I just grabbed an older mac pro from the salvation army for cheap. What can I do with it? Already installing Gentoo. Can I make it a Gaymer PC?
I just grabbed an older mac pro from the salvation army for cheap. What can I do with it? Already installing Gentoo...
Into the dumpster
>it's a mactoddler manchild thinks he or his manchild fruit toys will ever belong on Jow Forums episode
*takes HRT pills* MACTODDLERS BTFO! *goes to complain about Trump to my Discord girlfriends*
They look rad (though not as nice as the old G5) but that's about all they're good for these days.
What version of mac is it? Some new ones are amazing (I got a 1,1 sadly) and can be upgrades to have huge amount of RAM for cheap. You should look into updating the frimware if you have a 4,1
Actually, I am not a Mactoddler. I used to fix Laptops, and resell them...usually installing Linux rather than Winblows. Some were MacBooks and Apple sent me a cease and desist order on more than one occasion. Less than Rossman gets I bet.
3,1. It's running El Capitan, but if it runs Linux well..it may become my daily beater. It has 64GB of ram preinstalled. I downloaded more ram to be sure.
>Can I make it a Gaymer PC?
But it's already a gaymen pc.
shit senpai, sounds good. How much did it cost you?
Is it PowerPC? Keep it around with Linux or BSD and use it for basic tasks. It's more private and secure than your average Intel shitbox, that's for damn sure. If it's an Intel machine then just gut it and use the case for better components.
if the case is in good condition you can rip it apart and ghetto it up a bit and make an ironic personal PC. Id do that with those and alien ware stuff
>It has 64GB
there was somethin about those, running 64GB screwed something up, SSD speeds (if used)? - may need to drop to 56GB (ie 6 x 8 and 2 x 4) - also, you put your own RAM in those, watch temps, some model RAM will cook
I have ram with large IHS...es
Also, it is finicky with the ram in OSX. Sometimes It says it has 56GB, reboot and it says it has 64. Already took out four of the sticks.
Found your problem.
>Sometimes It says it has 56GB
most did that, bit of juggling, once happy, usually stable + always recognized (unless cooking). Can also Sierra (with patch) - never tried Linux tbqh
Screw Sierra. I am only keeping MacOS as it's own partition due to it's connection with the hardware. Harder to do hardware adjustments without MacOS...like stuff you use a BIOS/UEFI for on a real computer
It has 4 hard drive bays.
I put win10 on bay 2.
I put archLinux on bay 3.
Or you will have mad probs.
OSX is on the bay 1.
Bay 4 is idle... might use it for vids or time machine.
Speaking of finding cheap old macs I myself a while back got for free an old iMac from like 2007-09 around that time it's got 4 gig ram and a core2duo in it. Someone was gonna trash it. Figured one day I could do something with it maybe, it has alright specs for prob some decent secondary uses right?
It's not really worth using as is, the best course of action would be to gut it, get new parts, and make into a hackintosh.
I use mine to run shitty game servers.
Conan Exiles, 7 Days to Die, etc.
It does a pretty good job with 16 or less people online.
not OP but those are native mac dual xeon 'add 64GB CHEAP ram here' machines well capable of running Sierra or w/e, throw in USB3/NVMe/etc via PCI - the fuck would you gut that and install a POS hackintosh for
Not all Pros came with the dual xeons in them. A lot of them are... not worth the power to run.
>What can I do with it?
Based mac pro 1,1.
Gut it .. Clean it box it sell it for like 500$ to some retard on eBay
holy shit user that's a bretty good deal, grab the highest clocked clovertown xeons u can get and a mining spezialle RX580 and u can have a pretty decent gaymen PC, dont listen to the "iToddler cuck kys" faggots those gen of macs are actually pretty decent PC's for its time
also this kek, I'd managed to resell G3's and LC's slapped with 80 and 120GB trash IDE's for a few good shekels, I got a bunch for $1 a pop from a local recycle center. iCucks are nostalgic cunts even with shit that is not of their era
Install elementary OS and sell it to some zoomer, claiming it is the latest OSX version.
Got the IBM G5 runnin' Debian Jessie.
Got the 2012 tank running Win, Linux, OSX on that wack ass bootstrap stuff.
Who are you quoting?
I would love a G5. I need a space heater.
yes you can. Just sell everything but the case. and put some modern components in
Yeah it could be a gaymen PC, just put a reasonable GPU in it.
>dont listen to the "iToddler cuck kys" faggots those gen of macs are actually pretty decent PC's for its time
The problem user, they are not only 'pretty decent PCs for their time' but arguably still pretty decent Macs for now. Again, a dual xeon maxxed RAM Mac Pro of this vintage, with maybe a few add on cards is gonna get shown up by which Mac model exactly made in the last 10 years or so ? None, and certainly not those dustbin POS. And THIS is the problem with current year Macs. You want (literally) an iTODDLER shiny toy, or glued together glorified notebook iMac, you good. You want an expandable Pro machine, with the build quality to do thermally-intensive work, rendering, w/e ? - then, you don't want a Mac. Because, there is none. They only make Toys for iTODDLERS now, and decrying 'faggots' for pointing out the fact that last time Apple actually GAF about 'Pro' users coincided with approx when these Pros made, you just shooting the messenger
The last time Apple gave a fuck about pro-users, they still sold the Apple II. Even though with the Mac Pros in a proper tower case, upgrades are/were restricted. While you can use any graphics card, you need one flashed with a Mac Bios to use the EFI bootloader, for troubleshooting. That goes with most expansions. I have a PCIe->NVME adapter card that works fine in my PCs, but the Mac Pro does not see it. You need a specialized adapter to use 2.5in SSDs even. I am surprised Hard Disks weren't flashed with a Special Mac thing that allowed it to run on a Mac.
All Macs have been locked down, even the ones aimed at pros.
>it's a dumbass memester that thinks a computer isn't a computer because it bears a logo he dislikes episode
literally one guy.
How's the idle power consumption?
>macshit can't even handle more than 16 connections
>You need a specialized adapter to use 2.5in SSDs even
You need an adapter to put the wrong sized drive in a drive bay? No way!
>t. mactoddler
no u
>t. too stupid for unix
that looks like where I used to work and one of the labs did have some old mac pro.
as a tranny from /lgbt/, I feel like this meme is much too specific to be made by some rando from Jow Forums
identify yourself, /lgbt/ trip!
Which version. Mine has 2x Xeon X5365 and 64GB of RAM + ATI 8350 Ubuntu Server on 4 SSD in RAID-0
Shit! I paid 60$ too for mine
No, 3,1 is Xeons.
I'm going to tell you this. I have a MacBook laptop from 2012 and trying to use the macbook os was fucking shit. Even after installing el captian it was a shit experience. Just get linux, at least with linux you can git will work properly.
Since it is so good, put a gpu in it and get a new os of you want to game. You could use it as a server but since you like gaming more then go for gaming.