Attached: 2018-12-24-152045_1072x719_scrot.png (1072x719, 1.05M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Install Gentoo

Install Solus

Install Cuckus

Install Fedora
Hi Kevin

who's that guy in your pic?

Luke Smith

>not recognizing based Luke
lurk moar newfag

Kane's autistic little brother.

Attached: Kane.jpg (540x312, 21K)

>I'm a newfag for not being caught up on the newfag memes
insecure newfag spotted

Ignore these threads. That Luke faggot constantly posts himself here all the time and is a big hypocrite

Stop this madness. Everyone saw it already.

yes and it's a garbage tasteless flavor of the month opinion.
Gentoo's Overlay is objectively easier than AUR.
>b-b-but muh i compile idunwanna compile :'( Jow Forums told me about spooky compiles
you don't have to compile shit on gentoo besides the kernel, which you should be compiling anyway

I might dual boot on my laptop. What are some cool things gentoo might let me do with another Linux install on the hard drive? If the kernel gentoo compiles is significantly better or safer, would it be functional or better if swapped to it on my other install like any other Arch kernel swap?

Ok, post his shit. Just don't admire him; it makes you look very retarded. It's embarrassing. Why on earth would anybody give him money through Patreon. Don't do things that will embarrass you when you grow up.

Attached: Screenshot_2018-12-24-12-35-46.png (720x1280, 528K)

>swapped to it
do you mean change root?

Chroot let's you boot alt kernels?

The same fucking thread. Every fucking day.

Attached: 10a.png (628x568, 261K)


Attached: luketrap.png (986x1078, 701K)

what do you mean by "swapped to it on my other install"? I don't understand what you mean by this statement, you'll have to extrapolate for me.

I'm pretty sure I'm already ahead of you on this, you shouldn't be responding to me if you don't know anything about diy kernel compiling and having multiple kernel versions

I'm confused because you're talking about both having multiple kernel versions as well as booting multiple distros.
if you're installing gentoo just to use the kernel on arch you're doing it wrong.

fedora/ubuntu are the only reasonable linuxdistros out there

To flex on the normies retard. Stop replying

Why would I use that bloated piece of shit over BSD?

That’s completely long. You have to compile the entire build environment for your install. Genkernel and the deps take at least 30 mins to compile on a laptop. Then you have to compile xorg which will take at least an hour.
Gentoo is amazing but don’t be a fucking moron.

Install Artix

Hi Luke


Attached: 2018-12-22-1545480489.png (1366x768, 1.91M)

I will if they fix their weird-looking website. Once it's a mature and vetted distro like Devuan, then I'll migrate my Arch over.

Their install guide is trash too, if I didn't already know my way around openrc and grub from gentoo I would have an unbootable system. How is a new user (used to systemdicks) supposed to know that you need either consolekit or a user in the video group to use xorg?
Also their repos are trash and they need to actually recompile packages and not use the arch repos.
oh and grub-mkconfig is currently broken with lvm setups, but I think it's the same with arch too.
I was gonna bitch about it on the forums and write a better guide but lost interest. Devuan sid/ceres is the way to go.

Are you retarded ? I had a working system with lvm and Luks encryption the first time I installed Gentoo/openrc just following the guide. You must be dumb.

Why do people hats this guy
No meme responses fags

Cypher from the matrix

His titles and thumbnails are so cringey. He took and ran with every Reddit meme that was forced on Jow Forums. Pretty obvious that he also lurks Jow Forums

>You must be dumb.
>Are you retarded
I swear, the more retarded someone is the more aggressive they are. work on your reading comprehension, retard.

I just dumped arch for ubuntu & debian

So done with rolling release

He's not a programmer.
He's just some weirdo with a linguistics degree who likes linux.


Attached: install CRUX.png (1280x800, 6K)

What's wrong with rolling? I love having a system I can keep using for years without worrying about having to settle for outdated versions of programs.

I'd like to thank the autists on Jow Forums for letting me know when new Luke cringe is posted. Linus too. Why have a Jewtube account with subscriptions when you can just lurk on Jow Forums instead?

Install Gentoo.

Attached: 1544064229510.jpg (757x910, 434K)

>he can't use kernels that aren't default installed with his OS

Luke is a homo. He has to come up with some absurd philosophy to keep his relevance.

go back to void

known school shooter Luke Smith

Luke Smith did 711

Attached: you-see-this-means-not-welcome-american-history-keks-7958375.png (500x381, 101K)

read the artix install "guide" you fucking monkey

>Pretty obvious that he also lurks Jow Forums
is that bad

Some npc arab

>tfw you install arch

Attached: tfw luke.png (800x585, 145K)


Luke Smith is a literally t.never used Gentoo so thinks arch is good

Clover is better

Does he claim to be a programmer