The absolute state of Debian
Debian's Anti-Harassment Team Is Removing A Package Over Its Name
Arch doesn't have these silly problems
$ pacman -Ss boob
community/weboob-headless 1.3-1
Web Out Of Browsers provides several applications to interact with a lot of websites. Headless version, for use in e.g. Cozy/Kresus.
Someone needs to remove this bigoted package now.
I bet the arch devs support DRUFMGG!!
we get it fellas, you use arch
How long before an unofficial "naughty" repo gets set up for exiled packages to be installed by users without defective humor glands?
It's OK to use Arch.
if you dont have a job
I actually use Arch at my job. Get good.
Is this package insinuating that people have INAPPROPRIATE BODY PARTS?
>ian gets killed by the cia
>debian adopts systemd not too long after
>now they are banning the word "boob"
What's the next step of their masterplan?
Equality and social justice.
For women and the lgbtemnoprsuvwxyzabcdfh++++++.
install a real man's distro
We need to get NSA workers to name all their backdoored systems after racialslurs.
Problem fucking solved. Set their own attack dogs after them.
that's not Arch
>two christmas ornaments of the Earth is inappropriate imagery
What in the fuck are they smoking?
their own, smug, self-righteous farts
I just installed weboob from debian's repo, can't get it to work tho!
>requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: HTTPConnectionPool(host='', port=80): Max retries exceeded with url: /1.3/main/modules.list (Caused by ProtocolError('Connection aborted.', error(104, 'Connection reset by peer')))
sorry, this ones on drumpf, hes the one who signed sesta/fosta
I don't get this. Why would using arch at your job be any more or less difficult than using any other distro?
some guy once posted on HN the company he worked for was sued for harassment by some coworker because they used the library 'factory girl'
Already did