Kevin Parnell appreciation thread

Kevin Parnell appreciation thread

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Totally not bait

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Fuck off kevin

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fuck off kevin

redpill me on kevin the solus shill

Kevin sucks

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hahaha i remember when this asshole doxxed himself.


How new are you?

Found out about 4channel this year, you?

Been here since day 1 nigga

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Ive been shitposting a long time but i don't keep up with minor current events. Who is he?

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solus shill

He seems like a clever kid that's doing more useful shit than i was at his age.

Saging cause i aint no shill.

Place your bets Jow Forumsentoomen..
When will he start the happy pill regime?

he does it for free

Literally who?

Nobody gives a fuck about you Kevin. You're nobody. Accept it.

Hey kings, sorry been a bit busy with work and other things and also got a Nintendo Switch, so I’ve been gaming a bit. I’ll be updating OneeChan soon. Also the 4chanx dev added my fork to the readme so that’s cool.

~sent via iPhone 8 Plus TheChan

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Why is his face so fat

Also had to buy a new box mod cause my smok g150 stopped working, also going to replace my smok tank with something better once I finish my coils.

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