
hewwo this is the Jow Forums literature thread (continuing thread from a yesterday)
i hope you anons are having fun with your recently received books from xmas!

gentoomen library (torrent)

Attached: wizard.jpg (462x465, 178K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Not technology.

aw fug (>_

The library desperately needs a reboot and a clean out.

true but idk who could clean it and keep the good ones

recently discovered goalkicker.com/
looks like few free books that can serve like more verbose cheatsheets on various topics

very nice discovery, user.
their content is complete, downloaded a few already uwu

I recommend Derrida and Marx

How can I contribute if I got a few, also better directory layout? Looks like shit and hard to find stuff

thoughts on programming-motherfucker.com/become.html ?

if any Czechfag is looking for a random book

You are actually retarded

Attached: lol.png (1127x316, 45K)

Here's my final project I did for a creative writing course. Got a B- overall because of this.

good job with the faded [reeeeeeeeeeeee]

nice contrib, user ^-^
will add this link on a maybe future /glit/

meant for

Attached: 29437996.jpg (318x418, 22K)

I could help with rebooting/cleaning/adding the library, but shodan.me/books/ is down and I don't want to download 35 gb just to look at the list of books.

any website with competent reviews for programming/CS/EE books and textbooks? maybe even courses?

I found lwn.net/Kernel/LDD3/ and stitched the chapters together, where could I upload it?

fuck now i have to download 35 gbs of stuff because individual downloads is down

bump to keep this thread alive

Books list could be simplified a lot

It's not too bad, I was getting 12MB/s, ran errands and came back to it completed.

What could Jow Forums recommend to read after Brian W. Kernighan, Dennis Ritchie book on C to learn how to write better C code?

C in 24 hours actually helped me a lot after K&R, it's more modern and a little more meticulous

I think i need something more advanced.
I learnt all the tools, but now i want to learn how to use them efficiently.
Should I go deeper and learn how compiler compiles C code for example?
Also I am having troubles finding sources of segmentation faults in my code, even valgrind doesn't help so probably I need to read something on how to structure code.

>more advanced
My knowledge of C really came about from just fucking around. Try to do weird shit, try and implement OOP for example. Just try anything

>seg faults
I just use printf to find when the execution stops and narrow in on the individual line

clang with asan + ubsan helps for testing (simply compile/link with flags -fsanitize=undefined -fsanitize=address)
unlike valgrind they work with stack buffers as well

>how to structure code
the same way as Rust forces you, think alot about resource scoping and ownership

hard to say where you get your segfaults from without examples

who is it written by and where can I find c in 24 hours

C Programming: A Modern Approach
And a free pdf in the internet, called Modern C.

> What is a search engine

"Operating Systems - Internals and Design Principles - 7th E" is really fucking good


us, Jow Forumsentoomen, may need to compile a new library.
it would be easier if we only got /prog/ back and not have to worry about other things that are technology but not programming (#>

op here, i will try to get a domain and setup an ftp server so we can all get a better library, somewhere in the future.
i spent some time looking deep into the Jow Forumsentoomen library and we need a new one desperately

Attached: server topped over 337a33f8.jpg (945x823, 189K)

/sci/ wiki