What are the differences other than bspwm using a unique layout scheme called a "binary tree"? FTR, I have used both and currently using the latter as main but cannot distinguish whether it offers anymore than what i3 can already handle.
I3wm vs bspwm?
I've only tried i3 so I don't know much about bspwn but I hear dwm is the least bloated and best window manager. I would try that one if you want to swap from i3.
bspwm sucks. Use dwm.
i used both too and bspwm doesnt offer anything i3 cant do
i was an i3 user, it was a good experience
i used bspwm and it was shit for me.
dwm is really nice and comfy, use dwm!
They offer gaps in the main project.
i3 is objectively better
this. i3 is maximum boat
l is bloat
>using tiling wm
>miding about gaps
>Has to recompile for every change
What a fucking meme
I bet you also unironically recommend people to install gentoo
I used to use gentoo until just recently when I switched to void because updating firefox, ffmpeg, and clang made me commit suicide
why do you want to make computer's usage hard? let me guess: you don't have a job
dwm is the most no nonsense wm, and who regularly makes changes to configs
i use 2bwm. ~100mb ram on my machine
I've tried both i3 and bspwm and noticed that bspwm was slightly faster when switching screens/workspaces. Just change the config to remove gaps and you pretty much have i3 anyways, there's little difference.
use sway
dwm for traps
bspwm for boys
i3 for men
both are for NEETs, so why does it matter? :^)
>editing a header file and then typing "make" in the terminal is like installing gentoo
>Needing extra steps to accomplish a trivial thing makes this a better program
one extra step, you type four letters in the terminal and press enter. It makes it a better program because it's much faster than a program that has to read shit from a text file and you have much more options.
>it's much faster
Oh wow, I can't believe I saved 20ms by wasting 2 minutes compiling the program after being done with the changes.