>he thinks the license matters when the code's open source
He thinks the license matters when the code's open source
Other urls found in this thread:
Alright, there's no reason *BSD shouldn't be under GPLv3 then.
or MIT :^)
This is not sexy. She's going to have back problems.
>t. fatass neet who never works out
I threw up, she looks like she just get out from concentration camp.
where is this?
Peppermint, TailsOS, QubesOS, Voyager, Manjaro, Deepin, Xubuntu, AmigaOS, FreeBSD, ZorinOS, LXLE, Rosa, Astra, Bunsenlabs, Kodachi, KDEneon, ArchLabs, ReactOS, TrueOS, Elementary, Solus
Opera, Vivaldi, UCbrowser, Yandex, Maxthon, CyberFox, Brave, KMeleon, Palemoon, Waterfox, Midori, PCXFireFox, Otter, Qupzilla, Avant, Dooble, Sleipnir, Cliqz, Min
NextCloud, Spreedbox, Project Maelstrom, Zeronet, Whonix, Webtorrent, Web2Web, Twister, Gab, Tox, FriendUp, Freenet, I2P, Protonmail, Unseen, Wire, Maidsafe, Peekier, Minds, Riot, SearX, SeedR, Signal, PeerTube, BitChute, Telegram, Infogalatic, Storj, BlockStar P2p Browser, YaCy, DTube, Gravj, Tribler, Pi-Hole, FreedomBox
>move away from botnets
>recommend more botnets
source: yus lopez
t. hamplanetroastie
>Peppermint, TailsOS, QubesOS, Voyager, Manjaro, Deepin, Xubuntu, AmigaOS, FreeBSD, ZorinOS, LXLE, Rosa, Astra, Bunsenlabs, Kodachi, KDEneon, ArchLabs, ReactOS, TrueOS, Elementary, Solus
Shit. Only use free OSs.
>Opera, Vivaldi, UCbrowser, Yandex, Maxthon, CyberFox, Brave, KMeleon, Palemoon, Waterfox, Midori, PCXFireFox, Otter, Qupzilla, Avant, Dooble, Sleipnir, Cliqz, Min
Shit. Just curl the page and read it. Use Icecat for everything else.
>NextCloud, Spreedbox, Project Maelstrom, Zeronet, Whonix, Webtorrent, Web2Web, Twister, Gab, Tox, FriendUp, Freenet, I2P, Protonmail, Unseen, Wire, Maidsafe, Peekier, Minds, Riot, SearX, SeedR, Signal, PeerTube, BitChute, Telegram, Infogalatic, Storj, BlockStar P2p Browser, YaCy, DTube, Gravj, Tribler, Pi-Hole, FreedomBox
Mostly shit. Don't need social media. Host your own email server and searx. Infogalactic for wiki
>move away from ever being able to participate in a work related software environment
>Host your own email server
Enjoy your e-mails ending up in every g-mail and outlook users' spam.
I hate russians, I try to put it in and she says "but I poop there" in broken english, I say it is ok then charges double
>sending emails to insecure services
Man or woman, anyone who claims they wouldn't fuck the shit out of her doesn't deserve breathable air.
>if you don't agree to my views then die
Jow Forums everyone
What I'm saying is, if you're so brainwashed that your natural instincts of mating with a beautiful woman are permanently suppressed, you are not going to be advancing humanity in any way and should be gassed along with the rest of the dead weight.
Get a load of Chad right here, advancing humanity
>he wants escape botnet
>recommends far worse kgb/commie botnet ucbrowser, yandex etc
How can people be so stupid as fuck?
BSD babies wear those horns hon.
sauce? who dat
so i see you're a horny teen
>You're using Gnooomme
Tfw actually switching to KDE became Gnome and Nautilus keep mounting all my removable media as read only
why are women such whores
>tfw you stop using DEs all together
Not him but look at her legs. She wears at least 8cm heels, that alone should tell you that she has no ass. The X pose emphasis the hips but doesn't help because it makes it even more obvious that she's to skinny, based on her thigh gap, her twig like legs and her none existent ass.
Even Taylor Swift didn't go all 1933 on her body
>prefers a wide back and deep voice
Please tell me her name
Imagine being this homo
>Imagine being this much of a cuck
>wanting to put dick is cuck
Its literally the opposite gay idiot
3dpd are gross
just make sure you mount your network shares with gvfs and access them from there in dolphin; because kio goes to shit with network shares.
>doesn't understand context
>calls others idiot
Lol, retard he's calling women whores; wouldn't that mean he get cucks? Is that some homosexual perspective that you're privy to?
prolly Buenos Aires
>wears what is basically little more than underwear in public
>cries about getting catcalled or assaulted
In this case, she is 100% asking for it.
you're a virgin, aren't you'
You are likely gross.
Nope, good try, though.
Ask any non-thot and they will agree.
>ugly faggot who hasn't gotten laid in years
>b-but ugly women also agree with me
>he posts 3dpd on the loli board
That being said, I agree with the point. Always remember to yoink people's code. Make minor changes if you're in a corporation though and distribute binaries, in case an autist decides to analyze the codepaths against whatever you copied from.
You're pushing your luck on this board, weeb pedo faggot. The jannies are now based, and thankfully are banning you faggots.
unfortunately, as I'm stuck being 3d, yes.
>come on an anime site
>get angry there's weebs
There is literally nothing wrong with pedophilia.
Please try to stay on topic with the thread though, we're having a discussion about the use of free code in non free programs.
What if I told you I can fix that for a grand?
Literally you, and about two other faggots are actually discussing OP's topic. That's because not everyone is mentally deranged or homosex.
>knows the price of cheap wetwork
Give me an address and PayPal me 1k plus other costs, let's do this, you won't grt a better deal anywhere else.
I'm not sure if you're agreeing or disagreeing with me.
You really would have to be mentally deranged to pray about sexual works on 4channel's technology board instead of Jow Forums's red boards though.
>anime site
It's not.
>PayPal me 1k plus other costs
>electronic paper trail
You fail. Also, I'm not that fag who jerks off to anime.
>Please try to stay on topic
It's called testosterone, faggot.
She could be naked and that doesnt entitles you to anything fucking incel
>implying the trail will lead to me
>implying while implying
That faggot is long gone. Fuck anime, fuck him, and fuck you.
>I'm a slave to base instincts and that excuses me from being off topic.
Sasuga retard-chan
are you lost?
>implying I was ever implying
doesn't make him wrong
this site is an anime site. it was made as an anime site. anyone who comes here and is surprised when it is is just looking to be angry
>I'm defending my faggotry, and that excuses me form being off-topic
>I'm attracted to anime girls, YOU'RE the one is mentally deranged and a slave to base desires
Typical animeposter. LMAOing at your life.
>doesn't make him wrong
That makes him irrelevant like you.
>LMAOing at your life.
do people not realize how pathetic they shound when they say shit like this?
Who are you quoting?
the point still stands
Why do freetards say >hurr it's just 0''s and 1's , but then want to dicatte how you use said 0's and 1's.. Then they'll "sue" you for using their 0's and 1's ?
>weeb pedo jerks off to cartoons
>do people not realize how pathetic they sound when they say shit like this?
(You), faggot.
Opinion (circa 1945): japan is full of sneaky faggots. The point still stands.
>on an anime site
>complains about weebs
>Jerks off to cartoons
Where is the insult?
>complains about weebs
I wasn't complaining, you weebs are just touchy when it come to your weird fetishes. All I said initially was that other faggot is pushing his luck.
moot wasn't right because he was moot, you know
"ironic shitposting is still shitposting" was another retarded fucking take of his, as if he didn't understand the point of ironic shitposting
>The Creator of a product don't know what he created it for
>Here's a social philosophy example of a time he was wrong to prove it
You get the rope first, user.
>The Creator of a product don't know what he created it for
>don't know
LOL, all that anime is fucking with your brain.
>is a slave to degenerate anti-societal instincts
>calls others slaves to instincts
No you.
>It's appropriate to talk about fucking your wife's girlfriend in a board meeting with the CEO
>no u
>It's appropriate to talk about fucking little anime girls in a board meeting with the CEO
She looks like she is an animation.
do you feel the need to stick some all caps variation of laughing at the end of every message? are you 12?
I'm not though.
I'm not sure if you're taking too few or too many pills user-chan, but something needs to change.
It's unhealthy.
>do you feel the need to jerk off to cartoons because you can't get a real woman? are a kissless virgin?
>I'm not though
>no appropriate context for this
>I need pills
>I'm mentally unwell
Just kys already, faggot.
jesus christ no meat on those bones
You must be 18 or older to use this site
>a venezuelan basket weaving forum thread is equivalent to a board meeting with the CEO
Lolifags have delusions of grandeur, who would have guessed.
>I'm a stinky weeb pedo NEET and I jerk off like an adult
>You must be a child
>can't even link global rules
LOL kys turbo autist
underage and b8
>If the comparison isn't exactly 1:1 it's invalid
>What is hyperbole to illustrate a point
>Eating shit for breakfast
>fat """"smart boy"""" NEET can't come up with anything new
Keep telling yourself that, but I'm not a zoomer.