>Requesting purchase advice
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>Requesting purchase advice
>Jow Forums headphone wiki
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stax a best
First for stax
Being able to switch through 4 different bass levels is a fucking game-changer
Reminder to purchase DT 1990 and be happy!
I feel bad for your shithole. Listen to this music for comfort.
>bass boosting
I came to purify this thread.
close enough our goals align
Yeah me too I'd like to move out west and that music looks like shoit
pure shit lmao
You filter water through mud?
>Yeah me too I'd like to move out west and that music looks like shoit
It's popular with Romanians iirc.
who where what
Max 350€
Wireless Headühones (or rather headset)
>Type of headphone
I dont know what IEMs or full-sized is.
>Open or closed
If closed means no outside noise, then closed.
>Comfort level
I wear glasses and they almost always fucked up the cushion of headphones. Want some where this wont happen.
>Sound signature
I dont really know.
>Past headphones
Very cheap 30€ headset.
I think there are some of these wireless Headphones which you could also use as headset. I need help because i really dont know anything about headphones.
fiio e10k
>Type of headphone
full sized for desktop use
>Open or closed
>Sound signature
i like bass
>Past headphones
looking for an upgrade with more bass
tfw 300dollar speakers sound better than 90% of hifi headphones
did i just shallow the true blackpill?
the true redpill is bluetooth stax
no you swallowed the staxpill, try stax
Is opposite of IEMs, regular headphones.
not many people here like wireless headphones so you may not get any real suggestions. headsets are not liked either here. You can always attach a microphone like modmic or something similar to make it headset though.
pic related
Modern moe trash anime and shitty headphones go together well.
Say something bad about it
>you can't
go away gen z fag
The only good headphones in this thread.
too tight on my head
it's shit. the cables fail too
wait till the paint starts cracking and the cable splits my dude
stax sucks. even my old speakers from the 80s sound better than that and its not even comfortable.
Okay thanks. Well my cables always kinda pull on headhpones and i wanted to try wireless. Also in need of a headset so i wanted to kill 2 birds with one stone.
Thanks, ill check it out. It says its with Amazon Alexa, which is kinda strange. Never used that.
What headphone is that?
Mudheiser HD800s
$4000 SR-009 was rated lower in blind tests than a $200 K701
LOL, Stax shitphones are literally audiophool garbage
fake and gay
>Mudheiser HD800s
They can't be muddy tho?
I meant snapheiser my bad
>it's all Jow Forums links
I have speakers from the late 70s and stax
now do soiheiser
I bought used hd 600 and whats silver on yours behind the grill is black on mine. does that mean something?
i see anime girls
You bought a really old one
really because I see this
pic related
You might have bought a really old one. I just bought one and it's silver. Which I think is the newest revision of it. Or maybe the guy messed inside the headphone.
Shit so basically i got scammed
yes, you bought a hd600
Lol black is the oldest revision
How much did you pay for it user? I'm not sure how big the differences are between the revisions of the HD 600.
Stax incels on suicide watch
Sapphire on suicide watch
You could have done better. Since the price of a new one is $249 recently with that 10% discount on amazon.
>t. triggered stax incel
>t. triggered senncel
Still waiting. Do need to order near pair of pads though.
Ebonics and some trash meme moe blob. Nice!
Fact: HD600 is more neutral than any STAX headphone in production thus making it a higher fidelity headphone.
Post your gear in it's natural habitat and state, no prettying up
Even stax and snapheiser incels could score with the help of Audiochad's used pads.
waiting on what?
Fact: STAX is more neutral than any sennheiser headphone in production thus making it a higher fidelity headphone.
Guess the previous owner treated it pretty well cause it looks fucking new, no paint chipping or anything, it feels very tight.
STAX owners are clinically deaf if they can enjoy their no mids treble fest.
>looks fucking new, no paint chipping or anything, it feels very tight.
Well he can changes the part pretty easily. The HD 600 is replaceable in every part. The marble headpart, the headband, earpads, the drivers themselves even so. I don't think the oldest one should be a huge change I guess?
For what ever defect you guys claim will happen to my HD800s.
stop posting here you are not welcome and never have been
No feet for you user
shitty place for that amp my dude
>Still waiting. Do need to order near pair of pads though.
Are you going the OEM route and ordering those or going to try fleabay ones?
Well no shit. This place has long been turned into an edgy facebook or whatever your preferred social media is. But I'm here forever.
which amp Stax or my sony? and why
What headphones are those mr boomer?
I only buy directly from Sennheiser. Far too many chink copies. I like to support the company and get the warranty,
the stax amp that you have to reach behind you to get at
yes we are well versed on your opinions already. why are you here forever if no one likes you and you don't like anyone here?
Im aware I have to rip my desk layout apart so i can figure out the best place to put it since this was pre stax
HD558, headphones that zoomers can never understand
>why are you here forever if no one likes you and you don't like anyone here?
You wouldn't understand unless you've been here since 04 or 05. The only thing that would make me leave this place is if the furries took over or the SJWs like with newgrounds.
what headphones should i buy if i only listen to hardstyle
you never cease to amaze me with how stupid you are
That's means a lot. The phone post really just adds weight to the deep meaning. Very well thought out response. Common core did you well.
DT 770
I already know you think everyone but yourself phone posts you don't need to keep repeating your opinions about it
That's a pretty ignorant assumption. But I get being a dumb kid makes you blind to what you're typing. Or just a normal.
so it's okay for you to assume my age but not for me to assume opinions that you have incessantly repeated over the years
>3 mid tier headphone instead of stax
STAX are colored as shit and are irrelevant in 2018.
Quads speak the truth. We have confirmed that STAX headphones are shit objectively.
I think most reasonable people would agree, in today's Jow Forums, that a short response with zero capitalization or periods is most likely a phone post. Now if you want to correlate phone posts with underage is a different discussion. Given the prevalent social media norms of this site today it can be a coin toss.
I do it to fit in for the purpose of anonymity as do many others but you are too dumb to have figured that out yourself. instead you pretend like you are wiser, more intelligent, and more important while spending your time posting on a general that hates your guts that doesn't want to listen to the same opinions you have been repeating over and over that no one cares about
Jow Forumsiamverysmart
phones auto capitalize the first letter :)
gen z user is literally the personification of pic related