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Desktop thread
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Do you have the booru full of CloverOS wallpapers handy? I've misplaced the link.
Well, this thread won't live long with those kinds of horny teenage animefaggotry going on but here you go anyway.
yes, i know the non monitor areas are screwed up. Don't care.
at least update the booru tags chiruno
Top bar's one of the most disgusting things I've ever seen.
Gud taste
>memedragon vm
u make me sad, Jow Forums.. umu
merry heckin christmas..
from this morning but nothing has changed. Merry Christmas, anons.
I legitimately like all of these. The rest need improvement.
This... this has me feeling things I haven't felt forever, and never thought I would again.
Sorry for not including useless visual elements to please your eyes better.
Feel free to show me how it's "done right".
>"done right"
install gentoo
Sauce for the video
>stop using the OS that comes with exclusive applications you use for work
Sorry NEET friend, I'm not using your NEET OS that isn't worth a steaming pile of dog turd in a work environment where a computer is just object, like a pencil, not the fucking GOD you worship.
found the uneducated idiot
Never said I like it. I honestly hate Brave. Still better than Chrome, FF, Edge, etc. though. Only better browser I've found for Windows would be Tor.
I like
deerposter, when are you making a follow up video to Queens of the stoneage - No one knows?
i can't say that i ever liked mass produced fetch scripts, but when used, at least resize the window to fit the important information. or: don't drink and scrot.
God Jul!
brace yourselves..
don't kyle and scrot
Wrong. Brave is worse than Chrome since Brave is made specifically to allow more fingerprinting than Chrome since Mr. Brendan Eixh needs to repay his Chinese Advertising/Tracking investors. Also Brave connects to advertisers on every startup. I wonder why they want to hijack all ads.
Also you saying it is better than Firefox a browser that provides working fingerprinting protection prove how retarded you actually are.
Also Mozilla provides a list of about config flags to debotnwt Firefox. What is the equivalent on Brave ? Oh right there is none since it is a cash cow
>deerposter, when are you making a follow up video to Queens of the stoneage - No one knows?
>brave alongside opera
not only are you running the biggest botnet os but the two biggest botnet browsers possible as well.
Is this some kind of competition as in “who has the most botnet in one screenshot“ or is this really good bait (specifically since Brave, bigger botnet than opera, is the browser running )
Wrong. Nothing is worse than Chrome. Their ads will only play if you sign up for BAT.
FF is just a bunch of SJWs now. Quantum is the epitome of this.
The best Browser, is the one you make yourself.
Even sitting inside NSA headquarter and looking up Snowden leaks is better than using Brave. People like you are the reason this place is going down and others are making unjustified money by cashing out on npcs like you.
I really don't trust Mozilla's developers, though. Personally I'll stick with Qutebrowser until I find something better.
Well then, tell me a better Browser. And don't say FF or Chrome or Bullshit like that. No IceCat or Palemoon either.
You faggots do not feel affraid of someone finding out about your wallpaper?
wrong. it is not about their ads you fixking idiot. Run fingerprinting scripts on brave then on chrome. brave is easier to uniquely detect than chrome. I wonder why??? certainly not because that way websites (including advertisers and trackers) can more easily build your profile.
The Firefox argument is irrelevant since you don't help Mozilla if you debotnet Firefox which is literally just setting couple flags (that they even document ). It is just like you'd leech a torrent just this time with literally 0.0 uprate.
Also how do you care about mozilla sjws but use brave?? did you look at braves team yet??their security advisor is literally a pink haired trannie you autist faggot and they consistently hire pajeets to shill for the browser (it got proven multiple times but clearly it works seeing idiots like you
tell me one thing bad about Firefox. sjws is not an Argument Since you disable all telemetry and literally just stole the browse without helping mozillar. but I know people like you are too autistic to just sit down five minutes and read a manual.
the song is on guitar hero for DS
it gave me a little bit of nostalgia
right you Font Trust Mozilla but you rather trust Google the guys that have the absolute monopoly that makes sense yea?
And yes qutebrowser runs blink which is googles engine. I don't know how dumb people actually are or of they are genius trolls. Anyone using Brave, Chrome, Qute,Vivaldi, Safari should just hang themselves and die in a fire. you people are the reason the web is going down no on else fault not even Brendans who developed JS and now runs Brave.
Also people seem to forget that Firefox can be made to look exactly like any of the aforementioned browsers with userchrome
seriously ignore all the other faggots crying how are there people left that unironically still use brave??
It was spammed here days ago even with picture and link proof how botnet brave actually is and people still use brave? Seriously at this point you'd be better off using Internet Explorer 6
Can you share your wallpaper?
QTWebEngine uses blink, yes, but the open source version used in Chromium. Strips out all the binaries and includes, essentially, just the rendering and js engines. Those are fine as far as I'm concerned. I'd also be fine if QTGecko was a thing and probably use that instead. I just don't trust all the extra crap those companies pile on top of it. I'll admit I do keep a copy of Firefox on my system mainly for just the dev tools. Plus Firefox has a godawful UI. I prefer the simplistic look and interface.
wrong multiple times.
Look at how OPEN SOURCE CHROMIUM SNEAKED IN A BINARY BLOB MICROPHONE LISTENER and why people reinstalled their distro just because of this.
Also wrong because if you can be fingerprinted that easily as with blink you don't need any other backdoors. if your fingerprint is unique (which it will always be with blink/webkkt) any website can follow you forever. and since any website nowadays has Google stuff (not just analytics and even if blocked its irrelevant since many first party it) Google knows your entire browsing history exactly without any flaw or guesses
this wouldn't happen with Firefox and residtfingerprintkng enabled
The video filename says gfriend but I for sure thought that was Loona
is there.
That was Chromium. As in, all the stuff around the rendering engine. And if blink is so easy to fingerprint, why am I getting full captchas on literally every post I make with qute while firefox, even with cookies disabled and google blocked, simply bypasses it half the time.
the video was long deleted from youtube. i saved it
Listen here nigger. Answer the fricking question. Tell me a better browser
Argument deflected like a real Brave pajeet.
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You never answered the question i first posed. I have no reason to answer yours. Switching to Otter Btw.
It's rather generic but oh well.
the fact you dont want to use Firefox just proves you are a literal autist with the attention span of a toaster. Else you would have read my post understood its content then looked up if I was telling the truth and now would be using Firefox.
But go ahead stay with Brave/Ungoogled Chromium or whatever other meme you have there. You won't ever escape Google since you clearly have no clue how web/browser privacy works nor are you trying to learn. then why even post you idiot? Or were you paid by brave? I hear they hire pajeets all the time to shill for them.
that wasn't me anyway.
Alsl no otter also uses webkit. I just told you your only chances are actually understand what you want to do (in which case you will ALWAYS go to Firefox) or stick with your placebo browser switching.
Placebo because the Only thing you switch is the UI. Your engine is always Webkit/Blink meaning again you are unique and can be followed around the whole web
Tranny spotted.
I was following this discussion a while now. And I can only tell you you should not care about privacy since you have absolutely no clue what you are talking about nor what you want. Any of the browsers you listed are the exact same just with a UI reskin apart from Firefox.
Firefox is shit, spyware. Fuck off shill.
Fuck off Firefox Shill. You are shilling for bloated, Spyware, and will only fail in any petty argument you have. Go be pseudo intellectual elsewhere.
how is it spyware elaborate. It sends telemetry which Mozilla provides a list of flags to entirely disable (sniff the traffic it sends literally nothing after that). Compare that to anything Chromkin based which connects to Google on every startup which you can't disable. And in addition Google will know your entire browsing history by using anything WebKit/blink based. How does that compare to Firefox that you call spyware give me one valid reason please.
Actually gray status bar looks better in my opinion
You guys did my job. There were 3 different people providing technical explanation and saying look it up why Firefox is the only choice for privacy since people continued to ask.
Now that the technical arguments had been laid out the paid shills have nothing to counter that is why they resort to “keep shilling“.
That is one thing Brendan Eich should have told you before starting the shill attacks. Otherwise they fail as miserable as you guys did.
>Fingerprinting allows Google to know your browser history of you use Webkit/blink
>Firefox is shit spyware
yea very convincing. I will switch to Firefox now since you are obvious paid shills and I haven't seen a single paid Firefox shill
I don't cate about the shills but the Firefox guys brought in some valid arguments for ff against chromium. Are there any technical arguments against Firefox in favour of chrome? Again I don't cate about your shilling and just saying “it bloated/spyware“ is neither an argument nor proper reasoning
Only at your x60. You can keep all the degrading stuff with yourself.
Goddammit OP I just fapped.
jesus fucking christ g is retarded. tons of FF shills on today. They literally use a browser run by tranny sjws, and want pure diversity, like Linux does. fuck off
What do you expect? Jow Forums is nothing but shills for different companies. I do thank the guy f
i also have this if you want more to be jealous of desu
Don't worry paid shills I will keep doing this . I asked five times for anyone to give a technical reason why Firefox is “spywarw/bloated/slow“ while Chrwome is not. The only answer I got all five times was either “shill“ or “It is spyware“
That is very convincing for lurkers Mr. paid shill right? Surely you Boss will eventuelle check some threads so at least fabricate some lies instead of making it this obvious
the way this thread evolved Id take the ff shills everyday over the chrome shills. he'll I'd rather let a pajeet shit in my.mouth than use chrome or any fork by now.
fuck off. you don't do any research obviously. 5 minutes is all it takes to stop being a retard. also, nice future proofing there kid
just use a fucking browser and stop bitching faggot
>b-but muh privacy
if you don't have anything to hide you wouldn't give a shit about a few trackers that gives data to advertisers or something
fuck off
fuck off.
>don't have anything to hide
Hello China, good to see you on here again
sup kde bros
nice argument faggot
nice pape user
Merry Christmas :3
You can turn off the firefox title bar
nice os user
Why not IceCat if you're so concerned with privacy?
Maybe I don't want to support a company that sends donations to antifa's favorite email provider. What alternatives would you suggest for me then?
Very nice user. Pape?
also have a protip. go to config and set :
static const int resizehints = 0;
will fix dwm's atrocious gap issues
nigga why the fuck are you using outlook on mac when the native app supports microsoft's email services? also who the fuck is that random ass dude on preview
I may not like Chik-fil-A's politics, but I'll still eat their fucking chicken, because it's delicious...
I may not like Mozilla's politics, but I'll still use their fucking browser, because it's the most respecting of users' freedoms and privacy...
You're perfectly capable of turning the "support" off if you wish, and verifying that you've done so if you don't believe it.
Don't side with malicious botnets instead just because you're thickheaded and stubborn. All the others' politics are just as bad or worse, I promise you.
So again, I ask, why not IceCat? It respects your privacy and freedom even more than Firefox does.