I didn't know my new case would be based and redpilled

i didn't know my new case would be based and redpilled

Attached: based_and_redpilled.jpg (780x1040, 148K)

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better with sound

Based and redpilled


Based and redpilled

Cringe and bluepilled

Gas yourself

cased and ledpilled

haeil hitl0r! da jooz be keepin us white brotha's down

Which case is it?

gee billy, mom lets you have TWO swastikas?

Corsair graphite 230t I think.


merry Christmas!

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Corsair 760T actually, pretty similar. I used it to house my 8tb easystores. running unraid because im a brainlet who's too retarded to bother figuring out the free ways to do the same shit.

Attached: tasdt.jpg (4160x3120, 415K)

Untermensch detected

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oy vey

Based and Cased.

Attached: 1*W1MmCSV4cJUnT7TuANWIOw.gif (506x516, 3.52M)

mine does that too but its blue

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except it's the fucking indian kind

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Okay, this is onions.

oh shit so is mine
i never noticed that before heh

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based, but bluepilled

go back to plebbit

30-40 case for any broke ass anons out there.

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