$1000+ phone

>$1000+ phone
>can't play webms natively

Attached: iphone-xs-max-select-2018-group.jpg (289x491, 91K)

>$1000+ toy*


Attached: 1516634408406.gif (500x282, 315K)

It doesn't just werk

holy fckn cow im thinking about spending 150€~ on my first phone
never ever would i spend 1k on a spyphone that isn't up-to-date after 1yr

t.android botnet user

never said it's not

lilb and the matrix

Thinks Apple doesn't horde all their dumbass customers info

The first iphone could not even record video and had no 3G. Iphones were a joke from the very start.

I had an iPad once and while it was a decent tablet experience, not being able to open webm's without external apps fucking sucked. I cannot imagine using a phone like that.

lol IPhone was the very start

>t.android botnet user
Yeah, I'm sure iOS can run an open source operating system too along with the equivalent of microG.


based satania poster

Why would anyone use webm when h264/h265 is better?

Because you're a faggot

Why would anyone use Toyota when Ferrari is better?

Are you 17?

Are you?

Literally, only useful for its hardware. If it can't be rooted, it's actually a brick.