Hello Jow Forums, I wanna learn C++...

Hello Jow Forums, I wanna learn C++. What did you use to learn the programming language (including books and any online guides)? Thanks for reading.

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go to freenode c++ channel and ask them for help

Have you ever programed before?

OP here, well I know how to program in python and javascript. Idk if that determines if I am eligible or useless.

c++ is a mess, they kept adding their favorite features for years.

first learned Rust, C and programming in general
then used learncpp.com and casually read some chapters in some books, the whole thing was more intuitive when I already knew the concepts from cleaner and better designed languages

This may not the best advice but I would start with pic related. It's where I started. The book assumes that you have never programed before. I can't remember to much about what it covered other than the basics obviously. I'm pretty sure I found it online for free. If you find it to basic then lookup one of his more advanced books.

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is this your first programming language? what is your background knowledge?

im a fag and didnt read the thread, ignore me

check out "A Tour of C++" by Bjarne Stroustrup.

It introduces you to all the various features of the programming langauges and is pretty modern.

first learn C, and write something substantial in C. Then, learn D with -betterC. Then, realize D is a dead lang so use C++ but in a betterC way + RAII.

That's all you need.

I will keep these books in mind, thanks :D

i feel like it would be hard to learn rust first, because you dont fully understand the motivating principles, implementation considerations, etc for their lifetime and borrowing semantics. what was that like for you?

it felt very intuitive to me and I realized very quickly what are those things for and what they solve

this. use Rust as a gateway to C++, and then never look at Rust again because C++ will always be the future

I first learned with ‘whatsacreel?’ on YouTube, but I went through Bjarne’s book and the directX book later that year to fill in the gaps, and to try to break my C with classes habits. Still meant that x64 asm calling conventions were ingrained in my mind every time I think about function calls.

no, if you learn rust after c or c++, you will realize how counter intuitive it is

realize how counter intuitive what is ? rust's borrow checker ?

Learn both C and C++, become proficient, and learn when to use one and not the other.

learncpp . com

I took classes that used pic related, but afterward when I started making my own projects I discovered the massive amount of material the book doesn't even mention. I find myself on cplusplus.com often.

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Absolute C++ by Walter Savitch

I originally learned C++ using Stroustrup's P&P but I feel like Absolute C++ is organized and written much better

It's expensive as hell but you can find a PDF in the usual places

I read the books with animals drawn on them, Reilly I think. there was one called C++ in a nutshell and another on opencv3.

they're kind of expensive though, I downloaded the . pdf

When I was in fourth or fifth grade (~20 years ago) I "learned" C++ through a bunch of HTML pages I printed out. All the examples in the tutorial were based on Mexican food. What I wouldn't give to be able to find that tutorial again.

Learn C first if you haven't already. C++ adds so much shit on top of it that makes no sense at first and will be a hellfuck if you don't have a working understanding of C.

First off, don't learn it in VS with the .NET shit. Start with a text editor and gcc or g++ (for c++). Follow the getting started guides and think about what you're doing. Try to come up with questions like "how can I do X" and "what would happen if X" then look them up. If you're trying to figure out how to do something poke around in the library reference to see if you can figure it out yourself before copying an answer from stack overflow.

As for guides:

Both C and C++:



C standard library reference (applies to both C and C++):

Compiler and code standards:

also see books others mentioned above. they'll cover way more stuff that you'll need to understand to really know what you're doing