We must revive it

We must revive it.

Attached: TempleOS_logo.png (650x490, 20K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>#include "C:\Demos\Graphics\Elephant.HC.Z"

Hello subscriber of Fred. Welcome to to Jow Forums

Fred brought you here, didn't he?
Just leave now newfag

you're here forever

Who the fuck is Fred?

Before going nuts on the software side of things, you should first take control of hardware and make it easy to poke at, like the C64.



only the person instructed by God to create it may alter and re-release it you heathen

This. We need to build something based on RISC-V first.

We don't have the divine intellect.

Templeos is pretty much bolted on x86-64, it relies on a lot of its quirks.

thought everyone meant this fred for a sec and i was confused

Attached: AAAAAAAAAA.jpg (600x450, 14K)


You made me go out and check if he's still doing those obnoxious vids. Seems to just be dead, last upload 3 years ago and the recent ones are made by some random people.

Maybe they're dead for good, not before we got like 3 movies out of them or however many there were.

Pretty sure he has another channel now

Before we revive it. Fags responsible for his dead must be punished. A hitman cost per head is about 100k.

Jesus christ you shitlord, I saw that video too, but that doesn't make me shitpost in boards I don't belong to. Have some goddamn self respect.

He turned into a massive faggot. (more than he was)

If you connect TempleOS in any way with the Internet, it will be an Abomination in Gods Eyes.

Attached: angry-god.png (1089x1280, 787K)

Use a serial port, ahah

How the fuck is that even possible. Not sure if I even want to find out.