I wan't to lean Python, do I start with Python 2 or 3?

I wan't to lean Python, do I start with Python 2 or 3?

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3 is the future, so 3

Covers 3.x

2 is only used by autists and projects that are far out of date.

python 2 is only for projects which are too lazy to fucking upgrade.

python is a retard language for creating such a problem in the first place.



3, obviously. 2 will only be updated throughout 2019, after that it's dead.

If you wanna lurk into old projects and maybe contribute to those, 2.
If you wanna learn a new language to make new projects of your own or contribute to projects started after 2012, 3
Have fun learning Python, user!

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3.6+ is the shit

>Python 2 or 3?
perl v5

I'll start with 3 then, any good books/websites you guys recommend?

This one is a good one


Anything except Python the hard way

i've heard think python is good, though i'm not sure if it's python 2 or 3

think python is also free: greenteapress.com/wp/think-python-2e/
this is the 2nd edition, which uses 3

There are several plot points in Python 3 that you need to have used Python 2 to understand.

Python 2 is good
Python 3 is CRINGE

Go ahead for python 2


Really? On Jow Forums they recommended that book to me.


I have a bunch of Python books, I would recommend "Introducing Python" if you're not a 100% noob to programming, otherwise I'd recommend a CS 101-type textbook that happens to use Python 3.



Author is a moron

python 2 is EOL in just one more year

which python book then (not op)

Like Amazon web services cli.

Learn Go Lang.


author is definitely a moron

3. 2 is legacy, and in many ways an inferior language with respect to 3.

op here, is this a good website?


zed shaw is a complete imbecile. Google "why learn x the hard way is not recommended" and you'll find dozens of forum posts explaining why

should I learn flask or django?
yeah it's literally the official Python tutorial, you can't go wrong with that

That article was some of the most retarded shit I've ever read
>python strings are now statically typed in 3
>don't know what a + b will return
Jesus, 2 had the same issue, being a dynamically typed language: a xould be an int and b a string, for example.
The rest is just mindless rambling.

the official docs are great, but can be a little dense

Check out Mark Lutz "Learning Python" it's huge like 1500+ pages

if you read the entire thing and then read his "Programming Python" book afterwards you will learn python. It is impossible to read like 3000+ pages and not learn

use libgen to pirate them if you are broke, otherwise support the author and buy a copy

a byte of python and think python are good

The docs are unironically best

> It's hard to remember the 3 ways you can format a string.

That's when I knew the author was a retard.

Tfw you can't remember while loops does it come automatically or am I retarded t. Started programming last week

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3, 2.x is deprecated. There's no point in learning it at this point.

underrated post

The anime is better


It also shows you the only legit use cases for Python.

He might not be that bright to learn perl.

python.org, just RTFD and try to apply whatever concept you just read about in the interpreter for whatever.

Once you've got the basics nailed down, Codewars or shit like that to practice and learn some tricks from other solutions. Hackerrank a shit though, their testing setup requires you to either write bad Python or it won't work.

python 2 is deprecated
real guyz use python 3.7

Wait until Python 4 comes out and learn that.

You could start with 2 or 3, but I would recommend starting with 1 and then working your way up to 3. You might miss some important information otherwise and wouldn't understand a lot of the language.

not backwards compatible
seriously what the fuck were they thinking?

When you start watching a movie series, you start with the first one. When you start listening to a new band, you start with their first album. When you start playing a videogame series, you start with the first installment.
Start with Python 1.