One class one file

>One class one file
Why though

Attached: java-logo.jpg (850x850, 89K)

Code readability, fgt.

Yeah, I personally prefer 2 files per class.

Attached: BeLUAnf.gif (164x140, 3.05M)

Welcome to C

I guess you haven't gotten to the part of your tutorial series where they teach you about nested classes?

I am using Head first Java. Is there any concept of Singleton class in Java?


Attached: 1467223266012.png (317x159, 8K)

>not realising xe is talking about header files and source files

C# is actually the best language, don't fall for the Jow Forums retard memes.

I use it daily at work, since I do gamedev work. Modern c# combined with Unity's Burst Compiler is actually insanely good.

One public class

>C# is actually the best language
C# is not even better than Java 11 and it's most certainly not better than Kotlin

street shitter tier

Weird Kotlin flex but okay

You can nest as many classes as you want but i wouldnt advise it

>source files and classes are the same thing
you heard it here first

The most common way to instantiate a singleton in Java is:
public class Singleton {

private static final Singleton INSTANCE = new Singleton();

private Singleton() {
// constructor/init code goes here

public static Singleton getInstance() {
return INSTANCE;

Enjoy your race conditions, oniifam.

I live in LA and make $120k/year :^)

Dumb Jow Forums is wrong as usual

>not bootstrapping OO in C using macros and then forking each statement into a separate directory

Enjoying your shack an hour away from the office?

It's 1000 sqft and I live 10 minutes from work. Keep staying mad, retard.

>C# is not even better than Java 11
You either don't know C# or just are delusional.

Why though

Its comfy

>public static void main()

That's low for LA. I make the same in Seattle doing web shit.

I'm sorry but this is just retarded. The fact that you have to force only a single instance of a class ever being instantiated is just... retarded. Also HFDP was written by wymyn who have no idea how to actually write code


A file is just an abstraction of the class hierarchy, which java revolves around. Keeping your classes separated is just a style of programming.

If you want to see how to NOT handle classes, take a look at the python "self"


>class can be accessed from anywhere
>it cannot be instantiated
>It returns shit
>And it is main

What the fuck is so hard about it?

>C# is actually the best language
judging it purely as a language C# is leagues better than Java

I'm not in the inner city, rent isn't that bad.

The part where you need a noninstantiable class when all you want is a function.

That one webcomic about languages was true. C# is a powerful laser strapped to a donkey. When you remove the donkey, it seems to work worse.

Retard who hasn't used c#

>Object Oriented Programming
>Doesn't want to use objects

I honestly don't even know why you are here.

>we should add a feature just so that main looks prettier

>macros and preprocessor hacks


Was an analogy, retard

Every framework that runs C# performs like shit. .NET core is so fucking slow compared to JvM frameworks like vertx

>instantiating at class load
You're supposed to do that on the first call to getInstance

>OO in C using macros and preprocessor hacks
Look at Glib and other GTK+ libraries