EveryDayCarry thread?
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Empty your pockets Jow Forums
EveryDayCarry thread?
EDC general
Empty your pockets Jow Forums
>my new larping gear.
why the antenna?
Get out.
>why the antenna?
After I clone someones rfid garage card, and when I get to the top of multi level parking garage for the most clear line of sight, yagi is ideal for reaching wifi AP from few hundred feet away.
All i carry is a raspberry pi with a battery screwed on the back and running airmon-ng and tshark to find un encrypted wifi and hack hotel wifi.
You carry alot just to get rfid
>reaching wifi AP from few hundred feet away
why? why cant you just get closer to that location or use a different ap?
I get what you're saying but I dont see the point
Exactlyyy what i was gonna get to
On second thought he may be storing his info on a deadrop so if someone calls the cops for acting suspicious they cant charge him.
Because here is more comfy that a few hundred feet away
think I'm more confused after reading these posts but thanks anyways
>"multitool" you barely used twice
>tacticool knife to defend your frail heterosexuality
>light emitting dildo for use during frequent shortages because post apocalyptic timeline
Based Hackerman
Hes keeping it on a raspbnerry pi or something aways away and it has its own wifi so he can store info on it and delete what he has on him to avoid trouble
>You carry alot just to get rfid
lol thats not for rfid, I literally don't have anything in that image to capture rfid. I have two ways of getting rfid. One is the new hid maxiprox 5375 with esp8266 to store the credentials, and another is using a esp8266 to splice into the rfid readers, apparently this was a project thats been worked on while I was working on mine, labeled "esp-rfid-tool" on github.
Its understandable, just the guy at the time had his apartment on the 20th floor, and top of parking garage was the best spot for that. That is why I still carry smaller antennas to do stuff when I am closer, not gonna pull out my yagi in a coffee shop...
That is something I have done, those off brand pelican "Waterproof" containers from harbor freight I drilled holes to attach antennas on the outside, and left my ravpower with battery pack.
Ahhh yes in my warm car during this cold winter, or nice and cool during the summer.
My keys are a clusterfuck.
Any suggestions?
what are you trying to hack with that setup?
I do "security audits" and whatever my clients want.
Honestly all you should need is one big ass wifi card
That thing is my big ass wifi card. I doubt my 4db antenna can achieve what my yagi can. Its a foot long and fits in my messenger bag with no issues.
why not just always use the yagi then
As I said here. >That is why I still carry smaller antennas to do stuff when I am closer, not gonna pull out my yagi in a coffee shop...
Lmao ok now i get it. actually now that i think about it thats a pretty dope setup not gonna lie.
Should've saw my old setup, I carried wayyy too much stuff, I started slimming down my edc when I was carrying stuff I never used.
You people carry a lot of shit.
All i carry is my laptop and the pandapau09 card and i use my laptop as my dfesktop so when i get home i just put it on my little laptop cooler plug it in and use my monitor etc
You look like a NPC.
I guess in a grainy enough photo anyone would.
I had very short hair there, pretty old photo.
To be fair, On days I have to work I also carry a backpack with a T480s and a Anker 26800mAh power bank. But I wouldn't call that "every day" carry.
But, that Anker power bank is fuckin' amazin'.
Upgraded to an iPad Pro 11inch from my Surface pro 4.
It's so much nicer to draw on.