

Attached: 2000px-Ruby-logo-R.svg-56a811b75f9b58b7d0f05e83.jpg (768x768, 60K)

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chromium.googlesource.com/native_client/nacl-newlib/ /master/newlib/libc/stdio/puts.c

You mean like this?

chromium.googlesource.com/native_client/nacl-newlib/ /master/newlib/libc/stdio/puts.c

shut up fag


ruby is the best programming language.

I agree. I use a lot of Python at work and I can't really switch to Ruby, but I would if I could.

I prefer PHP because it's much faster and about equally easy to learn. But mostly because of how easily adopted it is in environments.

Python sadly is the worst of the web languages, it is extremely slow and such a cluster fuck. Sad really, it is easy to read.

It's so comfy. I love the object model.

"puts" was taken from C.

I like Python a lot actually, and the more proficient in it I get, the more I like it, but it doesn't fill me with the same kind of joy I get from whipping up an elegant script in Ruby.

Well Ruby is much slower so have fun with that.

>Python at work
WTF! python is a prototyping language, you're supposed to ditch it after school and use a real language at work, preferably something compiled and optimized for production, not just a script.
unless you're a sysadmin, they only have to do small scripts for automation and shit so its ok

no, ruby is faster than python
but php is the fastest.

python is one of the most popular languages now


Ruby benchmarks ~2x faster Python 3.7.

>Ruby and Python fighting each other over performance
>the two slowest languages in general use
Anyone who uses either doesn't care about performance.


>t. unemployed

>Dynamic duck typing
>OO dialed to 11
>No functional aspects
It's shit. Rails was the only reason to use it, but now that there are far better frameworks Ruby is just deprecated.

For 99% of programs that you write performance is the least important aspect

Not true. 99% of the code you write might not require high performance, but that 1% can really bite your ass and mean the difference between an API request taking 60ms and 400ms. It also prevents you from doing any real heavy lifting beyond typical web CRUDshit. Low general performance is a seriously crippling limitation for a language.

"di" "puts" . reverse