What went wrong?

What went wrong?

Attached: ara.jpg (650x365, 39K)

it was shit from the start.

nothing went wrong, everything that could go right went right.

the very idea behind this


theory from the start was that google came up with a product idea just to make use of patents they bought off of an israeli company called modu, so if anyone else tries to make such a phone, they'll be paying google license fees. I don't think they ever seriously planned to ever release it, it was to prevent anyone else releasing anything like it in the future.

It became moto mods

Didn't appeal to normies.

Probably this. I wrote an article about it. It was a brilliant idea at the time.

>drop phone
>scatters like lego
wew lad

Unironically this

Battery size was the problem.

Greg Kroah-Hartman

Technology updates too fast for modular designs to be cost effective on a consumer scale

Expensive to keep production and profit margin too low. Better make shitty phones every year and charge 700 USD and cut support after 18 months.

you could make a fancy pants modular phone and spend years to get the standards just right and then a year later it gets btfo'd by some chink phone because turns out your standards from last year are shit in hindsight.

dumb idea
Could see a modular system like this being useful in ultrabook laptops and thin clients if it is made a standard but for a phone where there space concerns it doesn't make a lot of sense.

Wouldn't modular designs be more effective in fast update cycles?

Phones are already modular from a manufacturing standpoint. The only component on phones that should be user-upgradable other than a microSD slot is the camera. Modern phone cameras are a great example of a normie status symbol. Non-flagship phone cameras look like shit and so the non-flagship normie's social media is pockmarked by the symbol of poverty that is low-quality pictures without those iPhone HDR or filtering or whatever.

At the start it's not to hard, if you've got a bunch of different SoC modules but only a single frame.
But then you start mixing a bunch of different io/camera/etc modules then do it over a few generations and suddenly you're Windows.

>can't replace the display
>can't replace the battery
>can't replace the SOC
Literally the only reasons to ever own a modular phone and they have removed them.
Not at all. Screens have generic anyway, the SOC module could have some memory for /vendor partition and just boot GSIs, /data could be entirely on the sd card, you can already do that if you have root, and the battery doesn't need any modifications. I can only say that they tried it too soon and gave up too soon.

What did he do this time?

Google hired him to be responsible for the project aka "Project Ara"

This entire concept in picture, dumbing down shit.
