Merry STAXmas edition.
>Requesting purchase advice
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Merry STAXmas edition.
>Requesting purchase advice
>Jow Forums headphone wiki
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$4000 SR-009 was rated lower in blind tests than a $200 K701
LOL, Stax shitphones are literally audiophool garbage
Stax incels on suicide watch lmao
B&R. Fuck stax
>sapphire in full meltdown
Feels good fellas.
>t. triggered stax incel
Stax? What’s stax? Never heard of it. Are you by chance sapphire?
What's the best sound signature, and why is it V-shaped? Everything else sounds dry, dull or muffled.
Staxcels shill stax FOR FREE hahaha!
here are the headphones (Pioneer HDJ-1500) i bought in 2014. i am still using them now. the leather has come off the ear muff things and the headband has cracked a bit and some pieces have fell off but the sound is still the same. best headphones i ever owned and gonna upgrade when they break altogether
Best cans ever imo.
>t. triggered stax incel
That would be stax.
Objectively garbage
You keep repeating the words “stax” and “incel” but I don’t know what they mean. Why are you so interested in this Sapphire, are you him?
I wanted anime feet though.
Having an X in the name because of Massdrop doesn't compute with "best". Massdrop specials are always without an exception B-stock bargain bin shit with worse build quality and worse drivers. No Massdrop headphones have ever been better than the ones they were based on.
i posted this so someone could mock me for my ineptitude. someone please
PSA: there are two nostax incels, one is sapphire and the other is the delusional poorfag who thinks his $30 Frankenstein eBay ghetto speakers sound good who owns hd600 + schiit
>t. triggered stax incel
Uhh ok? Can you tell me how they're worse?
Why do you keep repeating yourself? Are you ok?
I already have.
>t. triggered stax incel
>worse build quality
Quote me return or failure rates of those drivers.
>worse quality
Measurements senpai?
You should call a doctor, you seem to be having a seizure. Be safe user.
>t. triggered stax incel
one or two more anons buy stax and he will have a heart attack
PSA: Stax are objectively garbage
But now there is only one samefagging stax incel itt
>t. triggered schizo incel
desu I would argue these are better than the HD 600 since it actually has a more punchier bass than the HD 600 that has no punch at all. still no sound stage tho.
Make it a 3. My Sony MDR Z7 + PC sound card is good enough. Stop shilling stax
Also its driver matched unlike the 600
Let this loser rationalize his poor life choices. Or do you want him to commit suicide because of some headphones?
stax btfo
I'll stop when sapphire commits suicide
How do Sennheiser even manage to produce so little soundstage with headphones this open?
>soiny headphones
based numale
he doesn't actually own them he just wants to shift the narrative away from his precious hd600
>if he doesn’t blog post on Jow Forums he is a lier!!!
Go off yourself.
HD 598 is decent. HD 579 is a little worse but still alright. HD 800 is probably one of the biggest sound stage in headphones ever. HD 600 series suffer from terrible sound stage.
You are a liar, just like every other subhuman nostaxer.
Where did las thread's user buy his Stax? For 205€ I'd get myself a pair.
There is almost no difference between 579 and 599, they are the same headphones just to fill market gap. Just like 600, 650 and 660. Sennheiser is a notorious user of such marketing techniques.
Enjoy your poor consumer decisions bud. I don’t give a fuck about brands and just got whatever sounded good to my ears.
You don’t even deserve the (you)
You can get much better headphones for 200
Here's a (you), you need it more than I do. Hopefully one day you will be able to afford stax.
>t. triggered stax poorfag
I got the energizer on YAJ and the headphones on WorldShopping. 205€ is for the energizer only btw.
Get a L700 and above or bust
Why do people buy STAX, they're colored af.
Wow dude, you got scammed
Tangentially related, the Z7 is unlistenable without EQ. Awful frequency response but post-EQ it's quite nice. Obviously not stax level but pretty good.
Stop linking to iemg, they don't link to us. Don't be a cuck
Scammed how?
Then go make the OP in iemg, you post there too right
I'll try to get it next time
Because they use "special" technology, nolifier neckbeards like it. And Stax is ex-japanese brand, so 2x love from nolifier neckbeards who masturbate to anything chink-made. It's not about sound, it's about image they create.
poorfag cope
>Just like 600, 650 and 660. Sennheiser is a notorious user of such marketing techniques.
Well I tried the 600 and 660s and the difference was very very small. to the point I couldn't tell immediately.
Man I was expecting something riveting about how I bought from a scam company but instead I got sapphire spam lmao
scammed means bought anything sapphire can't afford
>t. triggered stax poorfag
Stax incels on suicide watch
It's easy to notice stax marketing is non-existent outside of the shilling in these threads. The company probably decided an imageboard of losers and weebs was the best option when it comes to foreign buyers.
*blocks your path*
*destroys your magnetcuck shitphones*
Because they are almost the same headphone with very little difference just to justify selling them as a "new" product for full MSRP again. And audiophools fall for it of course.
*sounds like shit*
Reddit is that way you can leave any time if you don't want to hang out with "losers and weebs"
>gets raped by dust
>non portable
>high humidity can shock you
What did he mean by this?
*sends plastic splinters into your skull*
Nothin personnel, kid
wow, this audiophool gatekeeping is pathetic
A fucking $100 HD558 are more neutral than these with a better soundstage.
Yeah I feel sorry for whoever bought them. UwU
the hd600 are truly garbage
Or you could just get AKGs.
> Yup, I'll say it, one of the worlds greatest headphones.”
Hint, it’s not stax
I'm not into sissy hypno but thanks for the suggestion
your right stax are the worlds greatest headphones
How's it possible that "worlds greatest headphones" sound worse than a $200 mid-fi AKGs? kek
its not thats why hd600 arent worlds greatest headphones
HD600 is higher fidelity than any STAX headphone. STAX headphones are colored as shit.
hd600 is low fidelity garbage and objectively worse than $30 portapros
Even frequency response correction does not help Stax, they sound like shit anyway
Thanks for the (you)'s, seething nostaxers. I'll see you tomorrow. Same place, same time.
>t. triggered stax incel
Stax is only worth 1.5 million LOL
LOL, even I can afford that.
pathetic nostax poorfags who will never be able to afford them need to stop their bots and just kill themselves already instead of shitting up every thread for the past month
you know who you are
>t. triggered stax poorfag
>stax are chinkshit
fucking lol
If you have money for stax just buy speakers.
How come you guys always say like treble rape and all that bullshit with the DT 1990s. I've had them for a month or so now and they sound fucking amazing. I don't hear this treble rape you guys keep spewing about.
If its not basedheisser, stax or beyerdynamic noone here kows shit.
you’ve been conditioned to the nazi sound signature so you don’t hear it anymore.