Which companies are lead by or has a lot of Christcucks working there? I need to put them on my shitlist.
Which companies are lead by or has a lot of Christcucks working there? I need to put them on my shitlist
Other urls found in this thread:
Replace "Christian" with "Muslim" desu
TempleOS Inc.
I live in America. I don't even think about Muslims because they don't affect my life whatsoever.
>unaffiliated religious
fucking what
It means you don't go to church
All the one's that actually make money.
[mike.com] - "Progressive" Libcuck brand once worth 100m now sold for 5 million.
[Univision] - Far Left brand conglomerate trying to sell Gizmodo group (Kotaku, The Root, Splinter, Jezebel, The Onion, Deadspin) but nobody wants to waste money on the libcuck shite because they are dying out.
To put into contest, theroot is the most shared libcuck site and it makes 5 times less than dailywire which is the Conservative equivalent.
[Salon] - Forced into adwall, still going down the shitter.
[EA] - Lost 350m after Genderfield debacle, shares fell back to 2015 level, 3 years of shares down the drain.
[GitHub] - Went "progressive" libcuck, got sold off to Microsoft afterwards.
[FreeBSD] - Lost most coding veterans and engaged in mass banning critics against dumb Feminist Code of Conduct. Now even more down the shitter than ever before.
[Ayo.js] - Forked themselves from node.js over a white male. No programmers joined, only SJWs, went dead after 5 months.
[Hasbro] - Bankrupted the GI Joe brand by going SJW with it, it was still making money before this event.
[TellTale] - Started diversity hiring, was filled with leftycucks, henceforth starting its fall into irrelevance and closed down ultimately.
>Christian companies have employees with functional families working for them who are religious moralfag, ergo rape and sexual assault are at a minimum and people feel safe and content working there
>SJW companies are rife with screeching, broken people, retards, and turn out to be the ones churning out rape and sexual assault because male feminists are turning out to be rapists as of late, people in generally either incapable of creating a functional family or averse towards it making them a loose cannon
>has difficulty finding good programmers
>blames lack of Christianity
Finding good programmers is difficult enough on its own, without adding more constraints. I am in a Muslim majority (~65%) country, and if I put "programmer must be Muslim", I would be completely retarded.
Nice image, sir. Saved.
SJW people are just mentally unstable.
>killed my deities
Please stop besmirching the christian title with those pagan larpers.
[citation needed]
>killed my deities
Cultural history.
But this is false news anyway. He's talking about white cultures. The catholic church can't kill parts of what never existed, right?
>taken by a ride, by a programmer
Now THAT is based and redpilled.
I've been involved with "christian" business owners before. He wants a programmer who'll work for cheap and who won't ask for raises.
Also people who say they are "spiritual"
Can you compile a list of homophobic companies to avoid while you're at it?
I'd hate for my money to go to some backwoods retard.
here's your (you), ya fucking mongoloid...
>Can you compile a list of homophobic companies to avoid while you're at it?
I think it will be very hard to find many non homophobic companies, most of them are pushing "diversity" and "inclusivity", which just means "more brown people", like Muslims, who are a lot more homophobic then whites.
>all this outrage that people have different opinions to you
lol stay buttmad regressivist cuck
Not him, but Reactionary sounds so much better.
>literally all googlable and covered by leftycuck sites themselves
Cry more stock-regressive SJW cuck.
>calls others regressivist cuck
>everything his SJW cuckhands touch has shares either dropping or companies closing
Cry more bitch.
>heshe is surprised that an ideology which aborts babies or turns gay and doesn't make them, isn't a sound business investment since they don't produce consumers
Baby making, and therefore consumer making and the future itself, are in the hands of conservatives/traditionalists/centrists/libertarians as global society showcases. Your dying white SJW church of cuckoldry is a spontaneous degenerate appearance much like the Hippies which is a self-exterminating problem, there's no future in such a cuck movement. 80% of the world doesn't want you just on account of all of it having experienced and burned down Communism into ashes and growing antibodies against far-leftist cuckoldry. Cry more. The Multiculture doesn't stand by you.
virtually every company in silicon valley have ~A SJW AGENDA~. also I can't speak for the others because I have better thing to do than gather sources for a manchild who thinks pretending to be trailer trash is the same as trolling but github is hardly dying, hence why microsoft bought it for ~7 billion dollarydoos
this is justice
>virtually every company in silicon valley have ~A SJW AGENDA~
Virtually every company in silicon valley didn't have an SJW agenda until the past few years when Feminism attack them, at which point Silicon Valley has now started losing chunks of the market, garnering negative press, and seeing segments of it close down or experience stock drops. The entire tech sector is losing shares over the past month because of Silicon Valley being dumbshit, a first in history. Yet again, your dumb SJW church of cuckoldry is simply incompatible with money making, because your very nature is to be against creation of wealth but rather for unjust redistribution of existing wealth.
What's infallible is simple math, you are a self-exterminating church of degenerates who abort their voting power or don't make it in the first place, such a collective is one without a future especially in commerce where babies equal consumers and money.
White guy sells github while the SJW cancer is still in the initial phase for billions to Microsoft so Microsoft can substitute dumb white SJWs with rape-happy Indians. I'd say you only argued against yourself now.
>actually believing in THA FEMINIST LIZARD PEOLE COMIN TAH RUIN MUH PERFECT WORLD and taking the time to write that psychotic conspiracy theory out
hilarious, stay scared of girls with purple hair bro
>muh perfect world
There's nothing perfect in tech, there's not even an ounce of masculinity in it and never was. Same as video games where only children and emasculated losers congregate.
Yet Feminists are only comfortable attacking these fields because they are on the same level of existence: losers, children, retards, emasculated. The fact that grown Feminists pride themselves in waging war against Gamergate made up of teenagers and children mostly, is telling of how mentally regressed your SJW church of cuckoldry is.
There's a reason Feminism avoids sports like the plague. If your dumbshit cuck church tried to unleash SportsGate by telling the Chadosphere where real men and masculinity are actually located, that their favorite teams should sack half the players to make way for womyn quota and non-binary, the apocalyptic blowback would vaporize your entire SJW cuck church within 5 minutes. So you instead wage war on two fields of emasculated, non-masculine, loser people, of which one is also filled with children (video gaymes). Pathetic if you ask me.
Everyone now sees the effects of your SJW church on finance, even the minorities are avoiding you white SJW cucks now as the latest Women's March debacle showcased which has been shut down on Chicago.
>There were no any notable changes to the codebase (in ayo repo). Mostly they focused on replacement of "node.js" with "ayo.js" in text files, choosing a logo and writing codes of conducts and other non-technical stuff. Also from time to time, they were closing and deleting unhandy comments and questions about the purpose and technical value of this fork.
Name five (5) Top 100 tech companies led by outspoken Christians
how's the weather in sweden?
>blah blah blah millennials killing masculinity
>blah blah blah feminists are a hivemind with one single insidious objective
>blah blah blah le 9gag army surprised that video game reviews are usually biased, dindu tier rage ensues
>blah blah blah I can't construct a sentence without saying cuck because I'm too stupid and angry to articulate myself
yeah I'm sure you're such a chad, oh valiant sentinel of traditional 50s masculinity. not unlike the rest of the high school neckbeards whining on a technology website rite?
whoops, was meant for
Daily reminder it has been empirically proven religiosity stifles scientific innovation.
Daily reminder the overwhelming majority of leading scientists are atheist
Daily reminder religious people are less intelligent according to dozens of studies.
Daily reminder religious people are less educated
Religious people are literally a lesser breed of human
>there's not even an ounce of masculinity in it and never was
Don't be an asshole now. Tesla was alpha.
virtually every company in silicon valley doesn't make any profit and is propped up by continuous VC investment until they can find bigger idiots to sell the stock to (IPO). then the bagholding normfags deny that buying twtr or fcbk was a dumb idea and deny reality for as long as possible but the market doesn't care and multi billion companies that make no profits are going to get rekt sooner or later
*clears throat*
and also
that is all
>muh made up lefty stats
yeah, ok. now back to Jow Forumspolitics (orange man tweeted something)
>whops I was so fucking angry at the facts being spoken that i couldn't even quote correctly
Millennials and Zoomers are turning out Conservative all of a sudden due to your dumb cuck church behaving as retarded as is does, attacking the favorite hobbies of zoomers and millennials. You argue with children so your get treated like the dumb SJW children that you are. You can google that too, source are leftycuck websites.
Be mad as much as you want, your cuck politics is unraveling itself now. The fucking ADL had to get involved in dismantling your dumbshit Feminists Women's March now. What fine days are ahead for your dumbshit SJW Church.
Outspoken Christians? Try the entire Oil Industry and the Polymer industry which comes out of it, just for starters, since they are the main enemies of your cuck church.
Other than them. Rich Templeton of Texas Instruments is just one example. Pretty much 90% of the Top 100 Tech companies were created by Conservative/Traditionalist, and most importantly straight white males (gasp), and under their hands became the Top 100.
Now the stock in the entire sector is falling since your SJW church appeared. A good lesson for the rest of the world, not that it needs it since most of the world experienced and purged Communism and Far-Leftism except for your tiny westcuck stretch of land.
>Daily reminder religious people are less intelligent according to dozens of studies.
Quite the opposite according to the latest study. Liberalism requires shutting down parts of the brain.i.4cdn.org
>Pretty much 90% of the Top 100 Tech companies were created by Conservative/Traditionalist
I know, going through the wikipedia of all their founders must make your stomach hurt given how they are opposite of your cuck church in values. It makes sense considering most of the top companies were created in the 19th and early 20th century.
Imagine being this stupid
Imagine being this butthurt about scientists themselves contradicting your own views.
>muh made up lefty stats
>yeah, ok. now back to Jow Forumspolitics (orange man tweeted something)
Good thing you went through a dozen of papers in just 10 minutes for all of us. Surely you can't be wrong or anything.
name one freebsd veteran that left freebsd because of sjwism
>Millennials and Zoomers are turning out Conservative all of a sudden
>your cuck politics is unraveling itself now
you're going to cringe in 5 years like I am now when you realize DA NU-JOOS aren't taking over with ((not cultural marxism)) and that the world is going to continue as it always has. but hey obama is the antichrist and will take MUH FREEDUMMMMS away and women voting will destroy our democracy and blacks mixing with whites will poison them etcera, right? :^) lord you're either an unoriginal master b&ter from Jow Forums or you genuinely have the same beliefs as a fat fedora tipping atheist with mommy issues, lol
Literally nothing in your jpg taken from Jow Forums contradicts what I said. Nothing about IQ in your clickbait, no one is surprised people are less likely to hold beliefs out of fear when they are less fearful. Keep coping
or maybe you don't realize you're fucktarded and will continue to take any sign of change from how things were when you were 12 as ~THE CONSPIRACY PROCEEDING~, lol
t. cannot name 5 Top 100 tech company founders without googling
What's that whitecuck SJW? Lost all arguments so you now have to invent your boogeyman like Jow Forumsturds? I know you are on their level of existence, it has already been argued why.
Your dumbshit SJW cuck church has managed to not only label centrists and libertarians under the alt-right umbrella, thereby fracturing your own movement, but now has also pissed off the Jews as Feminism isn't known for the brightest of decision making choices, and fractured the finance of any company dumb enough to appeal to your mentally retarded idiots.
The world moves on indeed, the Conservatives, Traditionalists, Centrists, Libertarians keep making babies and controlling the future, while your SJW cuck movement dies from its own abortions and AIDS.
>Lost all arguments so you now have to invent your boogeyman like Jow Forumsturds
>lacking this much self awareness
>The world moves on indeed, the Conservatives, Traditionalists, Centrists, Libertarians keep making babies and controlling the future, while your SJW cuck movement dies from its own abortions and AIDS.
if you're so sure about then then why are you getting angry about feminism ruining things? :^) your daughter will have a black boyfriend who isn't afraid to cross dress in high school and there's nothing you can do about it cuckold
Imagine talking like this
This guy is legit mentally ill
I don't lack any self-awareness. I don't belong to your westcuck world. This here is the 80% of the world which has evicted Communism and laughs at the turmoil your retarded dying westcuck society is embroiled in currently. Most importantly we laugh when your dumb white SJW cucks think they represent us and that by licking our asses in the name of diversity we will magically start liking them, another of your infantile traits apart from 90% of your time being spent arguing over children's hobbies as 90% of your SJW cuck social media showcases.
>if you're so sure about then then why are you getting angry about feminism ruining things?
Ruining what? I don't engage in children's hobbies and tech is being now upheld by the non-leftist part of the world because one SJW cuck ruining one part of the market equals the competing market absorbing the vacuum.
Rather I am entertained by you being mad over your dumb westcuck Feminism actually ruining your companies on the global scene. Mine only stand to benefit from it.
I could slice half my brain off and i'd still not be as mentally ill as your western SJW cucks who cut off your own penises because you are confused about your gender.
>I don't lack self awareness
>proceeds to continue talking like a Jow Forumstergeist but unironically
>all this denial
you're really something, thanks for making my morning
If 80% of the world talks like a Jow Forumstergeist because they don't appeal to your white SJW cuckoldry and rather burn it to the ground since it reminds us of the far leftims we evicted in the past, then maybe it's because you are an irrelevant dying minority which only exists in this short timeframe to make the rest of us in the world laugh at your clown show?
Shit, you even tried to bring blacks into the discussion despite only your part of the world having any cuck guilt towards them, the rest of us in the world don't have any obligations towards them and don't allow them into our countries. There's no historical precedent to allow them.
>SJW cuck church
>If 80% of the world talks like a Jow Forumstergeist
no, just you and Jow Forums, as I said:
>all this denial
> then maybe it's because you are an irrelevant dying minority which only exists in this short timeframe to make the rest of us in the world laugh at your clown show?
>I don't lack self awareness
>cuck guilt
I didn't say anything about white guilt, are we projecting a little there dearie? yeah, I bet you're just mad that jamal's dick is bigger than yours and you're afraid of letting go of your rigid maladaptive daddy-beat-me-when-i-was-little-for-putting-on-makeup ideas about masculinity so your defence mechanism is to blame ~the liberals~ for your internalised guilt and shame. it's okay honey, I'm sure your girlfriend's lover will set you up with a date
>copies the Christcuck "everyone suffers from original sin" and rewrites it into "straight white males suffer from original sin of existing"
>copies the Christuck puritanism with the Ameriburger Democrap party voting 185 to Republican 225 on a vague anti-sex bill making it bilateral
>moralfagging it up everywhere
>everything not part of us, including the centrists and libertarians and moderates and classical liberals, are all the alt-right heretics!
>not a Cuck Church
My sides, thanks for making them vibrate son. Your retarded Feminists just pissed off the entire Jewish movement as well, another thing the Christcuck is good at doing from time to time.
>believing in this fox news boogeyman rendition of what feminism is unironically
my sides, thanks for making them vibrate son
>no, just you and Jow Forums
and 80% of the world which is conservative/traditionalist/centrist/libertarian and laughs at you dumb western whites, especially those on the left.
Do you expect us to respect you for kissing our asses? Nah.
>I didn't say anything about white guilt
Your dying SJW cuck movement is only entirely based off it. Don't worry user, only your cucker part of the world has to care about Jamal, we don't have any Jamal's here since we never colonized black or brown shitholes. :3
FOX News doesn't need to do shit to make your Feminism look bad. You already did it on your own when you decided a pack of children and teenagers in a children's hobby that you called Gamergate are your greatest enemy. Also now that the planned Women's March is pretty much self-destructing. Enjoying the show?
>and 80% of the world which is conservative/traditionalist/centrist/libertarian and laughs at you dumb western whites, especially those on the left.
if they were then this feminism thing be squashed instantly, right? my god, are you saying the feminismists have sleeper agents in your schools, your homes, your churches!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
>only your cucker part of the world
do you ever get tired of using the same word over and over again? I cuck you cuck he she we cuck
>we don't have any Jamal's here since we never colonized black or brown shitholes
>dumb western whites
user confirmed to be a SJW nigger pretending to be a conservative boomer
>muslims don't affect lives of americans
oh yeah, it was done by the jews. maybe your right.
>if they were then this feminism thing be squashed instantly, right?
This feminism thing is only present in your dying westcuck world and already being squashed by the Jews currently in case you haven't been following your latest "Feminism embroiled in antisemitism" debacle.
The Hindu Poos squashed Feminism within the first 3 months, not a single news about it since.
>do you ever get tired of using the same word over and over again? I cuck you cuck he she we cuck
I call people like you who are obsessed with blacks as what you are, cucks. Never gonna get tired of being accurate.
>user confirmed to be a SJW nigger pretending to be a conservative boomer
Nah, user confirmed to be the Multiculture which not only doesn't have any responsibilities towards blacks but also has no responsibilities towards any of the wishes of dumb western white SJW cucks like yourself.
While Ivan is turning your nu-western heads upside down, the rest of us are watching and laughing our asses off at the karma.
Meanwhile your SJW cuck church is only a thing in the dying west, and even there it's going the way of the Hippies now - into irrelevance, mostly thanks to your dumb Feminists who are the biggest source of retardation in the SJW movement.
>dying westcuck etcera
citation needed, by your, what, 30 posts of barely coherent mouth throthing shaking rage about feminism it sure sounds like you're pretty concerned about progressivism not dying out as you now backpedel to claim, but you keep believing in your conservative utopia where everybody has the same opinions as you coming soon™ to a redneck fantasy world near you :) maybe you'd like the return of jesus with that? I know, you could have a LITERAL reactionary church of cuckoldry!
>I call people like you who are obsessed with blacks as what you are, cucks. Never gonna get tired of being accurate.
I call people who are obsessed with progressive politics retards but I do try to be a little more creative than to use it every third word I write. I find it amusing how you like to project your desire to watch your partner have sex with another man by calling everybody ELSE a cuck. I could be your bull, baby ;)
>Nah, user confirmed to be the Multiculture
everybody with the same opinions as you tend to hate everyone who isn't a white god fearing all american. user confirmed for first in the oven
>going the way of the Hippies now
you mean by profoundly shaping the decades that follow? lol, user confirmed to be a scared war warmongering nixon republican in a world where young people want peace and lsd en.wikipedia.org
>citation needed
Citation is in actually getting educated about the world beyond your little westcuck bubble, where Communism was purged in the world, where traditions and culture are actually taken seriously, you know, how most of the world functions unlike your SJW bubble cuckspace.
What's funny about your SJW lefty whitecucks is that you want to feel representative of our multiculture but without the historical and cultural baggage it comes with, i guess it's a result of your whitecuck arrogance, the same one now running your own far left movement into the ground.
>I call people who are obsessed with progressive politics
You can call them whatever you want, won't change the state of it not being progressive since it adopted pro-war sentiments and brought back identiterian politics, especially since it ain't progressive towards stocks in westcuck companies which is beautiful to see, and since it isn't progressive towards Jews anymore.
>everybody with the same opinions as you tend to hate everyone who isn't a white god fearing all american.
Good thing I don't fall into your Strawman then, because 80% of the world has evicted Communism and has no responsibilities towards blacks, including 34 out of 44 European countries who were uninvolved in colonizing black and brown shitholes. I don't expect a dumb white leftycuck SJW to know basic history and global politics though, which is why you are only comfortable arguing within your Ameriburger bubble with American-made strawmen. :3
>you mean by profoundly shaping the decades that follow?
The decades that follow are shaped by those who make babies, not those who abort them and die from AIDS. Hippies achieved nothing in the end in term's of today's society, and your dumb SJW cucks are only achieving burning up that little leftover buttfume of Marxist ideology in the west which hasn't gone through direct experience of it unlike the rest of us in the world. Go back to begging for war against Ivan SJWcuck :3
>heshe calls arguing with teenagers and children over bikini armor in a children's hobby "progressive politics"
Oh dear lord i'm laffin. The only progressive part of your entire movement is the brain tumor inherent in it.
>Citation is in actually getting educated about the world beyond your little westcuck bubble
that would be called a vague anecdote and is not considered evidence, try harder next time honey bun okay bye
>What's funny about your SJW lefty whitecucks is that you want to feel representative of our multiculture but without the historical and cultural baggage it comes with, i guess it's a result of your whitecuck arrogance, the same one now running your own far left movement into the ground.
no we just want white people who have dark skin not to feel left out, real mexi-ahem I mean multicultural individuals such as yourself are bigger dindus than actual dindus, case in point this thread - how's that for evidence?
>You can call them whatever you want, won't change the state of it not being progressive since it adopted pro-war sentiments and brought back identiterian politics, especially since it ain't progressive towards stocks in westcuck companies which is beautiful to see, and since it isn't progressive towards Jews anymore.
>amerifart and its colonialism is the only country in the world
okay kiddo
>Good thing I don't fall into your Strawman then, because 80% of the world has evicted Communism and has no responsibilities towards blacks
>which is why you are only comfortable arguing within your Ameriburger bubble with American-made strawmen. :3
>not realizing he's talking to a european
your extremist beliefs about THA SJWs ruining muh videogames :(((( and THE JOOS KILLING OUR WHITE CHILDREN REEE are two sides of the same coin: retards making a bigger deal of things than they are and panicking because Jow Forums told them to.
>saying this
>calling other people cucks
also a society's culture isn't derived from their parents beliefs or muh nu hippie sjws wouldn't exist, hm? but I wouldn't expect a dumb half breed with anger issues to understand sociology =D
>he doesn't know this isn't a LARP thread
oh dear lord I'm laffin
>he doesn't know this is a LARP thread
Any slav company is led by Orthodox christian, I guarantee it.
The trick here is that religion here is like an accessory — you just have it somewhere in your pocket and take it out only in some special occasions.
In any case why would you even bother someones religion? Do you also take a look at someone's genitalia before actually looking at person's code?
In addition: i thought that programming does not make any difference what type of body the mind occupies, unless the code is good.
But it seems the anglocucks just can't stop their faggotry and continue to ruin everything
>Christian programming
>oil is technology company
>that would be called a vague anecdote and is not considered evidence
Learning World History is not considered evidence? No wonder your leftycuck movement is now being abandoned even by minorities. Can't have respect when you don't do your due diligence of educating yourself on the history of people you proclaim yourself to represent (but don't in reality).
>no we just want white people who have dark skin not to feel left out
Good thing your dumb Feminist movement has just left out a very important part of them.
>your extremist beliefs
How are they mine if i don't play your children's hobby and aren't affected by your whitecucks dying or Jews dismantling your Feminist movement because it's that dumbshit to incite them? Don't project your own bubble onto me westcuck. I know it's tough being a whitecuck lefty, you think the multiculture loves you yet it doesn't precisely because we hate far-leftism on account of histories and don't stand by whitecucks such as yourself on account of your retarded nu-white brains.
>also a society's culture isn't derived from their parents beliefs
No, it's derived from millennia of history which your Ameriburger country doesn't have, but the rest of the world does. Ergo SJWism doesn't work on the rest of us, it meets barriers. Which is why the rest of us in the world are any form of conservative, traditionalist, centrist, libertarian, because we know our long histories which shaped us, while you are a dumb white leftycuck SJW who is even confused about his own gender let alone politics or history.
>get called out on being wrong
>n-no m-my country is culturally different i-it doesn't work here b-but i won't explain why because you're a cuck
lol, great elementary school debating skills there junior
>can't read what I wrote about not being amerishart
>all feminists attended whatever this event was I'm too lazy to read the articles
all conservatives are neo nazis. apologize for being a fascist. you're pathetic, okay? leave your basement once in a while and maybe you'll work that stick out of your ass about anyone who doesn't conform to your social niche
>m-m-muh SJWism will work anywhere in the world
>e-e-even in those countries which already expelled it when they expelled Communism and who never contracted any white guilt due to not colonizing black and brown shitholes
Kek, as soon as any of you dumb white SJW cucks appear here, you either get beat up in the more civilized countries and forced to shut the fuck up, or you get your heads lobbed off just like the 2 white feminists retards in Morocco.
>can't read what I wrote about not being amerishart
You think like an amerishart, you are an amerishart, following of course on your own logic.
>all conservatives are neo nazis
80% of the world pretty much is fascist with every culture having a neighbor they want erased. Only you white westcuck live in a protective bubble away from any true fascism, hence you don't even know what it looks like and instead call your own centrists, libertarians, and classical liberals as "fascists". I'm fine with you throwing that label everywhere and anywhere you go, these articles also included your precious Feminist movement referring to Jews as white supremacists. That's your brain on SJWism.
There's nothing as pathetic as a bunch of SJWs who are of such low social value and existence that 90% of their time is spent bickering with teenagers and children over children's hobbies like your social media showcase for the most part. It's precious how you desperately try to fling the label of a loser outwardly when your entire movement has gained notice solely from engaging in argument battles with gaymers because you are only comfortable waging war against them since they are losers like yourself.
the fuck is this thread
Poll is old, it's 70% now.
Jow Forums
>you dumb white SJW cucks appear here, you either get beat up in the more civilized countries
yeah, the roman empire forcing actual civilization on europe really got their asses handed to them when the barbarians undoubtedly denounced rome as feminized SJW cucks ruining gaul rite. get legion'd faggot
>get beat up
>more civilized countries
you can't make this shit up lmao
>80% of the world pretty much is fascist
you sound like one of the facebook conservative page liberal straw men you're getting bootybothered by but unironically kek
>90% of their time is spent bickering with teenagers and children over children's hobbies like your social media showcase for the most part
as opposed to your pure aryan ass who spends 90% of their time bickering with teenagers and children on Jow Forums. also if you're referring to gamergate it was in fact first /v/irgins who got asshurt and started to send death threats to some dumb journalist who gave a good review for a mediocre game (like that's never happened before) in exchange for a blowjob or something from a tumblr girl and everything kicked off (see: more virgins harassed women with red hair over a video game) from there, so your remark about gaymers is actually a criticism of yourself, retard.
Jow Forums - Technology
>yeah, the roman empire
Was brought down by a bunch of barbarians who then continued its technological development, until those white barbarians became the new Rome now fraught with social retardation.
>you can't make this shit up lmao
Of course you can't make it up, when you SJW cucks get beat up to shit anywhere outside of the small westcuck strip of land.
80% of the world knows the difference between fascism and nazism, i guess westcuck education going down the drain and being increasingly beat up by institutions of other cultures in competitions makes sense.
>as opposed to your pure aryan ass
I'm not aryan, also i would never be as dumb as a western white to use a Sanskrit word to describe myself, that's more your dumb westcuck style.
You westcucks have this habit of not learning about any culture outside of your own, and it starts making sense when your westcuck white SJW retards go into a new culture without studying it because of a precondition that "they are a different color therefore they are inherently not bad" and then you get your head lobbed off. It's always a white leftycuck getting killed in foreign countries in the past decade now that i notice.
>so your remark about gaymers is actually a criticism of yourself, retard.
How can it be a criticism of myself if i don't engage in your dumbshit children's hobby?
Ah right, it must make you seethe when someone lays it out in plain sight that you SJW cucks only wage war with gymers because you are on the same level of existence and mental maturity. Get used to it white leftycuck. I'm gonna back to my job now white SJWcuck and i'll leave the last words to you since i'm merciful like that to a dying collective of cucks whose leftycuck ideology is now being suppressed on multiple sides including their own. Your dumbshit Feminists even managed to alienate straight white gays and also accused transgenders of subverting women. kek
ah I see so you're a street shitter talking about civilization. maybe learn to take the poo to the loo and then we can talk about political theory
>Was brought down by a bunch of barbarians who then continued its technological development
a 5 volume book has been written on why the roman empire fell but tl;dr you're retarded that's not what happened, maybe learn about a culture outside of your own ;)
>80% of the world knows the difference between fascism and nazism
nazism is the most popular european flavor of fascism. fascism is still fascism, sperg
>i don't engage in your dumbshit children's hobby
you've mentioned gamergate a lot, even in your last post in fact. and now you're saying you don't care about it? SAD!
>it must make you seethe
it makes me lol to watch you keep replying with your classical liberal tardery, stop raping me by projecting your anger
>I'm gonna back to my job now
you mean you've lost the argument on an anonymous taiwanese cutlery forging website and you're saving face, kek. but I'll play along, have fun at your stay at home security guard job pajeet, remember I'm always around if you reconsider my offer on being your bull, I'll make you feel like the feminist you secretly want to be ;)
Goodbye Jew.
Goodbye queer.
Goodbye Jew.
A lack of fear, shame, and impulse control are some of the major markers of a psychopath. As far as I'm concerned you aren't even a person.