just try to visually figure out where the animation starts looping and calculate the nearest frame that should have the same state as frame 1000000000.

Now that I think about it, maybe a checksum of each frame would let me figure out when it starts looping...

it's what I did, store the number of wood and lumber tiles along with a hash of the grid, when you see a hash for the second time you got a loop

Really underwhelming so far, lets be honest.

kek mine is the same

im still doing the elf battle thing though, eventually

i just put the whole thing inside a dict in python and wait for duplicates to show up.

why did I write such a convoluted mess of a code?
It isn't even efficient...

Attached: convoluted.png (1598x2524, 434K)

>day17, ignored the minY statement, spent 2h debugging non existing bug.
this one hit a lot of people, myself included

Didn't know what a linked list was and made a shitty slow solution once

It's easy to code in, but difficult to make it look nice

day18 code

Especially "proud" of my brainlet-tier part 2. I originally did the modulo thing but got the wrong answer. I figured I had gotten the math wrong somehow, so I replaced it with these stupid loops since I figured that would be impossible to fuck up. Then I got the same wrong answer again, because the problem was never with the modulo, it was an off-by-one in the cycle check.

Attached: aoc18day18.png (624x1184, 74K)

I solved it in excel.
Printed 100k lines to a file, found the cycle with ctrl+f and just did it manually
pretty sure this method could be used by anyone to do part 2 in under a minute

>tfw inexperienced/brainlet so implemented day 9 (the marble game) with an array
>O(n) deletions instead of O(1) with linked lists
>part 2 with the *100 turns is taking 30 minutes so far on naive python implementation
>too lazy to terminate it and reimplement

Attached: 1517664068757.jpg (1900x2660, 224K)

>too lazy to terminate it and reimplement
see you in a couple weeks then

what font is this?

So whats the trick to detect the pattern?

Hashset. Insert after each step

URxvt*font: xft:DejaVu Sans Mono:pixelsize=10

2/10 apply yourself

Attached: 1542191423654.png (862x142, 29K)

danke schoen

Alright, I seem to have gotten it. Thanks for the tips.

$ time ./main 1000000000
Loop starting frame: 417 (length 28)
Resource value: 169234
./main 1000000000 0,05s user 0,00s system 95% cpu 0,054 total

I saw you got some points over SP today, congrats!

I forgot, you also have to set

in the environment, because a freetype update a year or two ago fucked up the rendering and made it look shitty.
Also you need to set the freetype hinting mode to "full" due to the other freetype update a year before that.

Forgot final gif...

Attached: out.gif (500x500, 130K)

Day 16 and today's problem needs an image

Attached: cal.png (10000x10000, 3.58M)

For today's maybe something with the lorax

the calendar should stay bare cuz it's already a grid

Alright I implemented my loop checker for part two. Wish me luck anons.

It seems like too many people got filtered after day 10. There isn't any good content of note in the threads anymore, let alone activity.
We're reaching dead days.

Well forty minutes later and still no result so that's fun.

it finally returned with the right result

Attached: 1518014906484.png (1127x686, 59K)

It's wrong, the loop appears below 600 steps.

i implemented a hashset. now it detectes the cycle. how do i calculate which step is the last step?

Yeah I thought so I just left it running while I ate thinking it would finish a while ago.

Love me some numpy.

import numpy as np

with open("I:\\2018d18.txt") as f:
arr = 1 + np.char.index('.|#', [list(line.strip()) for line in f])

def tick(arr):
ear = np.pad(arr, 1, 'constant')
amt = np.equal.outer(np.dstack([ear[i:i-2 or None, j:j-2 or None] for i in range(3) for j in range(3)]), np.arange(1, 4)).sum(-2)
msk = arr < 3
np.copyto(arr, np.where(np.take_along_axis(amt, arr[..., np.newaxis] % 3, -1).squeeze() >= 3, arr + 1, arr), where=msk)
np.copyto(arr, np.where((amt[..., 2] >= 2) & (amt[..., 1] >= 1), 3, 1), where=~msk)
return arr

def findcyc(func, start):
pow2 = 1
cyl = 1

lastp2 = start.copy()
fast = func(start.copy())

while (lastp2 != fast).any():
if pow2 == cyl:
lastp2 = fast.copy()

Let's say that at step b you find a grid that you already saw at step a
For me, a = 550 and b = 578

So the program is going to run up to step a, then enter the cycle
Basically, you have:
1000000000 = a + (b-a)*number_of_cycles + left_over

You can compute the left_over with a simple modulo:
left_over = (1000000000 - a) % (b-a)

You want the state of the grid after all the iterations, so you can pass over all the cycles and just compute left_over iterations

>hardcoding your input file
>not reading from stdin always, which is more extensible in that it allows you to paste in test input or redirect from file

hardcoding the filepath is superior for this
it's something you can do before the challenge is open and it's one less thing you need to do to run your program

Or you can just redirect your input file to stdin with the benefits I listed. It's just $ myprog < input_file

Day 15 really needs that "The hard problems haven't started yet" quote from the creator

Attached: 1520119412554.jpg (550x412, 159K)

any hint on how to do this shit? do I really need to visually scan every frame of a 10000x10000 grid? what the fuck?

Attached: Capture.png (361x518, 12K)

Just wait until the maximum vertical distance between the dots is small enough, and only start rendering then. I checked for a vertical distance of 200 and got 15 frames rendered, one of which had the message.

Since the input converges to a minimum only once before it begins to diverge once again, you can keep track of a box of corners representing your minimum and highest points respectively, and once the current box is bigger than the previous box (the answer), you can just print out the range of the previous, smallest box. The only downside to this is you have to find the new corners each iteration, but it finds the correct answer instead of the hacky way of visual inspection.

Attached: day16.png (1071x713, 448K)


Can anyone post their input and solution?


approaching 4MB edition

feel free to add lorax

I've checked last year's leaderboard and only 30 people had both stars on day 18 (and less onwards), while this year 38 of us already has 36 stars. The problem might be that everyone seems to be doing a different challenge, and I've seen more post about day15 than the current problem.
Last year these threads were also dying at day 22-23, and that's natural considering the increasing difficulty.

Attached: cal.png (10000x10000, 3.89M)

>ded thread
did everyone get filtered?

Someone in the mood to explain a brainlet exactly how shitty his code is?

Attached: sublime_text_2018-12-18_23-01-56.png (773x890, 98K)

>ded thread
the problem is there's not really much to talk about today
but i'll try anyway - since today was so similar to conway's game of life, does anyone knows of or have experience with optimizing things like this?
I did just the straightforward scanning every tile thing and it werked, but I know people are crazy about finding efficient algos for conways for big and long simulations and for finding specific patterns

try using two arrays that are swapped each iteration instead of needlessly copying the entire grid every time

You can use an array of size two and just use modulo to swap between them.

I've had a quick look at hashlife, which is usually used to do the big conway simulations. as far as i can tell it also uses the recurring patterns to speed things up, basically what we did today, but I think it can be more fine grained about it, ie if you get different regions oscillating at different periods it can deal with that and so on

you can also extend the array by one each side to avoid unnecessary bound checks


what can we expect up next?

binary trees

Keep in mind that there was only one thread per day last year, the threads are still just as active as last year.
Unfortunately, the puzzles generally have less to say about them, and as said, progress on them has become more fragmented as people skip or delay doing them, only catching up now (I myself am about to start 16, and have done all in order).


Attached: d18.gif (200x200, 52K)

While I haven't done any real optimization on it, when there was an attempt to bring back regular themed programming challenges last year, I made an infinitely expanding game of life implementation.
Since it's performance is so shit (written in python, too), I was going to implement hash-based acceleration without even realizing that what I was going to make was similar to hashlife.
As is, it has basic functionality of drawing, saving (compressed), loading, and reverting generations.
Webm very related.

Attached: out.webm (1280x720, 2.63M)

don't like these finite automata cycle detection puzzles t bh

Tried to do day 17 using recursion and my program segfaults (I think) after ~2^12=4000 recursive calls. Fuck.


remember to return from the recursion when you hit a | (assuming you replicated the apperance in the puzzle description)

I used recursion too and it handled it fine, even the bigger input someone posted here

if you do the size of the recursion is linear in the number of buckets you hit (?)

Complete one for a change

Attached: d18x.gif (200x200, 904K)

fake news. the gif loops, the state doesn't cycle

Could you post your function? Have been trying to debug mine for at least an hour now

My approach was just to print an array of stars whenever they're all within a certain X and Y distance, and leaving it to the user to check that it forms letters. It's a hacky solution and the X and Y bounds were hard-coded, but it worked and I'm not implementing fully automated text reading for this.


if you get segfaults, have you tried using -fsanitize=address? it often helps with that

>The hard problems haven't started yet

I'm gonna end up taking 20+ hours on one of these aren't I?

Attached: 9a9[1].png (720x540, 734K)


More like day 9, 10's only hard if you're trying to do some quasi-computer vision shit. Mostly I'm surprised at how wild the difficulty swings are this year.

2016 day 11 wasn't that much better.
To compare to last year, 2017 days 10 and 11 were considered filters, and day 16 was classically "hard" (permutation groups).

Started a bit late, and I'm working on day 3 in C++.

string input;
while(cin >> input){
int id, left, top, width, height;
sscanf(input.c_str(), "#%d @ %d,%d: %dx%d", &id, &left, &top, &width, &height);
claims.push_back(Claim(id, left, top, width, height));

Why does this not populate my vector correctly at all? I only get a bunch of duplicate IDs, and everything else is garbage

Thanks. I think I'm just going to accept that I got filtered on this one. My python code just inexplicably stops bothering once it gets to about y=200

use getline(cin, input) instead.
also, its always a good idea to print out the input string when debugging. pretty sure that only places a single word into the string.

Holy shit you're right and now I feel retarded. thanks based user

What a niggerlicious problem day 19 part 2 is.