What distro gives continuous pinch zoom functionality like Apple trackpad?
I'm running mint and I'm using libinput-gestures. I have to map the pinch to Ctrl + and it is a discrete zoom (which doesnt feel as good) and not continuous.
What distro gives continuous pinch zoom functionality like Apple trackpad?
I'm running mint and I'm using libinput-gestures. I have to map the pinch to Ctrl + and it is a discrete zoom (which doesnt feel as good) and not continuous.
>implying linux niggas can program software
Fuck off you already posted this.
If you want apple gestures then get a fucking macbook
>using mouse in linux
Just use the command line nigga or ctrl-+
>Fuck off you already posted this.
>If you want apple gestures then get a fucking macbook
This is clearly not true because libinputgesture is around.
Mac is truly the best OS, it would dominate if they made it free
Poo in loo street shitter.
The whole business strategy is that they can ensure the experience stays "premium" by controlling what hardware it is shipped with.$1200 Windows ultrabooks are just as nice as Apple laptops, if not better, but the general public opinion of Windows and PCs in general is lower because of the shitty low end machines that plague the market.
Normals will go to Wal-Mart, buy a $350 shit-top with a celeron, cheap HDD, and 4GB of RAM, and subsequently hate it. They then go to the Apple store, drop $1400 on a MacBook Air, and go "Wow! Mac is so much better!".
Windows is a terrible OS regardless how you spin it. It comes with Cortana meme, targeted ads, diary tracker to keep track of what you did and what app you use and tons of bloatware.
Only 0.1% of the population run the windows 10 debloat script. So they would have rough experience on the $1200 windows regardless compared to Mac OS.
You don't get to be the most valuable company in the world with free software.
Just look at the popularity of Linux LOL.
Do people really use this trash? Why does there need to be a battery for a pointing device when a wire works just fine. Furthermore, a trackpad on a desktop is retarded.
It's free since 2012
>Most valuable company in the world
Not anymore :3
>Furthermore, a trackpad on a desktop is retarded.
OP here, talking about laptop trackpad. You can Rudolf the Rednose Reindeer meme your thinkpad to eternity but most people use trackpad for daily use
>$1200 for an i3 and a 256gb ssd
>the OS is free guys!!
Even in the best case Windows and Linux trackpad drivers are complete and utter garbage compared to Apple's. Worth a couple hundred bucks (considering you;ll benefit from it for years to come on a daily basis) right there.
Laptop trackpads are fine if they aren't old thinkpads with that awful bumpy shit, but I was referring to pic related.
Hardware has nothing to do with it, Windows is straight garbage and Mac is like Linux that doesn't feel like it was made by 500 dev teams
Oh no, they're doomed.
A 35% price drop per share isn't a great sign, user
Why pinch when you can just set the desired zoom level?
Sometime you read a scientific paper, and need to zoom into the figures. Pinch in and out works best in this regards
If you use OS X as a Synergy server you can configure your gestures on it and they'll work on the client systems as well. Worked for shit like Home and End and switching workspaces, I don't know if it'll work for interactive ones like pinch zooming though
>using a trackpad
most of Jow Forums uses a twm and a thinkpad with a trackpoint (aka clit) when they need to use the mouse on a laptop
just write it yourself, you nimrod