What's the point of beating intel on performance when you can't even fucking physically secure the damn processor?

What's the point of beating intel on performance when you can't even fucking physically secure the damn processor?

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>mfw intel loses on all fronts so shills have to get creative

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i ripped out a x4 955 this way. the second time i was ready and gently tried to pull off the hsf but the 1090t still came with it.

>using retard strength to remove what is basically glue instead of twisting it off
amd btfo rite?

my current build is intel, but seeing this shit and actually have it happen to me on multiple builds doesn't give me much confidence on it lasting.
Makes me think that i'll try and switch the heating solution and accidentallu rip my the fucking socket out or damage some pins.
it seems to be based on luck if it will come out or not.

Has happened twice for me. Cpu was fine tho lool

>don't even twist
When ape-like strength and ape-like intelligence meet.

What kind of paste are you guys using? I've been using the Noctua paste and my old tube of Arctic Silver and I've never had this problem.

Neither have I, and I've always used cheap "heatsink paste" from the nearest electronics shop.

Usually a mix of epoxy and virgin blood

Hentai-inspired mixture of sweat and semen.

>my current build is intel
why do you publicly tell everyone you're an idiot?

This is how I received my PC with my 955BE back from RMA. During transport, the heatsink came loose and ripped the processor clean off, then dangling on the fan cable it was tossed around a bit during the bumpy ride which bent most of the pins.

The next week I bought my very first Intel machine since my PII MMX.

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Thermal compound should be around a business card thick. You have WAYYYY too much on.

>courier treated my machine like a piece of shit
>this is amds fault
I've heard some shitty excuses to go Intcel, but this has to be the worst.

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Yes, it is fucking AMDs fault for not securing their goddamn CPU better! If this would've been intel, nothing would've happened at all.

If that shit can't take some abuse, it's the manufacturer's fault, especially if somebody else's product of the same category can!

I bet you were first in line defending aplel when their shitty phone bent like paper!

>Yes, it is fucking AMDs fault for not securing their goddamn CPU
the heatsink isnt held in by the cpu socket retard
what a fucking retard lol

This. The only way that could happen is if the warranty technician didn't screw the heatsink properly.

>rationalisation: the post
Into the trash you go.

Though strictly speaking, the faggot above is right on this one tiny point: a lot of older motherboards have the heatsink mounts as plastic tabs on the CPU socket.

pins on cpu is flawed design and you cant fuckin deny it


He's from Intcel land, where motherboards have to be completely disposable. In AMDroneland, it's the other way around - the CPUs are disposable, the motherboards last decades.

The CPUs aren't disposable though, bent PGA pins are a lot easier to fix than bent LGA pins.

I know that, I did it myself back in the K6-2 days. I'm just clueing you in as to that user's mental process.

> uses an ancient cpu
> nobody knows what make it is
> pins broken
> glued onto heat sink

this thread was brought to you by the incompetent and intellectual bankrupts of AMD's social media department.

>it could be as little as two years old
>it's an am3+
>you are a fuckwit
>you are still a fuckwit

How the fuck do you mess up so badly that you end-up pulling the CPU out of its socket?

This will never happen with a proper HSF installation unless you got a completely shitty HSF kit or use thermal epoxy.

>Makes me think that i'll try and switch the heating solution and accidentallu rip my the fucking socket out or damage some pins.
Just twist the cooler slightly when removing it, what the fuck
I never ripped the CPU out of the socket or even bent a pin in my Athlon 64 days. Stop being a retard.

See .

My dad's cum. Since he's older, it solidifies better and better conductivity. My 9700k runs nice and cool at 3.2ghz.

What's the issue? I've pulled countless processors out like this, you just twist it off the heatsink and remount it.

> I'm totally not an AMD shill, goys!
> AMD threads on Jow Forums happen naturally, of course!
> yours sincerely, AMD social media marketing department
my fucking sides. every time.
It's an AMD shill thread brought to you by AMD employees. they go to some extreme lows.

>It's an AMD shill thread
AMD's shilling their product by sshitting on it? Ok.

disgusting shilling

The original post is slating AMD's processor sticking to the heatsink.
You appear to be retarded.

Amd is for poor Indians

i bought an athlon 64 3200+ for a retro windows 98 machine and that thing was in a fucking death grip with the stock heatsink when I tried to remove it. I had to remove the whole retention bracket just to have enough space to wiggle it around and it still took 10 minutes to fully remove it.

Had this happen on an intel from back before LGA775
It's not too hard to avoid, just make the CPU heat up a bit and then twist it as gently as possible, although generally you won't do much to it by just pulling it out the hard way there's no reason to tempt fate.

Had this happen to me when I was doing a CPU upgrade. Not a big deal since I was swapping the processor anyway, but still gave me chills.

>my current build is intel

Chill and delap bro.

run a stress test for a bit before turning off the computer and removing the cooler, fucking retards

did you preheat the cooler with some prime95 or just tear straight into it stone cold? I've had the experience in OP's pic but it was my own damned fault. Tower sat in a 55F garage overnight and I didn't twist the cooler.

i work at an electronics store and some prebuilds with AMD chips have had that happened

cringe and bluepilled
you're supposed to twist the cooler off

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>amd doesn't prebuild computers
>computer companies do
>couriers treat them like shit
>drones like you drop them
>this is amds fault

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Diagnosis: severe brain damage.
Cure: neck rope - ensure you livestream it for our enjoyment.

>A flaw that's only present in one product for years is the fault of everyone else

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look what i did to my ryzen lol

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learn to twist heatsink, retard

>It's AMD's fault
Every time. At least you admit you're worried.

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I was always wondering wtf people do to achieve this. Until it finally happened to me 3 days ago. Got a good laugh at myself.
It's not like it actually harms your system in any way so why bother? Ripping the CPU out makes more sense than ripping the heatspreader off the die desu.

This. It becomes habit.

Looks pretty secure to me, chief.

youre that windowicker who wiggles usb cables to remove them arent you

>Don't screw in cooler
>It's AMDs fault

Daily reminder that you shouldn't ever touch computer parts ever again if you're this level of retarded

Get the fuck off this board

What even is this thread? Do not all mobos let you slide down the lock? I pulled up a stock photo of my AMD mobo and spotted it instantly.

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