It's the jews, it's always the fucking jews...

it's the jews, it's always the fucking jews.. they are the ones that forced the sjw tranny bullshit into linux effectively killing it, they are the ones beind companies making terrible products and selling them for thousands of dollars, they are behind microsoft and their shitty operating systems, they are behind internet spying and all the data collection, they are behind proprietary shit they are behind every shitty product that becomes obsolete after 3 days of usage
fuck you kike niggers fuck you for ruining the tech industry forever

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the kikes will ruin the tech industry did to the music industry and the movie industry oh god we fucking need to stop them before it's too late

who hurt you?

(((they))) are hurting every single one of us, say goodbye to the tech industry and computers now, we need to do something about it quickly

based and redpilled

>2 unique IPs
Imagine being this unironically mentally ill.


uh? is it hard to follow the conversation?

>admitting that meritocracy favors cis white males
wew jew

what is this trannyspeak?

>cherry pick
I've met way more white mutt SJWs than Jews even the tech industry. I can tell by their extreme early male balding and lack of jew hair

Mutts are their toys, simple foot soldiers for their so called rebellion.

>tfw pol was right
its not fair bros

nu males and sjw's are a product of jews you moron

>white dudes jump onto the SJW train after listening to literally mentally ill jews
>Jews are the problem

It's not the Jews, it's not the Sjws, it's not the immigrants, etc. This is the late stage effects of capatilism, as global economy grows producing wealth for the top 1% of 1%, yet individual wages continue to stagnate. It is to keep us distracted from any meaningful change, fighting between each other over race, gender, etc. It's not a conspiracy, it is the end game.

This can be seen throughout Jow Forums itself. The majority of threads on this board fall into either us vs them dichotomy over corporate software/hardware or, are the typical consumerism dopamine loop. It is quite sad but, this is how it is.
To fix the problem, you must understand what the problem is.

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has been a while since i last saw that gif

Sorry to burst your bubble op but this one isn't on jews. It's white people.

Didn't she(?) have her(?) own face as a profile pic before?

You mean Americans?

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I'd be more worried if it wasn't a statistical fact that most of these abominations off themselves by age 40.

>a brainwashed foot soldier of (((big brother))) tweeting about anything being dystopian

But yes, it's da joos and the Jow Forumstards are right. I used to laugh at Jow Forums and the shit they said until my mom bought a Juicero. That was my redpill moment. Not the graphs or the charts or the edgy YouTube shit. This overpriced hunk of shit that squeezes juice puches into a cup was what jewpilled me.

Now in case you don't already know, this thing is a juice press that has a WLAN connection to your phone and uses an app to control the press. It's overengineerd as fuck and costs $700, and uses these little fruit pulp pouches you order with it. People quickly discovered that the juicer is useless, and that you can just juice the pouches with your hands.

You know who invented this shit? A jew. And do you know what this jew is up to now? He's bottling spring water straight out of the fucking ground and selling it at a premium as "raw water".

Pic related is the happy juice merchant.

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>another mentally ill white tranny is causing trouble
>hoards of mentally ill whites and women cheering for the tranny
yet they still blame the jews...

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