Hey Jow Forums i got drunk and ordered a 3d printer. What should i make with it?

Hey Jow Forums i got drunk and ordered a 3d printer. What should i make with it?

Attached: Auto_level_reprap_prusa_i3_large_build_3d_printer_with_arduino_newest_mainboard_1_530x@2x.jpg (1000x1000, 98K)


a 3d printer

Custom figures for all your hotglue needs.

Better decisions

Better life decisions

dragon dildo

3d print some guns and make a thread on Jow Forums

Does this pic remind anyone else of the loli eviscerator gif?

I haven't seen that gif in years

Kill yourself

make bondage gears

I like the one where she is ok.

Attached: 1508368892308.jpg (662x965, 85K)

make another 3d printer with your 3d printer and then make another 3d printer from that one and then make a noose and hang yourself with it.

Attached: a0N4LKLN_700w_0.jpg (700x239, 24K)


>going to links on Jow Forums
I can make a javascript website that would steal saved credit cards if you simply visited it

you should make paperclips

Attached: 000003.jpg (967x659, 47K)

pls post

Print a dildo

Hey Jow Forums is the ender 3 any good for someone who has no idea what they're doing? I wanted to print a bunch of pieces for my dnd group and not really sure what a good intro printer is, but this one was highly rated for the price. Also anyone know what type of material is ideal for small models? Not sure if it really matters...

3D print a replica of your dick and stick it up your ass to formalize having fucked yourself buying a 3D printer

a Liberator

i got high the other night. now i have a 3d printer too. seems like a common issue

Build a holder for unused Raspberry PIs.

Understand spotted.


The ender 3 is the current meme, there's still a lot of messing about with it but a lot less than you would have with something like the anet a8. Another good one for the price is the wanhau duplicator

Also you won't be able to print small models on something like that, you'd be best of buying an sla printer for small models or miniatures like the anycubic photon

What happened with the Tronxy meme?

I just ordered my first 3d printer last night, a Prusa I3 Mk3. Dunno what to print with it yet though

prostate stimulator

parts to make it less rickety