*blocks your career path*
*blocks your career path*
>your IT company doesn't have a black caucus
why even bother
Is this an actual thing in America?
In Yorup it's not. We'll get an Indian guy doing the code monkey work and a partner for him so both are the on call fucks we call first if there's an issue but pretty much we only have White People doing anything important outside of one or two token overseas people that are basically "translate this to the outsourced fucks"
>bring nigs to your country by force
>make them work for free for several decades and neck them whenever you want
>they decide they don't want to be forced to work for free anymore
>this means they're lazy
>they decide they don't want to be hanged for sport anymore
>this means they're violent
>they decide they'll continue to work but want to be paid for it
>since you now know, of course, that they're lazy and violent, this obviously means that if they get paid to work, they can't possibly actually be working
>corporations take them up on their offer and hire them
>get mad that lazy nigs are getting YOUR job positions
>whine incessantly while blindly benefiting from the progress that slavery enabled your civilization to enjoy
>fat overfed piggy is grumpy that the starving mice carried off a few crumbs
We have more outsourcing than diversity hires. Hiring people costs a lot more in Europe than in 'murica, outsourcing is cheap though.
more white people were hanged than black people in America.
personally, i think slavery was a huge mistake; easily the worst thing that ever happened to America.
>*blocks your career path*
Ask them if you can touch their hair to *unblock* it.
*they chimp out and kill you*
gj user
Importing niggers is always a bad idea
Look at us yuropoors
You don't understand anything about anything.
You are a child, and I mean that in every way and in the least endearing sense of the world.
Please keep your moronic platitudes on reddit where other braindead cretins will reiterate what you're saying.
It just insulting to anyone with an inkling of intelligence or understanding about how the world works that you thought this was a valuable contribution and that it was worth digital real estate on somebody's computer.
>"n-n-no u!"
not an argument
To be fair, green texting isn't an "argument" either.
>t. unironically believes the holocaust never happened and muh jooz are perpetrating a wide scale anti white agenda
>apple laptops
desu theyd hire most of the ppl here. black girls love whyyte bois.
"he cute"
*Unzips dick*
They cute
>dey took our jerbs!
Imagine the smell...
Look at all these mad mayos!
They cant, unironically, since (((they))) are afraid of flying 100 tonn machines.
I would myself leave interview room seeing them
lmao I thought white people were the master race? Awwww what's the matter c u c k? Can't get a job because you're white? lmaoooo are you sure? Are you sure it's not because you're just a shitty programmer?
Like old fried fish n grits mixed with days old sushi and cheap Victoria secret perfume.
I'm gagging
fucking this. pretty much all the places I interviewed at when job hunting were mostly white and like no black women certainly. If you think black women are a threat to your IT or programming jobs you are fucking delusional.
>whites have all the money
>whites have all the power
>worships and bows to nigger apes
t. asian
>Asians don't know about the jews
Nuh uh. I'm also non white and applying for a position as a full stack developer. I don't know PHP but I do know how to contact CNN and report racial bias in the work place so it's your choice.
What was the link?
t. kike trying to shut down discussion about his (((tribe)))'s involvement in pushing for the open borders agenda, miscegenation, feminism and Islam everywhere outside of Isr*el
this desu senpai
>they decide they don't want to be hanged for sport anymore
A few thousand niggers were hanged over 3 centuries. You people are retarded.
You glow real fucking bright, nigger.
I'll stop unironically believing it when it stops being unironically true.
Imagine being such an NPC that some colored women threaten your career path.
Imagine being such an NPC you are fine with letting coloured women out of plantations with their slave collars off.
Imagine being baited this easily but the most obvious racebaiting troll.
I'm an Elliot Rodger-style (half asian half white) university student
Do I count as a diversity hire? I mark "mixed" or "other" in the race boxes
no and no sweetie